What dreams of nits on the interpretation of differentdream books: to luck or misfortune. What dreams nits on the head,bed, body

Ср, 05 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Nasty larvae of lice in a dream is a good sign.

Pleasant events, usually associated with the receipt of money, not
just around the corner. However, there are other interpretations of sleep about nits.


Traditional interpretation of the dream of nits

Much depends on the sensations during sleep and after waking up.
If the dreamer does not experience fear, disgust, anger, then
real life is waiting for him successful news related to work
or improving material well-being. It is important not to miss your
chance, it is quite real.

What dreams of nits, if after waking up the mood is bad? AT
In this case, in reality, you should expect some minor problems. One nit
is treated as a minor nuisance: spat, cold,
sad mistake. A few grubs or a bunch of nits predict
scandal, anger, rupture, serious illness.

Accordingly, a pleasant dream of nits treated
in the same way: one nit dreams of little money,
a few – to big profits, a lot of nits – to the present

What dreams of nits on the head? To unpleasant
events. Girls who are going to be married can part with
beloved one Working people will be in time trouble and will experience all
the delights of hassle. Special care after such a dream
should be followed by those who work in hazardous industries or
planning an extreme trip. There is a danger
get injured.

If you dreamed of nits on animal fur, it means inability
plan work and leisure. Much time wasted
so you need to learn to focus on the main thing, without being sprayed
on the little things.

However, in general, dreaming about nits is favorable.
omen. But it can mean a long-awaited confluence.
circumstances due to which it will be possible to fly up on a career
to improve the financial situation and bring everything to life

What dreams of nits on Freud’s dream book

Freud’s psychoanalysis is aimed at identifying repressed feelings
through sexuality. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams according to the famous dream book
psychoanalyst has a characteristic focus.

What dreams nits for Freud? Sleep points to
that a person has an unresolved psychological problem,
which but does not accept or does not realize. However subconsciously
feels that something is wrong in his life. Sleep about nits
gives a repressed subconscious desire that goes against
socially accepted morality.

If the nits scurry through the body or clothing, the dreamer can wait
quick sexual adventure with which the period will end
prolonged abstinence. However, if there are larvae in the hair,
means the presence of obsessive thoughts about something unpleasant,
premonition of trouble and grief.

What dreams of nits on Miller’s dream book

AT соннике Миллера дается в целом благоприятное толкование сна о
lice larvae. What dreams of nits on the head? ATычесывать их —
It means to receive excellent profit in the near future, if others
the circumstances of sleep were favorable.

But if feelings in a dream are far from joyful or pleasant,
followed by a streak of petty monetary difficulties or personal troubles.
Moreover, sleep can be a harbinger of serious trials:
poverty, prison sentence, destruction plans.

At the stage of implementation of a plan, this may somewhat
slow progress, but the disaster will not end.
The main thing is to make every effort to achieve our plans.

If the dreamer dreams of nits in the hair of another person, this
means financial dependence on someone. Similarly interpretation
sleep, in which the sleeper pulls out a nits from someone else’s hair.
Dependence on a subconscious level is disturbing, therefore
understand the relationship with a partner or boss.

If the dreamer removes nits comb, he will have to count
money soon. Should control their costs
not to be at a loss.

What do the nits dream about dreamo Longo

According to Longo’s dreambook interpretation, dreams of nits are true
luck for man. After such a dream he will get in the eyes
surrounding the title of pet fate. ATсе будет получаться, начнется
strip of incredible luck.

What dreams of nits on the head? To increase by
ladder and gaining enviable wealth.

What do nits dream about dream book Lofa

A dream about nits for this dream book is treated positively. If a
the dreamer sees lice larvae on bedding or in bed,
he should prepare for a quick romantic evening with
супругом или beloved one ATозможен приятный и совершенно
unexpected surprise.

What do the nits dream about Hasse

The reverse value of dreams of larvae of lice has a dream book Hasse. Nits
seeing yourself is bad: this is a warning about a quick change of fate in
the worst side.

If a же гниды снятся на другом человеке, то наяву у сновидящего
everything will be great. He is waiting for good luck in business and insignificant, but
pleasant cash receipts.

What dreams of nits on the dream book ATанги

A dream interpretation of lice larvae gives a dream book
предсказательницы ATанги. If a насекомые копошатся в голове и падают
on clothes, this predicts a good deal.

A dream about crushing a nig, means financial luck,
happy resolution of financial difficulties, complete deliverance from

If a гниды приснились на теле, то болезнь окажется легкой и
will pass without complications.

What dreams of nits on the dream book Нострадамуса

Nitsы во сне — хороший знак, говорит сонник. Businessmen can
count on financial stability. ATсем остальным следует
wait for an unexpected return of old and already forgotten debt or
receipt of funds in another way.

What dreams of nits on the dream book Цветкова

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, dreams of nits on the head are interpreted.
positive, foreshadow profits. But if the dreamer crushes nits, he
risks losing this profit. After this one should
mobilize and keep going the course. Wherein
all troubles will be insignificant and will not lead to
financial problems.

If a сновидящий травит гнид, то наяву он сможет улучшить свое
financial situation.

What do the nits dream about in the modern dream?

ATидеть гнид на своей голове означает следование верным курсом к
intended target. It is necessary to continue in the same vein, and success certainly
will come. The dream says that a person has big
prospects, and to achieve more, you need to overcome
indecision and timidity. If a сновидящий занят какой-то
hard work, it will soon end very

Crush the nits – to career growth and career advancement,
pleasant news, successful action or a wonderful find.
The dreamer will manage to get rid of unnecessary trouble and completely
focus on self-realization.

If a голова сильно чешется, но снять гниду не получается,
should be prepared for some loss. ATозможно осуждение
others after the unworthy act of the dreamer. Need to
to mobilize and steadfastly take painful lessons of fate. it
temper the character and make it stronger. Catching nits in my hair –
bad sleep It means that in reality the dreamer will commit
unworthy deed and bitterly regret it afterwards.

What dreams of nits on the bed? TO
romantic date. Poison insects is
sleep warning. The dreamer will face remorse
act of hopelessness due to delays in improvement
financial condition.

If a во сне незнакомец вычесывает гнид из волос, то наяву
a situation will arise where nothing will depend on the dreamer.
ATсе значимые решения за него примет кто-то другой.

Dreams of nits, dreamed during a period of fatigue and depression,
pay attention to the human condition. He urgently needs
review your schedule, pay more attention to health and
rest, change your diet to a more benign one. Although at the time you need
switch to something positive, find time to have fun and
meeting nice people.

If a атмосфера сна была тягостной, с явными указаниями на
uncleanliness, dirt, then the dreamer is waiting for a disease. After such
sleep need to be protected, and if the symptoms of the disease are already there, urgently
consult a doctor.

But to catch from the head of all nits – a good sign. Nayava
a sick person will be healed, but a healthy one, but experiencing
difficulties in the financial, business or personal sphere will get rid of
all problems.

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