What dreams of potted flowers is goodsign! Basic interpretations: why dream of potted flowers

Вс, 16 окт 2016 Автор: Инна

Flowers love all women.

But some people prefer flowers in pots. Nayav they
look just great. But why dream of potted flowers?
Worth to understand.


What dreams of flowers in pots – the basic interpretation

Flowers are always beautiful, there are several thousand species.
They can grow as just outside, and displayed special
in a way. In any case, flowers always give a lot of positive
emotions to those to whom they will be presented.

Flowers in a dream are a good sign, except for those dreams
in which the flowers fade and get lost. Then it is worth fearing
unforeseen situations in life, troubles that may
avoid fail. Presented flowers in a dream can symbolize
gifts and pleasant surprises in reality.

Be sure to look at all the little things in
чтобы не упустить важного момента, важной
hints. In some cases, the plot of sleep can be varied,
and the flowers in it will act as an auxiliary factor, and in this
case it is worth explaining the meaning of their appearance.

Важно вспомнить состояние цветов, были ли они
faded or fragrant with its beauty. Among other things important
remember who exactly gave them. If the flowers are beautiful and good
growing up – such a dream promises the acquisition of some important object
property. Many flowers in pots – your wish is sure
will come true. Also, such a dream may indicate romantic events.
in the life of the dreamer. It is worth preparing for pleasant surprises.

If a flower suddenly blossoms in a dream – such a dream speaks of
unexpected meeting. If the flower has faded – it is worth attentively.
treat their health may be exacerbated by chronic

If in a dream you see how the flower in your eyes fades –
Such a dream suggests, that most likely your significant other
will change you. If you find a faded flower in your home, though
This saw him in a dream blooming – betrayal has already happened. Also
such a dream may indicate a sharp deterioration
relationship between spouses.

If the flowers in a dream are artificial, then betrayal awaits you.
on the part of a loved one. You will not be able to move away from him for a long time.
You will be surrounded by lies and evil. If the guy decided to do
marriage proposal to the girl, but before this event to him
dreamed faded potted flowers – it is worth postponing the event,
since the proposal will not be taken seriously.

Also сухие цветы в горшках во сне могут говорить о том, что
financial affairs will go from bad to worse. What is worth undertaking
to improve the situation? Breathe life into business through new ones
ideas. After such a dream, you should carefully consider each
deed because unexpected losses are possible due to
rash and hasty decisions. Also сухие цветы
in pots may indicate:

• Betrayal of a friend, the second half;

• car accident;

• Losing money making opportunities;

• Impairment of health.

What dreams of potted flowers according to Meneghetti’s dream book

In the dream book Meneghetti said that the flowers in pots dream as a sign
superiority, a sign of gaining strength and well-being. If a person
decided to realize an important thing – after such a dream he has everything
sure to succeed.

If a man dreams about how he in a dream admires a flower and
caring for him. Nayavu he needs attention from the female
floor. He really wants to find a life partner and devote himself to
to make her life better.

If a woman dreams that the flower in her hands begins
flourish – soon she will get the desired happiness. Her man will give
her gifts and flattering words. If she doesn’t have a man yet, she
will get the opportunity to build a relationship with someone new. If flowers
in a dream a woman withers in her arms – she will have a difficult fate and fight
it will be difficult with her. Easier to accept.

What do the flowers in pots dream of Freud’s dream book?

Why dream of potted flowers? Freud’s dream book says that
flower personifies feelings and relationships. If he is in a dream only
dissolving, or just starting to sprout from the ground – relationships
are born, and do not rush the course of events. It is important to pay particular
attention to the wishes of the partner so as not to spoil everything.

If a young lonely girl sees in a dream a huge amount
potted flowers – it will be torn between different
options. From the suitors she will not have a release. But is she ready
to choose? Such a dream suggests that not all bright flowers are nice
smell and easy to care for them. Not all beautiful at first relationships
bring the girl happiness later.

If a man has a dream, how his girlfriend cares for a flower
– she secretly glances at the other man. Worth clearing up
relationship and prevent treason. Also важно внимательно относится
to each other’s needs. Perhaps such a girl’s behavior –
This is a consequence of the inattention of her partner to her.

If you dream of wilted flowers that you in a dream in every way
trying to save – yours relationships will become obsolete and you will be
all the forces trying to breathe life into them. Your attempts will be in vain,
because the relationship ended and there are objective reasons.
Dream Interpretation advises to grow new relationships and not to fight for those
which can no longer be saved.

What do the flowers in pots dream about in other dream-books?

In the big dream-book it is said, why dream of flowers in pots – if
they are red – you are waiting for financial growth, improvement in
business. Things will go well, prosperity is assured. On
against the background of an improvement in the financial situation in life, the situation and
in personal life.

If you have a multicolored composition in a pot – you should expect
happy events in reality. It can be a wonderful trip,
celebration, unexpected pleasant acquaintances and meetings. If a
the flower blooms before your eyes – your work will be appreciated by

Also стоит рассматривать появление в сновидении цветов в горшке
as an indication that you are endowed with unique abilities
give people care, happiness, joy. If a цветок во сне
fantastic, and in real life such do not exist – in you
laid a unique gift that needs to be developed. Which one?
Prompt the dream itself.

В соннике Хассе сказано, что цветы в горшках
dreams as the personification of a favorable development of events. If a
There are many colors and they are all different – a kaleidoscope is waiting for a person
happy events that will replace each other at lightning speed

If flowers только начинают распускать бутоны — такой сон может
point to the birth of friendship, new relationships. If a бутоны
bloomed, but the flower itself remained unharmed – do not spread rumors
and talk a lot. It is important to speak the truth, then in life everything will be
складываться наилучшим in a way.

Also цветы в сновидениях указывают на приятные события,
relocation, change of scenery. If flowers вы пакуете в коробки во сне —
you should also be ready to move. If a же вы обнаружите
in a dream their flowers are torn, broken – someone will break
the course of events in your life will upset your plans. In order to
determine who this ill-wisher is – you need to interpret the entire dream.

If a во сне вы видите, как у вас в горшке начинают зацветать
lemon or other trees – it is worth taking care of the house. You left
taking care of people close to you for later and in vain, as they are very
need it.

A dream in which the flowers brought to you by a stranger and left on the threshold –
suggests that we should expect uninvited guests. Sleep though
may be disturbing, but meeting in reality will be pleasant and very
kindly. Also такой сон может говорить о том, что вы
you will soon make new friends to help you not only
brighten up loneliness, but also allow a lot of accumulated

In any case, to find in his window beautiful and
fragrant flower – very nice. Also приятно цветы дарить.
If a вы во сне дарите кому-то цветы в горшках – наяву вы будете
generous with good deeds and words. Your actions will go to you
favor Since you will get new contacts, new friends.
If a девушке снится, как увядший цветок распустился вновь — наяву
she is waiting for the revival of relations with the former lover. But she must
remember that it depends on the gardener exactly how
relationships will develop. If a за отношениями ухаживать и
to cultivate love and trust in them – it will give a wonderful
result and relationship will flourish with happiness.

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