What dreams of sausage: to disease orunpleasant surroundings? Let’s explain why the sausage dream: bydifferent dream books

Ср, 10 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams is mysterious and multifaceted. It can open to
yourself a lot of interesting and at the same time frightening. How to interpret
A dream in which the sausage dreamed? This will help dream.


What dreams of sausage – the main interpretation

To dream of a big piece of sausage – in fact
settle for little, do not allow yourself luxury. Also such a dream
may cause problems with tendons and with locomotor
machine as a whole. Especially if you dream that the sausage is very
hard cut The skin on it is poorly removed.

In what form can dream sausage?

• Tasty and fragrant sausage – dreams to strengthen the connection between
spouses, to the fact that the union will be durable and nothing to threaten him
will not be;

• Spoiled sausage – you should look at your daily business, and
if mistakes are made in them, they should be urgently fixed;

• Eating sausage – to reduce cash reserves;

• Buy without bargaining – to have what is intended;

• Buy with bargaining – incur losses in love;

• Buy different types of sausage – to profit;

• Cooking your own sausage – for luck in many ways.

In some dream books there is a negative interpretation of dreams about
sausage, so, to eat this product – to the disease, but in
other dream books can be found interpretation of such a dream as a sign of
that you defeat your enemies. In the literal sense of the word – eat.

What is the dream sausage on the dream of Miller

In Miller’s dream book, a universal interpretation of dreams is presented.
what dream sausage. So, he indicates that such a dream promises
gain, inheritance, easy money. Worth special attention
give close and close people, as they can especially
need support and care. Additional signs will tell about it.
and characters in the dream.

Miller thinks it’s a dream to use
— к достатку. If we are talking about a big stick
milk sausage – then wealth will be not only in finance, but also in
affairs of the heart. If we are talking about smoked sausage and her
use – then you should think about what you are looking for too
difficult ways, sometimes it is better to simplify the task.

Делать колбасу — такой сон говорит о нехороших
people surrounded by man. If you dreamed that a person does
boiled sausage means it will be drawn into intrigue and will understand it
too late. Cooking homemade sausage with blood – a fight is possible
blows of fate on man’s vanity.

Выбрасывать во сне колбасу — плохой знак. If a
a person throws away a bitten piece – this means that he
will break outdated relationships, but for a long time will not be able to build
new ones. If a человеку приснится, что он выбрасывает новый нетронутый
a piece – in reality he refuses good options, such as in work,
so in other areas of their lives.

If a во сне явится званый ужин, и на нём вас будут
угощать колбасой
— вам предложат то, от чего вы не сможете
refuse. But if you see in a dream that most people are sausage
choke – you are really bored with your life and you really want
change the environment around you.

Do not be afraid of such dreams, they just talk about
that it is time to make changes to the action plan, because
the current course of events did not lead to anything good. Also
it is worth being attentive to the dreams in which you feed the dogs

• Feed the dog with sausage from your hand – giving a reason for you

• Throw a piece into her mouth – fend off attacks

• Trying to cajole the dog with sausage – to changes in
professional field, it is possible to change jobs for more

Such a place you will find for yourself. Don’t count on
help from the outside. Your internal reserve is so great that you yourself
able to solve all their problems.

What is the sausage dream of Freud’s dream book

Freud points out that a sausage in a dream is nothing but
masculine. And if the dream of sausage appeared to the girl – it is worth
carefully interpret all his symbols and clues – in them
lies the secret of her full and decent sex life.

If a девушке снится, как она насыщается колбасой и при
этом испытывает удовольствие
— наяву она получает
maximum pleasure from sex. If a девушка не хочет за столом
there is a sausage and even pushes away the dish with its cutting – in reality
she deliberately refuses a pretty profitable relationship.
If a она не пересмотрит свою позицию в отношении партнёра — она
she will lose much and more than life like that
will give.

If a она видит красивую нарезку из колбасы — её
waiting for sexual adventures, which she will not forget for a long time.
If a же она довольно быстро насыщается колбасой и просто уже не
wants to eat, but many pieces remain and must be consumed in
food is also passive in sexual games and does not want to receive
lasting pleasure. This may not suit her partner.

Such a dream should be considered as a hint, because as if
the girl will miss the right moment for correcting the situation – her
sexual and sexual life will end. Is it good or bad? Worth
also give great attention to other aspects of the dream.

If a девушка употребляет в пищу колбасу вместе со своим
возлюбленным и ей неприятен этот процесс
— стоит
think about the fact that her man could have another
girl. The reason for this was also the discontent of the young man.
his passion. And in this case it is worthwhile to act without delay,
since the other lady clutches him and will not let go of his

Try to eat sausage, even if it is spoiled
– have a relationship with a nasty person. If a колбаса при этом
expensive varieties means the purpose of such a relationship is mercantile if
Sausage is cheap – it means the girl herself without knowing it did
incorrect choice.

If a мужчине снится, как он наслаждается поеданием во
сне колбасы
— наяву он может иметь наклонности к двуполой
love Or dream about it. A dream indicates that
your desires should not be afraid. Otherwise they will enslave the mind and not
will move through life smoothly and confidently.

What dreams of sausage for other dream books

Dream Interpretation interprets dreams about sausage so
in the following way:

• They promise illness and trouble;

• If a девушке приснится огромная палка свежей колбасы — она
starved for love and affection;

• See the sausage in the fridge – remember an old friend;

• Well cut and laid sausage – to beautiful and
measured life;

• Scraps from sausage – it’s time to change jobs;

• Spoiled sausage – possible serious illness.

In the family dream book indicates what dreams

• To family joys and pranks;

• Cooking gourmet sausage in a dream – to have success with
the opposite sex;

• If a вы во сне чистите её и нарезаете — готовьтесь к
altercations and reproaches.

В соннике Хассе указано, что колбаса снится
those who do not know how to choose for themselves a decent environment. So
man is surrounded by fools and he gradually becomes like them.
Eating sausage – to be successful in financial matters and

In the Small Veles Dream Book such an interpretation is presented.
dream about sausage:

• See the sausage – to the delight and petty mischief;

• Eat – have only half the success;

• To buy it – to be mistaken about people, not to have
opportunities to reveal their true nature;

• Cut sausage in a dream – a dream speaks of you as
a person prone to conflict and wrangling;

• Liver sausage – poverty will come to the house;

• Blood sausage – fools surround you;

• Pasteh sausage – you will go crazy with farta and love;

• Smoked sausage – you control yourself;

• A lot of sausage cuts – for a variety of meetings and

Sausage is loved by many and everyone has their own preferences when choosing
this delicacy. Virtually all dream books indicate that if
in a dream you have to eat not favorite and tasty sausage – then
man’s life is not sweet and he spends his very best days in order
who is simply not worthy.

Believe dreams or not – everyone decides on their own, but if during
dream comes a hint, especially if it concerns intimate
relationships and sexuality – should heed the tip and
do everything in order to preserve relationships, renew them and
give the opportunity to start again. Many young people ignore
such dreams and subsequently have multiple problems, as in
personal as well as financially. But all that was needed
learn the interpretation of sleep. It’s pretty simple. And in life, thanks
dreams just change everything.

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