What dreams of salt: in a jar, spilled, insalt shaker, in water. What dreams of a lot of salt – the interpretation of variousdream books

Вт, 13 дек 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Salt in folk culture is associated with both heartache and
suffering, and with affluence. It is not by chance that you believe will accept:
sprinkle salt – to quarrel. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams, in
which the dreamer dreams of salt ambiguous.


What dreams of salt in the family dream book

The salt dreamed of the dreamer symbolizes grief,
disappointment, strong emotional experience.

A dream in which the dreamer drank a saline solution foreshadows
fast illness

Why dream sprinkle salt? With squabbles and
unpleasant quarrels with close people. If you spill someone’s salt
then the dreamer will soon be drawn into a scandalous case or
unpleasant, painful trial.

Видеть солонку, доверху наполненную солью,
means that there is a period of anxiety and unrest. Empty salt shaker
on the contrary, foreshadows that all the dreamer’s anxieties are perfectly
in vain, nothing terrible or adverse will happen.

Если сновидящий во сне ест соль, ему в
the near future is to learn about the betrayal of a loved one
or business partner. Salt dishes – a hint of adventurous
chord in the soul of the dreamer. It is this propensity for adventure leads
the fact that the dreamer is constantly on the verge exposes
at risk your health, life, well-being.

If a dreamer dreams something salty, then in reality he is prone to
thoughtless actions. Making them, he does not suspect what
far-reaching consequences brings to life.

What dreams of a lot of salt? Dream interpretation foreshadows
who saw such a dream is in big trouble.

What dreams of salt in the esoteric dream book

The symbolism of salt in a dream according to this dream book is interpreted
differently. If the dreamer scattered salt on the table, in his house
quarrel happens. If he salt some food, sprinkles it with salt,
This means that the decision will be correct. Change it neither
In no case, everything is done or will be done correctly.

Увидеть во сне соль, ссыпанную горкой, или
notice a lump of salt on the table or on the floor – a hint that
the dreamer needs to be more careful. Before you take some
decide or do something, he needs to think well. Act
spontaneously at the moment is impossible.

Благоприятен сон, в котором сновидящий видит огромное
пространство, засыпанное солью
. It may be a field
hangar, street – whatever. What dreams of a lot of salt? Such a dream
predicts that decisions made and actions taken will be
have long-term results, and very positive ones.

What dreams of salt in Miller’s dream book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, the dream of salt has many
values. So, if a young girl in love sees herself with salt during
swallows her mouth, this is a very bad dream. It means that
soon lover will change and go to the opponent.

Аналогичное значение имеет сон, в котором девушка пьет
соленую воду или ест соль ложкой
. Betrayal of a loved one
will be so stunning that forgive him will not work, and
return the young man will not succeed. The novel will stop, but in my heart
wound will remain.

А вот видеть, как кристаллики соли тают в воде,
on the contrary, it is treated positively. The dream predicts that in
life of the dreamer in the near future there will be a new love or
another significant hobby. Hobbies will bring a lot of joy, and also
will be beneficial from a material point of view, that is, it will allow well
to earn.

There are other interpretations of such dreams. Why dream of salt
on Miller’s dream book? To the rumors and gossip that will pursue
dreamer. In this case, he will be guilty in such a situation. Rather
of all, a person experiences difficulties with the environment, does not understand those
who is near him, avoids communication. Surrounding pay him
the same coin, inventing the reasons for such behavior.

The salt seen in a dream can foreshadow family quarrels and
conflicts at work, again caused by omissions and
misunderstanding. The dreamer needs to be more restrained, not
to harass loved ones and colleagues with small quibbles.

Why dream sprinkle salt? With a large family scandal.
Perhaps he can be avoided if he does not respond to the reproaches of the same
coin and try to smooth out the tension.

Видеть морскую соль — прекрасный сон. is he
predicts the dreamer journey or long trip. Is possible
business trip in which it will be possible to receive new impressions and
take a break from the routine.

Видеть во сне засолку мяса — предвестье
close financial collapse. The dreamer spends too much and that
promises him unpleasant debts. To return money to creditors,
have to work for wear. In any case, revenues will plummet, and
This can complicate family relationships.

Why dream of salt по соннику Хассе

If the dreamer in a dream is salt with spoons or hands, then in reality
difficult times await him. Have to wait a long time for the situation
will return to normal.

Salt of sprinkled salt foreshadows strong fright. Whatever he is
was connected, the reason will be serious enough to get ready
to her morally.

But to see salt in a vast area, for example, in salt
mine is a very good dream. is he предсказывает успех, светлое и
a comfortable future.

Why dream of salt по соннику Лоффа

If you dream of salt, you should prepare for a scandal or quarrel,
predicts this dream book. The dreamer is waiting for mental suffering
heartache or dissatisfaction with the present situation
of things.

If the dreamer dreams that he adds salt to food or drink, but they
remain unsalted, it is neither good nor bad. Man is trying
solve some problem, delve into the details of events or find out
Is it good for him to start a business?

Why dream of salt? If nothing special dreamer with her
does, then sleep foreshadows family conflicts. Behave yourself
calmer, and litter will be able to pay off at the very beginning. In any
case, there will be time to prepare counter-arguments.

Why dream of salt по соннику Цветкова

This interpreter treats the dream of salt in a positive way.
Seeing her is for wealth, a bargain, an increase in wealth.
Especially good to see a lot of salt, scoop it with spoons or

Sleep about salt spilled. is he трактуется как
harbinger close quarrel. Avoid it will not succeed, but
prepare, you can mentally tune. This will make it easier
survive the scandal.

Why dream of salt по современному соннику

If the dreamer sees an empty saltcellar, his worries are vain, so
how nothing bad will happen in the near future. But if
the salt shaker was full of salt, then the scandal approaches, and the blame
everything will be the dreamer himself. He should pacify his violent temper and with
respect for others.

See a huge space filled with salt
– to profit and achieve all financial goals. Dreamer will
very pleased with what is happening in his life.

Seeing salt is also a very good sign. is he означает повышение
income or obtaining a business proposal that is extremely profitable for

If the dreamer eats bread sprinkled with salt, then he is waiting for him
a period of incredible luck and increasing material
welfare. is he получит столько, сколько не ожидал.

A dream has a positive meaning in which the dreamer buys
bag of salt. He will be able to pay off creditors and open
new successful business project.

Если же во сне человек рассыпал соль, то это
bad sign. Be wary of scandal. The same meaning has a dream, in
which dreamer something oversold. Enemies are attacking, and
It turns out that they prepared the attack for a long time. Dreamer must after
Awakening prepare for trouble.

Нести соль — к болезням, как правило, связанным
with teeth. If in a dream you really want something salty, in real
life may be hit by kidneys.

Видеть во сне кристаллы очень крупной соли
forerunner of misfortunes, sorrows and serious illnesses. Need to draw
attention to your health, otherwise it will be too late.

Death to hopes for something very important, meaningful for the dreamer
означает сон о засолке овощей. Not worth giving
the dream is too important, because their your life will go away
only that which has already outlived itself and does not please more. Salt the meat – to
loss of money and big loss.

Искать соль и не найти ее — предзнаменование
deterioration of relations with others. Perhaps the dreamer forgot
something very important to another person and it will worsen
mutual understanding between them.

Продавать соль — нехороший знак. Dream
means that the dreamer can be the instigator of a serious
scandal. He needs to take care of himself, not to say anything extra,
do not slander, otherwise detractors will carry evil words and avoid
conflict will fail.

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