What dreams of roses

What dreams of roses
W, 21 Jun 2016


What dreams of roses — по соннику Миллера

Fragrant, blooming flowers in a dream will decorate your life
diversity and joy, symbolize the loyalty of a loved one,
warm attitude, kindness to people. For a girl cut red roses
– a sign of a quick wedding if there are no applicants for a hand and a heart –
so she will meet her fate in the near future.

Withered roses speak of coldness and secrecy. This is actually
mask, and you are able to empathize, to love and forgive, just afraid
your feelings, trying to seem stronger, avoiding unnecessary
sentimentality. White bouquet foreshadows a quick illness. Breathe
delightful aroma of beautiful flowers – to joyful
to change.

Unbroken rose spells misfortune to your loved ones. Sleep in
which there is a bright bush of red roses, foreshadows the execution
desires. To decorate with roses hair is a sign of deceit, betrayal,
unfulfilled hopes.

What dreams of roses — по соннику Ванги

The rose is a symbol of loyalty, chastity, love and devotion.
Get a bouquet of white roses – evidence of purity. Pricked in a dream
o thorn – so you want to hide the unseemly act, but as
It is known that the awl in the bag cannot be hidden. Cut flowers – a sign that
trust you, go for advice. Breathe ароматы роз — скоро вы
find yourself at the mercy of love. If the bouquet has withered – this is a bad sign,
signaling the pretense of your partner. Plant or water
their – to the embodiment of romantic fantasies.

What dreams of roses — по соннику Фрейда

Like most noble flowers, roses are a reflection of
femininity, and thorns – a phallic symbol. Prick about spikes –
in reality become the object of sexual harassment. If you get
bouquet as a gift – it means that you are interested in the opposite
floor. To give flowers to someone is a sign of passionate nature who can
delivering real pleasure and preferring diversity in
sexual games.

What dreams of roses — по соннику Морозовой

Scarlet dreams of fulfilling cherished desires, whites – of the spiritual and
physical health, pink – to prosperity and wealth,
artificial foreshadow the disease. In general, bloomed roses –
harbingers of happiness and love, broken – in vain expectations, many
red roses promise a quick marriage. Wreath woven from
roses, foreshadows loyalty, successful union, but a seriously ill person
such a dream will bring death.

What dreams of roses — по соннику Лоффа

Big red roses symbolize a wonderful feeling under
the name is love, the yellow bouquet speaks of true friendship, white is about
purity of thoughts, a black rose in a dream, like a reality, sows death.
To swim in the petals is to have many opportunities
prospects, to have talents that will help to achieve heights in
of life. Prick about a thorn – to learn the unpleasant truth about the close

What dreams of roses — по соннику Цветкова

– cut or pick a flower – find a friend; – plant – to
romantic date; – prick – to the partner’s infidelity; –
give a bouquet of roses – a sign of generosity; – receive as a gift – you
attractive appearance, a sin not to use; – throw away roses
– to parting.

What dreams of roses — по соннику Хассе

In dreams, where there are roses, laid a deep meaning.
As in real life, in a dream this image causes only
positive emotions, associated with happiness, joy, sincere
love, sympathy, etc. However, withered flowers carry some
frustration, sadness. Therefore, such a dream speaks of fears and
troubles. Of great importance and color of the bouquet. What feelings
and desires make you awake? By answering this question, you
Easily decipher your dream.

What dreams of roses — по соннику Менегетти

Like any other flowers, indicate the female
attractiveness, charm and sexuality, but only outside. Behind
beautiful shell hidden fake essence that leads to
negative consequences.

What dreams of roses — по соннику Гришиной

– Rose bush, seen in a dream, will bring happiness to the house; –
tear, cut roses – to a joyful event; – prick about thorns – to
love suffering; – bardic, bright red rose – a symbol of passion,
hot love; – blue – let go of the past and start life with
clean slate; – faded – to disease, danger.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: