What dreams of gold jewelry: earrings, rings,bracelets? The basic interpretation of what dreams of gold earrings andother decorations

Ср, 28 дек 2016 Автор: Инна

How nice to receive gifts. In particular, gold jewelry.
Это приятно не только наяву, но и во a dream. What dreams of gold
earrings, chains or bracelets, how to interpret such a dream? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of gold украшения — основное толкование

Gold has always been considered a noble metal, and to give
jewelry made of this metal was considered a manifestation
higher respect and esteem. Almost all women love gold
jewelry and believe that if a beloved man will give them such
a jewel – they will surely receive with decoration and recognition
his love for them.

Worth внимательно относиться ко всему сюжету сна, так как серьги
– the subject is paired, then the dream interpretation will differ in
depending on whether both earrings dream of you or only one.
It is important to remember who exactly gave or found earrings, who stole or
hid them from you. As you can see, the plots can be huge
quantity, but most importantly – the result, and it is
full interpretation of sleep.

The classic interpreter says that if a man sees on
someone has golden earrings – he has to take care of someone and
worry. This will be a big hassle, because, most likely,
problems will be caused by the deterioration of human health. If
dream of a man that he saw unfamiliar earrings on his
sweetheart – such a dream suggests that someone else cares for
her, but who and whether to worry about this – it is worth
interpret the dream completely.

If a man dreams about how he holds gold jewelry in his hand –
such a dream suggests that he will get a big score, profit,
reward for the works. If у него в руке только одна серёжка
– such a dream says that a man missed the opportunity to establish his
financial stability, he did not take into account additional factors.

If a pregnant woman in a dream saw gold earrings – in reality
She can be sure that it will be her son. But worth
fear such a dream in which one of the earrings has turned black in her
hand – someone fiercely wants her evil and evil, unborn child.
Do not panic, it is better to think who it may be
stop communicating with this person.

If a young girl dreams that she found gold earrings
– such a dream indicates that she will soon find the answers to all
questions Do not get upset in advance that some idea is not
succeeded. After such a dream, the situation will change dramatically. Girl
can also become financially independent, change places
residence, start earning on your own.

If девушке снится, как она надевает серьги, и они кажутся
she is quite heavy – such a dream suggests that in reality
quite emotional events are expected. She is worth
prepare for possible sad news.

If you see in a dream earrings in the ears of an outside woman – you
it is worth looking at your man, perhaps he is plotting
treason, or else has changed you. Also, such a dream can talk about
that rumors will prevail. They will be empty, but will bring mass

What dreams of female gold jewelry for Miller dream book

What dreams of gold серьги? Miller’s dream book says that
they dream exclusively to prosperous events and to prosperity in
family man. The more beautiful and larger the earrings are, the bigger
financial benefits to the dreamer. Don’t just make a mistake and
assume that you will find a treasure or win the lottery. All honors
the fruits of your hard work you have received.

If одна из серёжек поломана или утеряна — вы потеряете свой
authority in the eyes of colleagues. You will be overcome by gossip, it will be hard for you
fight for your reputation. You may also lose your trust.
second half. In this case, your guilt in nothing will be.

If you get a gift in a dream gold jewelry – you will receive
location of a business companion, you will open the way for
successful change of work and priorities. Worth сполна воспользоваться
opportunities opening up to you.

Ifнщина во сне увидит у себя в ушах серьги в виде колец —
such a dream suggests that she will repeat the fate of someone from
relatives, in her personal life expect the same catastrophe. Still
such a dream may indicate that a woman simply repeats her
own mistakes and does not want to change anything, she is satisfied with the role
sacrifices, that’s why nothing lives in her life.

If a girl dreamed of beautiful jewelry and a lot of stones in
them – such a dream suggests that she will be busy household
troubles and she will have no time to devote time to herself and her
loved one. But do not be discouraged – these efforts are temporary.
If камень в серьгах только один — она получит расположение
your beloved one, maybe even a declaration of love and
An offer of marriage.

Ifнщина увидит во сне серьги с мелкими белыми камнями, то
in reality she will become a target for gossip. Gossip these will inflict huge
harm to her relationship with a loved one. She should wait it out
hard time, have patience and not be afraid of the future.

It is very important to look at such a dream in which the earrings
you were given. It is important who exactly gave and under what circumstances.
If a man sees someone stranger gave it to his beloved
golden earrings, he should be attentive to relationships. His
It’s worth to pay attention to your soulmate in order to
it was not done by anyone else.

What dreams of gold jewelry according to Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that gold jewelry in a dream
symbolize the golden time in a romantic relationship. But worth
life is especially attentive to what other events occur in
a dream. If a man has a dream in which he presents his
beloved gold earrings – in reality he wants more serious
relationship with her. It is worth looking at the reaction of the girl to the gift
beloved one The same will be her reaction to his proposal in reality.

If a man sees that someone else gives his beloved earrings –
such a dream suggests that she is not honest with him and even if she is treason
and did not happen, then she already looks at other men as an object
desires. This is due to the fact that another man can
to fully satisfy her needs for both sex and everyday life.
Or she hopes that with another man she will be happy.

If he sees how in a dream the earring of his beloved breaks –
she is seriously ill. If a girl dreams that someone
stranger will give her gold earrings – she will meet a worthy
a man, but the novel will not be long. But so bright that
will be remembered for a long time.

What dreams of gold jewelry for other dream books

In the dream book of Lofa it is said that if a man has a dream,
which he buys for his beloved gold earrings, then in reality
he is faced with problems with the paperwork, problems with
by the authorities.

If a woman in a dream herself buys gold jewelry –
in reality she will have a boyfriend, he will not be sincere and meeting him
long will not last. Therefore, the girl should think about, and
whether to maintain such a relationship.

In the female dream book it says that if a man in a dream found gold
earrings – in reality he will enter into lucrative deals, get lucrative
job offers. But the outcome of the case will depend directly on
his collaboration with a colleague, a companion, so it’s not worth
swear and argue over trifles.

If a man dreams about how he is trying to put on himself
golden earrings – such a dream indicates his fatigue and
that he already incorrectly interprets all events that appear
in reality. He does not consider himself a holistic person and simply
disbelieved. It is necessary to pull yourself together and start to see positive
aspects of life.

Beautiful, sparkling jewelry in your palm? And all this you
saw in a dream? Excellent prospects await you, worth only
open the doors for them. But those who do not appreciate the gifts of fate and not
wants to change anything in life – will not get such wonderful
opportunities to improve your life.

Jewelry is always a pleasure to receive as a gift, to acquire,
find, put on. Это приятно делать как во сне, так и in reality.
Therefore, if you dreamed that you found gold earrings – soon
you will find your happiness, or it will find you. Both
variants of succession of events – you should be completely pleased and
cheer up Dreams should be believed, as they often come true.
In particular, if they promise something joyful and bright.

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