What dreams of robbery: if you are someonerobbing or robbing you? Basic interpretations of sleeprobbery by different dream books

Fri, 05 Aug 2016

Dreams – a reflection of the inner state of man.

Often they are prophetic.

Someone is lucky and he can have dreams every night,
someone less fortunate and dreams he only dreams so that
warn of impending danger or joyful event.

What dreams of robbery, what does this dream mean? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of robbery – basic interpretations of sleep

Nobody wants to become a victim of a robbery. This is the situation
which can only bring trouble. Troubles like
material, physical and moral. What are we talking about? It’s about
the fact that becoming a victim of a robbery a person can fall into a whole
a series of failures. Since the loss of money can lead to negative
the consequences. Therefore, dreams in which a person became a victim
robberies do not carry anything positive – only
negative points.

Theft in a dream by some interpreters of dreams is considered
like stealing energy from a person in reality. So someone is trying pretty
spoil the reputation or in the literal sense of the word select illegal
by the energy of a person. Such a dream is regarded as
warning and better listen to him. Often he
symbolizes the beginning of the destructive process and that period in life
man, when everything else can be changed for the better.

Also it is necessary to understand the source of future troubles.
Where the trouble will come – so to speak. What are the nuances of a dream
It is worth betraying special meaning:

• The place where the robbery occurred;

• Emotions and experiences that accompanied him;

• Who exactly did the robbery and how.

So what’s the dream of a robbery if a young house was robbed
girls? Such a dream, contrary to general interpretations, promises her an extraordinary
success with guys. As they say – they will steal to the bride. What’s the most
interesting – in many dream books you can find addition to
interpretation – the young man will be a worthy couple to the girl and
sufficiently secured.

If a businessman dreams that he personally steals a bank –
in reality he will break a huge jackpot in business. He will get over
profit. Also he can easily expand the boundaries of his business –
opening a branch abroad.

If you dream that you are robbing the store in your eyes – in reality
you will live in prosperity, and the need will not visit you. If you are robbed
shop – it means you envy someone in reality, and this envy you
will ruin Worth быть бдительным и контролировать эмоции.

If you dreamed that you robbed your apartment – then you have
complexes regarding your attractiveness. Your inner world
worth rebuilding. It is better to open life and live than constantly
fear change. Trouble does not concern only those who are open.
for new accomplishments.

What dreams of a robbery robbery Miller

Miller’s dream book states that dreams of robbery
indicate that in reality a person is subject to the influence of someone else
opinions. Independent decisions are really hard for him.
If such a dream dreamed of a man – then his soulmate
makes major decisions on their own.

Miller also points out that if you dreamed that you were robbed in
the sea means you keep your way in the wrong direction. If a
a robbery happened in a storm – you are expected to quarrel and loss of finances.
If a в штиль — ситуация выровняется, но не без посторонней помощи.
Many ignore such warnings and are in vain. Worth
really think about the feasibility undertaken

If a женщине снится, что её ограбил близкий человек — значит,
she is dependent on love relationships. Those feelings
which she feels for the chosen one is affection, but in no way
not love If a девушке снится, что она сама ограбила своего
man – she is looking for a new love subconsciously, but is afraid of herself in
admit it.

What dreams of robbery on Freud’s dream book

Freud sees in such dreams exclusively
psychological aspect. If a девушке снится, что её ограбили —
it means she is afraid of being deceived by reality. With this deception and trick
she is waiting not only from her second half, but also from those around her.
She should really think about whether she is harming herself

If a мужчине снится, что ограбили его авто — значит, он не готов
to a serious relationship, and is looking for only fleeting meetings.
Although at a subconscious level, he would like to start a family, but
experience of the past, the experience of parents does not allow him to do it. what
worth taking? Understand the original source created
conflicting situations. Find the cause of psychological blocks and
eliminate them.

What is the dream of a robbery according to a life dream book?

Everyday dream book claims that a dream of robbery promises
serious trouble and it is impossible to neither avoid nor avoid
negative consequences from them. Such a dream is especially dangerous for those
who does business. In this case, it is worth waiting for a trick not
only from competitors, but also from close people.

To see the robbery of your home – to quarrels that will break the peace and
peace between spouses. There is even a serious discord
contention, in extreme cases – a divorce. Also disrespectful
attitude from children. They will in every way show their
disrespect for elders. Independently this conflict situation
resolve will be very difficult.

If you dream that you personally party to the robbery – you put in
uncomfortable position of another, substitute a colleague, unwittingly.
If in a dream you had to see that you were caught and convicted
for robbery – the methods you have chosen to influence other people have
negative result and harm your reputation.

Also, such a dream can say that if you are someone
framed – it’s time to pay the bills. Time to ponder as well
Whether your actions were lawful towards the other person.
Perhaps you unfairly blamed the other person for all

What is the dream of a robbery in another dream?

По соннику Хассе увидеть во сне ограбление, в
especially if a person has a black stripe – get
support and avoid further attacks. Soon everything
stabilized, and life will enter into the usual rut.

Цветков также настаивает, что ограбление во сне
promises controversy with a loved one. He also points to
a greater likelihood of the appearance in the life of a loving female rival,
which intrigues and conflicts occur as a result.
Relax in this situation is not worth it. Need to collect your thoughts and
to be active, now is not the time for insults – it is worth reviewing
relationship with your man.

Лонго в своём соннике указывает что быть
robbed on the street should be interpreted on the basis of behavior
the criminal. If the robber behaves quietly, covertly, it means
man will soon be promoted.

If the attack is happening swiftly, with threats, shooting –
financial losses are possible, it is simply impossible to avoid them. Finance
in the literal sense of the word will flow away from the hands. If there was
attempted robbery if you fled from a criminal and
have not suffered losses – unpleasant events will occur in your life, but
they will be temporary and will lead to further
great events, there may be a break in relations as a result
which bloom new relationships.

A. Vasilyeva points out in his dream book that a robbery
dreams to the fact that:

• Time to pay your bills;

• Time to hand out debts;

• Pay taxes;

• To pay attention to their relatives, who have long been cheated by caress and

If in the near future this is not done – the situation will be aggravated and
there will be negative consequences. Thus, sleep does not promise
negative events, it simply warns in advance about the possibility
such incidents.

It should be attentive to dreams. Often they are
guides for a difficult life. They take a person out of difficult
situations, warn of incidents. Sometimes promise great
developments. Many people believe that seeing prophetic dreams is a gift, but to everyone
signs may come in a dream. Why dream of a robbery? Outside
depending on the interpretation it is worth looking at whether
a man lives, perhaps he lived too long solely for the sake of
himself, did not listen to the needs and desires of other people. Him
they may be tormented by remorse of conscience, which he throws back in reality, and they
remind themselves in a dream. Perhaps it’s time to pay attention
for your soul mate – to give her love.

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