What dreams of own death: criminal,from illness or old age? Basic interpretations: why dreamown death

Пт, 23 сен 2016 Автор: Инна

Bright and colorful dreams bring pleasure to all
had a chance to see them.

But if in a dream far from joyful pictures of the future appeared?

What then? К чему снится own death? Worth
sort out.


К чему снится own death — основное толкование

Death is not the end of a person’s path; it is a temporary transition.
souls in the new incarnation – so say the inhabitants of the East. Europeans are
mostly inclined to believe that the soul of a man after his death
finds life in heaven. And in this and in another case, nothing
a terrible death does not bring a person, except the lack of opportunity
physically exist.

Those who relate to death philosophically, seeing themselves dead in
in a dream – interpret such a dream as the possibility of rebirth and
updates in reality. And they will be right. What could be wrong with
rebirth? This is just a new stage in life. New way.

But few people painlessly accept all the changes in
of life. This is due to the upbringing, prejudice, hidden fears
lose something that a person is tied to. In any case, dream books
I do not recommend to interpret the dream of my own death literally.

Such a dream rather speaks of the need for cardinal
changes. A person should not stand in one place, he should
constantly improve their feelings and thoughts, their attitude to
to people. If you dream that you died while still a child – you
nascent complexes and fears of the past – get rid of them and
your life will be much better.

К чему снится own death по соннику Миллера

Miller’s dream book states that a person’s death in a dream may
talk about his hesitations in reality. Most likely, you doubt
right and in what exactly needs to be done next to
get the desired result.

Worth внимательно присмотреться к своим поступкам. Right
whether you are on your way or else you are led by a false idea that hurts
you and your principles? If a person overcomes during a dream
panic and longing – then he is afraid of what he sinned, he recognizes
guilty before others and will try to wake this situation
to fix.

If in a dream a person is overcome by joy and happiness – in reality he
will also be happy, the only thing that costs him –
reconsider their moral and spiritual values. Somewhere he
makes a mistake. If in a dream he died, and over him bowed
Relatives and friends – you should ask them for advice.

К чему снится own death по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что own death снится тем, кто
afraid of losing independence in reality. Man is afraid to get into
trap relationships and lose their individuality in them. If a
a dream come true for an unmarried girl – she is afraid to get in
husbands unworthy man.

If a же девушка замужняя – она устала от отношений и жаждет
change partner If a мужчине снится смерть его партнёрши — он
He wants to break off her vicious relationship, she has long been his. But
если мужчине приснится own death и его возлюбленная,
standing over his lifeless body – he is afraid of adultery and losing

If a вам приснится, что вы умерли ещё в детском, или
infancy – you are not ready to enter into a relationship,
marriage. You lack patience and patience, and only delay
time, death in a dream – can help you.

К чему снится own death по другим сонникам

В мифологическом соннике, к чему снится
own death – растолковывается как перерождение. Dream interpretation
bases his interpretation on the mythological data of many nations.
The dream book does not see anything inevitable in such a dream. Just with
man will happen inevitable update, rebirth. This
the process even gives him a lot of pleasure.

In the dream book Veles сказано, что собственная
death dreams like a changeling dream. That is a dream with a clearly negative on
first glance means something positive and that
should push people to move forward. In the dream book Veles
such a dream is interpreted as indescribable happiness, by which man
will be endowed. This happiness will light up his whole life, make him
existence is bright and unforgettable.

Also in the dream book it says that if you saw yourself in a grave, but
look at yourself dead from above – you will soon recover. If a же
your health is all right – it will get stronger and you will get
cheerfulness and activity.

В соннике цветов подобное сновидение также
has a positive interpretation. So, for the girl who saw
in the dream of his death – it may become a sign that soon she
will get pregnant or meet a nice gentleman who
станет её спутником of life. Also, she should expect good news.
and pleasant meetings with friends.

If a такой сон приснился беременной женщине — она получит
the news that her unborn baby is fine, even
if earlier she was afraid for his health. It is time for her to diversify
your rest and your life because for her begins a new stage
new perspectives are opening up.

The Ukrainian dream book says that if you were told
your death, put before the fact – then you should listen to
to each word of the one who told you about it:

• If a о своей смерти вы узнали от старухи — вас ожидает долгая
and happy life;

• If a вам о ней поведал незнакомец — вас ожидают приятные

• If a гадалка сообщила вам о вашей смерти — ваша судьба
not ordained by you, you are overcome by evil from a loved one.

If a вам во сне чётко указали, сколько вам осталось жить — не
It is worth it to be upset, this is just that period during which
your life will change drastically for the better, the less you live
in a dream, the better you will live in reality. So says the dream book.

В современном соннике сказано, что если вам
dream of your death – it means your progress on
career ladder. Worth внимательно присмотреться к деталям сна.
Those people who accompany you in a dream – in reality they will play
huge role in your financial triumph.

В соннике Юнга own death
interpreted as a signal of the body about possible diseases.
If a вы много работаете и нервничаете — вам пора отдохнуть. Not
It costs more to wear out and constantly find out the relationship with
close friends, on the contrary – it is worth listening to their request and to
the advice of your friends. Not стоит так много нервничать по пустякам,
otherwise, instead of rebirth, a person can earn real

Jung also calls for a review of his inner motives.
behavior. Perhaps a person really craves change and
their fears and complexes does not allow them to occur. Need to
realize all your desires and plans. Otherwise psychological
the state of dissatisfaction will pass to the physical plane.

Во французском соннике сказано, что своя смерть
dreams of a person to a serious illness. He should turn to
the doctor, if the disease has already manifested itself – most likely, the diagnosis was
set incorrectly. If a же о заболевании ещё ничего неизвестно
– it is necessary to examine the body. If a человек знает о хронической
disease – it is worth waiting for its aggravation.

В толковании сонника Федоровской сказано, что
such a dream indicates a momentous event in life
person It may even be a wedding. Not имеет значения пол
one who is dreaming. But, для девушек такой сон в большей степени
predicts success in love, rather than in the professional sphere and
in labor.

A girl in reality is reborn as a wife and thereby changes her
life completely. Man, most likely such a dream promises
success in his hobbies and professional affairs. Even if in a dream you
Overwhelmed by terrible fear – do not betray this great value.
Most likely – a new life will bring you a lot of emotions, and you will not
be able to cope with them immediately. These emotions will be very

What to expect from a dream in which you saw
own death – it is worth rejoicing, strange as it is
sounds. If a вскоре вас настигнет встреча с незнакомцем —
look at him, he will change your fate. If a же после
dreams will offer you to implement a project – you should
take it seriously. Since this is a real opportunity qualitatively
improve your life. Such a dream should encourage thinking about
changing priorities. Of course, it is better to think through all your steps, but
in any case – good luck will accompany you.

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