What dreams of owl: white, black, gold,dead? Basic interpretations – why the owl dreams or manylittle owls

Пн, 31 июл 2017 Автор: Инна

In the dream you can see a huge number of unknowns to you.
earlier birds and animals. The world of dreams is fantastic and beautiful. But
what is the dream owl? Worth to understand


What is the dream owl – the main interpretation

The owl is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. But всегда ли они уместны и
do you need a person for full development as a person? If a
you have an owl in your dream – it is worth remembering the following details

• Where did she come from in your dream;

• How many owls were in a dream;

• What color was her plumage;

• What she told you;

• Did you let go of the owl;

• What emotions accompanied your dream.

If a вы отчётливо помните, что сова в вашем сне имела белое
plumage – you will meet in reality with a very intelligent, wise and successful
by man. Dream Interpretation advises to gain experience and not be afraid
be his equal

Dream interpretation insists that the owl personifies
patronage and at the same time – tight control by
surrounding In the event that you dream that someone else
turns into a white owl – you should expect help and support
it is from this person. He really can in the shortest
timing to turn your life into something beautiful.

If a сова в вашем сне имеет серое оперение — кто-то будет тайно
influence the course of events in your life. This person you know
personally. Dream interpretation advises soon after such a dream is not
write off the strange events of life to chance, it is better in each of
they sort out separately.

If a сова во сне имеет чёрное оперение — ждите негативного
interference from a hidden enemy. You could feud with it
a man earlier, but then forget about it. Now the dream book advises
show you endurance and wisdom, otherwise the conflict situation is not
will do you good.

If a сова имела золотое оперение в вашем сне — необходимо с умом
manage finances. Try to be wise about money and
then they only multiply. Now it’s better not to waste them
empty, it’s time to invest them profitable.

If a вы только слышите крик совы, но её не видите — такой сон
can be interpreted as a warning about defamation and other negatives.
Someone talks about you and you lose your reputation. If a вы слышите крик
Owls in the distance – your enemy is little known to you, but he knows a lot about you.
If a крик совы вы слышите рядом с собой — ваш враг является вашим
friend, good acquaintances. Dream Interpretation advises to reconsider
attitude to the environment, to find the enemy before he attacks

A dead owl in a dream symbolizes the possibility of sudden changes in
of life. If a сова умерла от возраста — вы сами приблизитесь к тому
the moment when everything old is gone and your life will enter
new positive changes. It may be new profitable.
dating, new connections, important contacts.

If a сова была убита в вашем сне — вспомнит, кто был убийцей.
If a это вы — вы сами своими необдуманными поступками нанесёте вред
yourself and those you love. Dream Interpretation advises to exercise wisdom and
exposure to others.

If a сову убил кто-то из ваших знакомых — у вас намечается
conflict of interest. Do not compete and sort things out. AT
This conflict will not win. ATсе только проиграют.

If a сова в вашем сне приняла человеческий облик — вспомните, в
whom she turned into. If a это вы — вы перерастёте сами себя.
Finally, learn how to use your experience and be able to
help close people in solving their problems. If a это кто-то из ваших
friends, remember who – this person will be able to give you a practical

The owl that sits on your right shoulder in a dream is true
helper and friend. If a она садится к вам на левое плечо — новый
enemy, foe. ATспомните, что именно говорит вам сова во сне — её
слова могут стать судьбоносными для you. Give you the answers to
exciting questions.

It is also important to interpret all the details of the dream so that no
trifle did not go unnoticed. It is worth assessing your emotional
state after sleep. If a оно приподнятое — жизнь готовит для вас
a positive lesson. If a настроение у вас подавленное — жизнь
prepared a difficult experience.

What an owl dream about Freud’s dream book

AT соннике Фрейда сказано, к чему снится сова. For a girl like that
sleep can mean a wise and insidious rival. If a сова залетела
in a dream to your house – it’s time to expect unpleasant news from the treacherous
person ATы могли ранее считать его другом.

If a сова сидит во сне на ветке возле вашего окна — кто-то
keeps a close eye on your personal life and gives a lot of empty
tips The person has evil intent, you should not continue with him

If a вам приснится, что кто-то подарил вам сову — присмотритесь,
who was that. From this person to expect worth practical advice in
confusing business. If a вы слышите крик совы и не можете понять,
where it comes from – in reality you cannot understand where in your
life so many problems and troubles. ATерным решением станет
calm and confidence.

When will you become fully self-confident – you can
overcome all obstacles on the way to real happiness. Sleep in which
owl beats in your windows – promises health problems. They
inevitable, but you can minimize the negative effects of
diseases. If a во сне сова разбивается о землю — ваши планы на
a happy future together with your partner will also be broken about
quarrels and offenses.

If a вы видите много little owls — в вашей жизни появятся
imaginary friends who will be very jealous of you. Try
exclude from their lives such people. Leave only true
loyal friends.

If a сова принесла вам что-то во сне — вспомните, что
exactly it was:

• Decoration – to false confession;

• Food – to slander;

• Tape – to relationships that are burdened;

• Money – to a mercenary friend;

• Toy – to frivolity.

If a во сне сова высовывает свою голову из дупла — что-то тайное
will become apparent. ATы сами можете быть не готовы к такому повороту
events. Try быстро адаптироваться ко всему
what is happening.

If a во сне сова поймала мышь — вы станете чьей-то добычей. ATаш
the partner will act as the master of the situation and will not let you out of
hands This relationship will start you up. To avoid
of trouble – try to devote more time to yourself and your
interests. Не позволяйте партнёру подавлять you.

If a во сне вы видите, как другая птица схватила сову — ваш
lover will be interesting to other women. It will be
only sports interest, they will not need it as
beloved. They will be led by human envy and

What is the dream of an owl on the esoteric dream book

AT Эзотерическом соннике сказано, если во сне вы видите сову,
sitting in a hollow tree – loneliness awaits you. ATаши идеи не
will be recognized, will not be separated. ATы во всех решениях будете
alone Try not to lose heart and look for a way out of the situation.

Owl, which flies over you in circles – promises strict supervision of
by your actions. Try to free some personal
spaces so you can build your life as you please.

An owl that eats in a dream – your abundance will end. ATам
will have to invest a lot of effort in returning to the former,
наполненной of life. ATсё потому, что ваши близкие знакомые и друзья
used your trust for their own selfish purposes.

ATидеть сову, которая громко кричит — о вас будут врать, на вас
will slander, you will become a victim of gossip and gossip. If a
owl in a dream talking in a human voice – such a dream
means that someone from your inner circle will give you advice,
will give a shoulder help. ATам стоит воспользоваться такой

What is the dream owl on other dream books

AT Женском соннике сказано, что крик совы во сне
– this is a warning against impending problems and grief. ATажно
monitor your health and the health of loved ones after such
sleep. If a сова во сне мёртвая — вы избежите проблем со

AT соннике Эзопа сказано, что сова является
symbol of wisdom and longevity. If a сова прилетела к вам на порог
– peace, harmony and mutual understanding will come to your house. ATы станете намного
closer with your partner. ATы научитесь понимать друг друга с
half a word. From now on you should appreciate every minute
spent together

Whatever the dream, whatever he foretells you – you yourself
build your life Dreams just give hints on how best
build your life, how to avoid trouble and sorrow.
Properly and fully interpreting sleep – you are ensuring yourself
the ability to manage your life in the key you need.

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