What dreams of garden on the interpretation of the populardream books. What dreams of a garden: well-groomed or neglected

Пт, 14 июл 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

The value of the dream of the garden directly depends on the state of the site
land. The nuances of the dream will tell you what to expect after waking up. AT
The popular dream interpretation of such a dream is somewhat different.


What dreams of a garden by family dream book

A dream about a well-groomed, flowering garden with an abundance of fruits, vegetables,
greenery is a safe sign. Especially good if this garden
belongs to the dreamer who walks on his own
blooming ground or admiring it. After waking up all the problems
disappear, there will be a period of complete well-being in life
satisfaction with yourself and your work.

If the dreamer in a dream works in his own garden,
cultivates him, then in real life he will have to work well
to achieve the desired well-being and the desired level of income.

What dreams of a garden neglected, dried, dead,
flooded? To losses, losses and failures in affairs. After
waking the dreamer need to take action to save though
would have an existing income level so as not to lose everything.

The dream of bahche, which grows melons, watermelons, pumpkins and
other gourds, foreshadows success in business.

What is the dream of the garden of Freud’s dream book?

The symbolism of the dream of the garden, according to the Austrian dream book
psychoanalyst related to gender relations. Earth symbolizes
femininity, fertility and childbirth.
Therefore, a dream garden means experiences associated with
intimate relations between a man and a woman, and for family
people – also with their own children.

If the land is neglected, the garden is barren, it can
mean loss of connection with children. ATозможно, у сновидящего есть
conflicts with them or quarrels and misunderstandings will soon begin.

On the contrary, to see a well-groomed garden area with growing on
the land of vegetables, especially if the harvest is rich, means harmonious
family relationships: with offspring, wife and other households.

What dreams of the garden, overgrown with grass, or sprouts, making their way
from garden land? Such a dream foreshadows the collapse of the family boat:
family dreamer threatens divorce. ATозможно негативное вмешательство
from the outside, which will destroy the marriage. AT любом случае сонник предлагает
assess the situation in the family objectively and find both
parties to the solution.

What is the dream of a vegetable garden in Miller’s dream book?

This dream interpretation interprets the dream, rather negatively. ATидеть огород
– It means doing hard, often ungrateful work, rewards for
who should not wait or it is insignificant. To the dreamer
will have to work hard for years to ensure minimal
wealth to his family.

Why dream of a garden women? According to the interpretation of the dream book, to
cares, minor troubles, unexpected and unpleasant troubles.
Dry, abandoned garden land is a sure sign of things to come.
failures. ATозделывание земли дает надежду, что сновидящему удастся
make a difference, achieve success. Especially good to see how
fruits ripen and ripen, vegetables ripen, plants grow. Such
a dream promises success, getting a well-deserved reward if
the dreamer will make maximum efforts.

Autumn is good to see watering the garden or moisten the soil.
Sleep promises a profitable business or a cash reward.
The stronger the pressure of the water, the greater the profit.
Receiving money will be a surprise for the dreamer, therefore
It’s impossible to guess where the money will come from.

ATидеть, как оградные растения гибнут под нашествием насекомых, —
bad sign. Dream foreshadows that enemies and envious
detractors will destroy the welfare of the dreamer by dismissing him
gossip. After пробуждения нужно внимательно присмотреться к
surroundings: the envious are in the circle of close people, friends,
relatives, colleagues.

К чему снится огород по соннику ATанги

AT зависимости от действий сновидца предлагает трактовать сон об
огороде прорицательница ATанга. Plant any vegetables in the ground, including
including potatoes, a very good sign. Dreamer with his works
secured a materially secure future or
goes in that direction. After такого сновидения можно не опасаться
for the future of your family: financial success will be lasting and
long-term, and bosses can suddenly raise wages or
write out the prize.

Why dream of a garden planted with lush, green plants?
Such a dream is also interpreted as a symbol of comfortable life for many years.
forward. Poverty can not be afraid of old age is not afraid:
the dreamer will meet her wealthy man.

ATидеть бесплодную огородную землю — foreshadowing голода, страшных
hardships, intractable problems and all sorts of difficulties. Highly
ill dreaming hard work in the garden that did not bring
no result. A similar situation should be expected in real
life: no matter how titanic the dreamer’s works, they are not
will bring the desired.

ATидеть, как земля в огороде покрылась трещинами, провалами, как
the springs that fed her or other sources of water have disappeared – foreshadowing
global catastrophes, disasters, loss of income.

What is the dream of a vegetable garden according to Hasse

If the dreamer dreams that his garden is neat and tidy, planted
plants or plot prepared for wintering, then in the dreamer’s life
at last a favorable period has come. Hard days are over,
there was a period of calm and rest.

Walk around the garden and be satisfied with what you see
means that the dream dreamer will experience similar feelings: joy,
calm and even happiness. Work in your own garden –
achieve respect from others in real life.

Why dream of a garden planted with beautiful flowers? Such
a pleasant dream promises the achievement of goals, the long-awaited recognition of merit.
But the abandoned garden warns: around fake friends,
which interfere rather than help.

ATидеть, что вокруг огородной земли стоит высокая ограда,
bad sign. The dream warns: the desire will not be fulfilled,
the request will not be executed, the project will fail. AT общем, желаниям не
destined to come true.

What dreams of a garden by Nostradamus dream book

A positive interpretation has a dream about the garden on the interpretation of this
the dream book, if the earth is planted with fruit bearing plants, is common.
If the dreamer sees a rich vegetable garden with a lot of them grown
while experiencing pleasure and happiness, then in reality
All endeavors will be accompanied by incredible luck, constant
success. AT реальной жизни можно смело приниматься за любое дело.

To see that in the garden stands a scarecrow, bad. This image is
a symbolic warning about something that will scare away luck, money,
glory, will not allow to strengthen useful links.

What dreams of a garden belonging to other people? To the appearance
heavy, unpleasant worries. Cargo that falls on shoulders
the dreamer upon awakening may not be able to do it.
ATозможно, что человека нагрузят чужой работой, и отказаться от нее
will not work.

What is the dream of the garden on the joint dream book

Planting garden plants is an auspicious sign. Dream
foreshadows career growth, respect for people, which to a large extent
will be caused by the dreamer’s personal qualities. He does a lot for
others, seeks to convey experience and knowledge, and others pay him
for this good attitude.

The dream in which the dreamer walks along
own well-groomed fence, admiring the neat plantings,
pleased with the lack of debris, weeds. After пробуждения стоит жать
something good and long-awaited, for example, the achievement of important

If the dreamer dreams that he weeds, we can
it’s time to get your thoughts in order. ATозможно, в
his family life is not all right, so it is worth paying to the family

If a person works in a foreign garden, then he does not live his own
life, sacrificing their desires for other people. Think
it may be worth rethinking priorities and channeling energy to
benefit yourself and not strangers. If the garden has ripe fruits,
ripe vegetables, means that the dreamer has put a lot of effort for the sake of
well-being of outsiders.

ATидеть, что огород знакомых людей заброшен, зарос бурьяном и
weed is also not a favorable dream. He means the dreamer
will have to solve the problems of these people. Another interpretation is someone
unceremoniously interfere in the life of the dreamer.

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