What dreams of flood, the water that fills younative home? Basic interpretations of different dream books – why dreamflood

Сб, 06 янв 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream, a variety of symbols and signs may appear,
incredible events can occur. But why dream
flood? How to interpret such a dream?


К чему снится flood — основное толкование

If you see in a dream flood, не спешите паниковать. Rather
all, in reality you do not expect anything terrible, but it is important
look at the details:

– What were the causes of flooding;

– What emotions have you experienced;

– What was the water;

– Who else came under the influence of the elements.

If you are dreaming about a flood and experiencing inexorable fear –
it’s time to think about whether you really do all that
so long wanted? Maybe you dropped a lot of opportunities and
options to do something else and now do not know where
move on.

If you have a panic in your sleep is not the kind of water that is on you
comes, and the unknown, what will happen next – you are also not real
You can decide how to build your life further. You can not
for yourself to take an important decision, do not believe that life can
proceed quite differently.

If you dream that you see water from the window of your house
gradually comes under his threshold – such a dream suggests that
soon luck and joy will knock on your house. Happiness will overwhelm you
victories and you will be ready for anything in order to share
nice moment of life with your close people.

Сон, в котором вы боитесь, что flood затопит ваш дом —
says that you fear for your family well-being, and
most likely not in vain. You could have done something to the detriment of your family and
just now remember this. It could be as harmless
prank and purposeful betrayal, even treason.

If such an act really was in your life – dream book
advises to make every effort so that your loved ones do not
learned the truth that really upsets them. If you don’t
managed to do anything like that, but only began to think about such
deed – the dream book advises to drop even the thoughts and never
do anything like that.

A dream in which you see how water gradually fills the house –
It says positive events will fill your entire home
life Try to plan important workers as soon as possible.
business so that they do not distract you from family joys.

If in a dream you see how your house is filled with muddy black
water – such a dream means that you are waiting for disturbing events,
who come in your life through the fault of a third person. It may
to be both a foe and a person who was once yours
a friend.

If you see in a dream how your house is filled with muddy warm
water – you will fall into the trap of other scandals and squabbles. If you
see in a dream how your house is filled with muddy, but cold water –
you will encounter indifference and indifference from loved ones
people. You will be very difficult to survive.

If you видите во сне, как flood застаёт вас врасплох
just in the workplace – such a dream means that you will soon
plunge headlong into the labor routine. And you get out of there
it will be so difficult that you don’t even want to think about
move up the career ladder.

Soon you will start looking for the best option for yourself.
new source of income because the situation at work will be everything
get worse and get worse. Do not rush things and do not look for extreme
such a matter. Try to quickly deal with
shouldered responsibility in the workplace
and be grateful to your leadership for closing
eyes on your some flaws.

Если вам приснится, что flood застаёт вас на берегу океана
– such a dream guarantees you a rapid flow of information and very
positive events. You can even go on a trip and
visit the country you have long dreamed of You can after
such a dream to rely on well-deserved rest, if you have not been in

A dream in which you save people from flooding – says
that your loved ones will need your support and help soon
people. Try not to deny it to them and do not throw words at
the wind, if you promised them something before that. Otherwise you will be with them for a long time.
quarrel and will not know how to atone for his guilt.

Сон, в котором вы наблюдаете, как flood забирает людские
life, and, at the same time, you do not rush to the aid and do not find yourself
under the influence of the elements – says that you will become a witness
someone’s life tragedy.

You can find out about someone’s grief and you won’t even know what
to help. Dream Interpretation advises not to move away from the person who needs
there will be help, and, on the contrary, try to be as helpful as possible.
This will allow you to feel yourself needed by another person.

К чему снится flood по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что flood снится как предвестие
overabundance of feelings and emotions in your life. You will swallowed up
the flow of events and will try to do everything, you will have new
desires and dreams and all of them will come true in time.
The main thing now is to plan everything much forward.

A dream in which you see that the waters that flooded everything around
bloody says that you will experience mental
suffering because of unrequited love. You will be overcome by passion and
desire to prove to a partner that you can do a lot. Try to avoid
similar emotions, but not suppress them. Now you do not need it. You
we need a steady course of events and the right decisions for the future.

If you still can not refuse such a relationship –
Try to hold back emotions. The truth in this situation is needed only
you. You may not even expect reciprocity from a partner, because
long ago made your choice. You do not want this choice
to accept.

If you dream of clear warm water that fills
your bathroom – such a dream means that in your relationship with
partner will come a period of spiritual comfort and peace. You will
experience each other’s tender feelings, will you be each
friend dissolve. Try not to waste your time and not
defer confession to the most sincere and tender

If such a dream comes to a lonely girl, she will soon be able to
meet a worthy gentleman who brings in her life
joy and comfort. She should set herself up for the best.
changes and expect only pleasant surprises from life.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is flooded
the street and its washed over – she will soon plunge into the household
troubles. Will be very upset by unexpected events.
Будет огорчена поведением самых близких people.

К чему снится flood по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что flood снится, как
a symbol of violent and unstoppable emotions that will cover you with your head.
You will день и ночь думать о чём-то для вас важном и не сможете
even for a second, break away from their dreams.

If you видите бурные чёрные воды, которые наполняют город —
your life will be like a cataclysm. It will occur
a huge number of strange and unexplained events. If the cause
floods in your dream became a downpour that for a long time did not
ended – you will think a lot about your life and health
близких people. You will огорчены и у этого огорчения будет веская

If in a dream you are trying to save someone from a flood, but, in
end up drowning yourself – such a dream means that soon you will suffer
because of your soulfulness. You’ll treat someone like that
The answer will receive only negative and claims. Try not to open
no one’s soul. It will not appreciate.

К чему снится flood по другим сонникам

В Женском соннике сказано, что flood снится, как символ
new achievements, a new period in life. If you see in a dream
streets flooded with clear water – such a dream means that you
pleasant changes are expected, the ones you have dreamed of for so long.

Сон, в котором вы видите flood грязными и бурлящими водами,
talks about your difficulties and scandals. You will plunge into a routine and
household troubles and will not know how to get out of them. So
says Aesop’s dream book. К чему снится flood, от которого вам
managed to escape? Soой сон означает, что вскоре вы найдёте выход
from the predicament. Try to be more
attentive to the prompts of fate. Do not miss the chance to change
situation for the better, change your life.

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