What dreams of many eggs: raw, boiled, rotten,broken, huge? Basic interpretation why dreams of many eggs-

Ср, 26 окт 2016 Автор: Инна

According to many dream books, dreams come true on certain days.
Dreams are a special world in which everyone receives not only
Answers to questions, but also many new puzzles and secrets.

To uncover them, it is worth explaining the dream and understanding what
but it narrates. What dreams of many eggs?

Worth to understand.


What dreams of many eggs – the basic interpretation

It is worth noting that the egg is a symbol of the ancient, used more
our ancestors. He meant the birth of life, the beginning. For many
peoples egg shape was associated with a higher spiritual principle.
Its peak is the highest intelligence, the foundation is man.

That is why in many esoteric currents occurs
the use of egg-shaped objects in rituals. So if you
want to get wealth in the house and well-being – you should
purchase a jade egg and place it in the eastern part
at home, then with the rising of the sun your wealth will increase.

If a же вам во сне приснится, как вы разбиваете
— стоит опасаться финансовых потерь и ссор с близкими
and native people. If a woman is pregnant and she has a dream about her
breaks a lot of eggs – then she is likely to lose the baby, and in
will continue to try to get pregnant again, but in vain.

If a же женщине приснится, что она нашла много яиц в
— она наяву может вскоре стать мамой. if you
dream that you want to shift the eggs, but you break them – also
Your hopes for profit and prosperity will break. Worth it now
analyze what you were wrong and try to prejudice
negative consequences of making wrong decisions.

If a же вы видите только пустую скорлупу от
то вы на правильном пути духовного роста и
updates. Everything old is left behind, everything is dead. It is time for you
go ahead and no longer fear the future. Your past is no longer
rules over you, you are your own master.

if you приснились яйца сырые обычного размера
– you will soon acquire something very important for you. If the eggs
of enormous size – such a dream suggests that you are your destiny
do not dispose of. You are actually known by other people and
depend on their opinions.

If a вам приснятся варёные яйца — втайне от вас
plots of intrigue and conspiracy, you should be more attentive.
If you see eggs being cooked for a very long time, you should also
look carefully at your surroundings since you have been around for a long time
did not notice what was happening before your eyes.

If a же вам приснится множество варёных яиц и все они
безумно вкусные
— все препятствия на вашем пути развеются,
you just have to want it. If you eat eggs, and they
bitter – your tears will be the same bitter because you
offended a close person. If you see how eggs are collected
hatch chicks – you expect a high income for women,
who are pregnant – easy and good delivery.

What dreams of a lot of eggs in the Small Veles dream?

Why can you dream a lot of eggs:

• A lot of eggs dream of profit, yield;

• If all eggs are clean and whole – good awaits you;

• If the eggs are in the nest at all – quarrels cannot be avoided;

• If the eggs are painted – a quarrel will break out exactly between
household members;

• Red eggs – to the good news;

• Break eggs – to the disease, to death;

• There are eggs – to temperature, heat;

• To see only the yolks from the eggs – to the disappointment.

If a man dreams about how he feeds his darling with eggs, then
Soon they should expect replenishment. If a woman dreams about her
feeding her lover with eggs – she should be wary of betrayal.

What dreams of a lot of eggs on Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book says that if you find a nest in a dream
eggs – you will soon become immensely rich and very successful. Need to
just wait for that time. An unmarried woman can sleep like this.
promise frequent romantic encounters. If you eat eggs in a dream and
everything is not enough for you – anxieties and fears will settle in your house. If a
in a dream you see precisely broken and fresh eggs – fate will be generous
to you.

If a яйца были свежими и внезапно протухли
you should expect a dirty trick from your good friends and even loved ones
friends If a же вы видите целую корзину с яйцами — вы по
Take part in a large project to your own will, and it will bring
you a huge profit. If the eggs вы находите в лесу — вы вскоре
leave your father’s house and go very far.

If a вы во сне раздавили яйца и испачкались
you will suffer from the machinations of enemies and detractors. If a вы
collect white eggs – you expect profit and wealth. If a вы
eat eggs in your sleep slowly – you will be confident in yourself and in
the result of all your deeds. If a вы яйца едите очень быстро и
nervously – you are very sick, you will inflict irreparable damage.

What dreams of a lot of eggs in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book, it is said that an egg in a dream personifies a male
start and see in a dream a lot of eggs, especially if it’s a dream
girl – this dream means many options to start new ones
intimate relationships. You should not count on long-term
relationships are likely partners will be satisfied with each other and stop

If a woman dreams about her ест яйца, и они имеют
сладкий вкус
— она будет получать огромное удовольствие от
intimate relationships. If the eggs покажутся ей горькими — такой сон
may mean a break in relationships.

Что стоит предпринимать, если вам приснится много
разбитых яиц
? It is worth avoiding quarrels. They will be empty and
badly hurt the soul of each of the partners. In order to avoid them
it is necessary to reconsider the relationship to each other.
Perhaps partners do not value their relationships and feelings. They need
think about what will happen if they lose this relationship.
Are they ready for this?

If a мужчине приснится, как его возлюбленная ест
— им стоит ждать потомства. If a мужчина не готов
to become a father – he needs to make every effort to
unplanned pregnancy did not occur. If a мужчине
dream how another man feeds his beloved with her eggs
romance on the side, and she is ready to finish the relationship that
she had with her current partner.

What dreams of many eggs in other dream books

В Идиоматическом соннике сказано что:

• hatch eggs – you will expect an important event,

• If a вы кого-то забрасываете тухлыми яйцами — вы будете
protest against another person’s point of view;

• If a вы будете ухаживать за яйцами до появления цыплят — наяву
You will be worn with a problem that turns out to be petty.

В женском соннике сказано к чему снится много
eggs – to the advantage. If a вы съели во сне много яиц — тревога поселится
in your home, you should be more prudent. If a же вам
fresh but broken eggs are dreamed up – you should expect gifts
fate, you get what you have long dreamed of. If a во сне вы
you find a huge number of eggs in one nest – waiting for you
wealth and happy marriage. Huge basket with eggs – to
wonderful events in life and acquisitions. Rotten eggs dream
to losses.

В соннике Медеи сказано, что яйца снятся как
a sign of the birth of an idea, a new undertaking that will light up life
man and give a lot of new and mysterious. If a же вам
dream of chicks hatching from eggs – you should expect a new one
period in life. Everything will be spontaneous and unexpected in it. If a во
when you sleep, you push eggs – you should beware of external pressure and
leadership situation from the outside. Smash a lot of eggs – to protracted
strip of misfortunes and misfortunes. if you приснится скорлупа от яйца — вашим
hopes do not come true.

В весеннем соннике сказано, что появление во
the dream of many eggs symbolizes the arrival of the long-awaited guest in the house.
Also worth a look at the dream in which you will not
only fresh eggs, but already hatched chicks. Such a dream says
that you should pay more attention to the full and
equal distribution of free time. Can’t be it
send only to solve everyday issues, your loved ones
also need attention.

If a вы держите во сне яйца в руках, и они резко становятся
golden – you will be able to realize a lot of ideas that
the moments seemed absolutely absurd to you. They will not only bring
you fame and honor, but also a good profit.

if you приснится, как ребёнок разбивает яйца — вам стоит быть
more attentive to the needs of your loved ones – you can
lose if you remain as indifferent to their

It is necessary to carefully interpret the entire dream, not losing the slightest
the details. Sometimes she decides everything and allows a person to determine
further path of development.

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