What dreams of lice in my head: at home, at the child, atmen? Basic interpretations – why dream lice in my head

Сб, 24 июн 2017 Автор: Инна

Dreams sometimes happen so incredible that they immerse a person
in a variety of travel, unprecedented adventures. But how
correctly interpret a dream? Why dream of lice in my head? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of lice in the head – the main interpretation

If you have a dream, and in it you will see lice – it promises you
victory over the old problems that you could not betray
values. Worth уделить особое внимание таким деталям сна:

• Did you see lice in your head, or someone else;

• Did lice bite you?

• What emotions you experienced during sleep;

• Who else figured in your dream?

If you dream that you have a lot of lice and they bite you
– it is necessary to be afraid of troubles and bad state of health. If lice
you were simply attacked, and you do not know what to do in this
situations. There are so many awaiting you
trouble that you just won’t know how to deal with them
sort out. If you dream of lice jumping on you from
of another person – such a dream promises you the charging of someone else’s work on
your shoulders.

If in a dream you see lice jumping over your things – wait
trouble in the house. They will appear from nowhere. It can be
minor breakdowns, quarrels with households, neighbors, other people. This
sleep may mean that you will no longer be calm and comfortable in your house.
You will constantly be twitching and bothering.

Such a condition may occur against the background of accumulated problems and
troubles. If you dream that someone else is wearing your
things and lice live on them – your glory will go to another. But man
will not experience the joy of fame. He will only get
troubles and troubles, which he does not even realize.

If you dream that someone else is trying to catch in his
head lice – this dream foreshadows a difficult conversation with a close
by man. The man is seriously tuned to clarify the relationship. is he
set to teach you a lesson

Dream interpretation advises in this situation to mobilize all its resources
and learn how to work alone so that no one else
depend. So that no one can catch you in a flaw or
blame you for some flaw.

If you dream that you find lice in your head,
looking in the mirror – the dream book advises you to look at yourself from
parties. Try to be more critical to yourself, try not to
allow yourself to relax. You may have recently allowed yourself
rest, carelessly about their work. Now you reap
the fruits of previous mistakes. Dream Interpretation advises to listen
opinion of people around you and correct your mistakes.

Also, such a dream promises you the opportunity to learn a lot about yourself.
new. But this idea will be very troublesome, because the information
will come to you from rather strange sources. First you
it may seem that they want to accuse you, they want to offend you, but
then you will understand that everything is done only for the best. You can
use other people’s advice for your own good.

If you dream that you find lice in your head
child – seriously think about his health. Maybe he needs
help in solving some of their affairs. Do not miss the opportunity
make contact with the child. Talk to him about general topics. If a
child’s health shaken after such a dream – necessarily
Try to find the cause of the ailment. Dream Interpretation says that if
do not determine the cause – the disease can be protracted.

If a вам приснится, что вши у вас в голове появились после
rain, that they fell from the sky to your head with drops –
such a dream means pressure on you by an influential
person You will be forced to obey his will, will
forced to work on his terms. Dream interpretation advises in this
situations to find a benefit, to decide how you can
wrap a similar situation to your advantage.

Also, after such a dream, it is worth considering whether you are too
Depend on someone else’s opinion? Perhaps you should have been
to decide whether you are too honest with others, not too
do you tell a lot to them? Your honesty and kindness turns around
against you People are not able to appreciate it. Dream Interpretation advises
reconsider their attitude to the situation and people.

What dreams of lice in my head according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book, it is said what the head lice dream about. Such a dream
may be a lot of trouble in your personal life. If a вы
see lice in your head means you will be completely immersed in
work, you will be engaged in your career and completely, you will forget that
You have the opportunity to make your personal life beautiful. You will
so immersed in household stuff that you will deny yourself

See lice in someone else’s head – this dream foreshadows your search
a good partner. You will заняты подбором подходящей
candidates and at some point you will understand that this person is long
time was near you and you just did not notice him.

Remember who else figured in your dream. If a вас заразил
head lice is this man – you should expect from him trouble. is he
can reveal your secrets and secrets that you have been hiding so long.
This will entail trouble in your personal life.

If a вам нравится, что у вас в голове вши, и вы от сна получаете
real pleasure – you can afford to relax and
relax in the company of your other half. With this, you have
there will be a huge amount of opportunities for recreation and

If a же вас одолевал страх или иные неприятные эмоции — такой
sleep promises you trouble and problems. And all this will be associated with
lack of understanding between you and your partner. None
wants to give to another, everyone will try to defend his
point of view, each will look for flaws in the other. Such situation
will only lead to the accumulation of grievances and complaints. If a вы видите что
lice are everywhere, they surround you and start biting – most likely, you
waiting for a break in relations, you can’t do anything in this
situations can not change anything already. All you have to do is
put up with

What dreams of lice in the head on the esoteric dream book

If a вы увидите вши в голове у другого человека — вы получите
opportunity to develop their business. You will be lucky and you will get
profitable proposition. Dream Interpretation advisesся согласиться с ним, взять
its in development.

Also dream book foreshadows you a successful deal, if you
see how you wiped out lice. Such a dream предвещает вам избавление от
all obstacles and interfering factors that until recently
let you progress to your goal. You can also
get extra profit and recognition in society if
You’ll see how lice helped another person.

If a вам приснится, что вы обнаружили вшей в голове у своего
child – you should be especially attentive to his health.
The cause of the disease can be stress and strain. To
to avoid this, the dream book advises in the near future to try
do not find out anything at home and do not conflict with a child
around is he весьма чувствителен к любого рода негативу. It is better
now protect him from stress and trouble, shield from other things

What dreams of lice in my head for other dream books

In the Modern Dream Book it is said that to see head lice in a dream –
This is a good omen. You will have success, joy and happiness.
You can избавиться от многих неприятностей и напастей, которые
you have been overcome for a long time. Money will flow into your hands. But, if you
just know that lice are in your head and you don’t see – such a dream
promises you a hidden danger. Someone from close circle
disappoint you, cause you discomfort and pain.

You may even lose a huge amount of money after such a dream.
Dream Interpretation advises не отчаиваться, а настаивать на своей точке зрения.
In any situation, seek a compromise. If a вы во сне раздавили гниду
– you go to the goal, and nothing can stop you. Do not back away from
what you have planned. Try your best.

In the Women’s Dream Book it says that lice in a dream – to problems in real life.
is heи будут в основном связаны с вашим самочувствием. Also you can
attack enemies and detractors. If a во сне вы ловите вошь — у
You will be a lot of trouble that you can not overpower
on their own. Dream Interpretation advises прибегнуть к помощи близких людей.
Not worth all the responsibility for what is happening in your life
shift on dreams. Try to find help in them.

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