What dreams of flies in the air, on clothes, ontele. What dreams of a lot of flies for different dream books – differentinterpretations

Чт, 05 июл 2018 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

The dream of flies is usually interpreted as negative.
Unpleasant people, evil slanderers, annoying misunderstandings, unnecessary
troubles – that is what flies mean in a dream. Depending on how
it was insects that dreamed up, and what actions did it take
dreamer, sleep may have other interpretations.


What dreams of flies in the family dream book

The dream of flies foreshadows losses, efforts and harm. Source of
troubles in real life will be the enemies of the dreamer.

One fly – a symbol of grief or a harbinger of a meeting with tedious
by man. If the insect is in the food of the dreamer, then they are waiting for him
trouble and fear.

What dreams of flies that bite the dreamer? Such a dream
foreshadows that a person will suffer from slander. Dissolve the unpleasant
and even dangerous rumors are envious. Sometimes a dream warns you
that the dreamer can catch a contagious disease.

Why dream of a lot of flies? Sleep warns about what’s worth
beware of slander. After waking up сновидцу лучше предпринять
necessary precautions.

Catching flies in a dream is a sign of misfortune that the dreamer calls himself.
Killing flies is the harbinger of great trials to overcome.
can be at the cost of great effort. However, after such a dream you can
expect that trouble after a while
run out.

If you dreamed of adhesive paper for catching flies, then in reality you can
face intrigue. The dreamer will be drawn into them and may
get injured.

To dream of a fly swatter – a reminder that the enemies
closely watching the life of the dreamer and at any opportunity
will strike. Sit back can not.

What do flies dream about in Freud’s dream book?

According to Freud’s dream book, flies, like many other insects,
symbolize children. Chase carriers of infection around the house, kill,
beat, angry – it means to experience reality in relation to children
(own or others) negative emotions, irritation and even

If flies не вызывают негативных эмоций в сновидении, то наяву
should reconsider their attitude towards children, give them more
freedom, reduce control.

What do flies dream about and twist and hum around a dreamer?
The dream predicts unpleasant problems that will cause
anger. The dreamer will most likely be put out on children. If a
insects are strongly plagued in sleep, but nothing to do with them
(drive off, kill) does not work, it is worth it in real life
fear the fiasco in the sexual sphere.

If a сновидящий отрывает во сне мухам лапки или крылья, значит,
in reality he is prone to pedophilia.

What dreams of a lot of flies that have stuck around a certain object? TO
unpleasant and feeds changes in life. It is worth preparing for
long period of failure and extreme caution in
intimate matters.

TO чему снятся мухи по соннику Миллера

According to Miller’s dream book, fly girls dream of love
experiences and troubles. After such a dream
romance will be complicated, you should prepare for

If a сновидящему приснилась мухоловка, то в реальной жизни
someone gossip. It is worth looking at the environment:
клеветник находится рядом и вовсю портит репутацию dreamer. More
Moreover, intrigue can lead to material losses and real

TO чему снится много мух, попавшихся в мухоловку? Need sleep
understand how favorable. He means that man is in the end
He will overcome all difficulties, although he will not
the consequences.

If a приснится, что мухи налипли на клейкую ленту или бумагу, то
It is necessary to be afraid of problems with health or large quarrel. And the disease
and the conflict will happen soon.

TO чему снятся мухи по соннику Ванги

Bulgarian clairvoyant thought that flies remind us of
the dead. This is a symbolic designation of the souls of loved ones who
either died, or will soon leave this world.

A dream of an annoying fly, which can’t be shaken off,
dreams of losing a loved one, very dear to the dreamer. is he
means a lot to the dreamer, and therefore his departure from life will become
a real grief and bring a lot of heartache.

If a приснился рой мух, то следует помянуть усопших. Their souls
need a memorial rite.

If a сновидец во сне убил насекомое, этот сон не означает ничего
bad A fly in a dream is the spiritual torment of a dreamer,
who can not put up with a bitter loss. The sooner he
do it, the quicker the relief comes. Thoughts about close
Relative, friend, loved one do not give rest. Need to
pray for the soul of the deceased and accept what is already corrected
is impossible.

TO чему снятся мухи по соннику Хассе

Negatively interprets the dream of a contagious insect dream book Hasse.
TO чему снятся мухи во сне? TO приближающимся неприятностям. Such
signal should not be ignored. Withсмотритесь к окружению: может
be, the foe will be able to notice, and his actions –
to prevent.

If a сновидящий убил насекомое, то наяву он всей душой хочет
avoid him known danger or trouble. With
favorable circumstances, it can be done.

A swarm of flies whirring around and around the dreamer
symbol gossip that entangles people in real life. He himself and
his actions are actively and unfriendly discussed by others.
You need to be very vigilant and not to be offended.

If you had a dream in a glass of wine, the dreamer will experience a strong
scare Do not do anything wrong, otherwise you will have to

What do the dreams of flies dreaming Longo

The dream of flies warns that a loved one or
a close relative will be disappointed in the dreamer. If the relationship
the roads for you will have to step on the throat of your pride
change behavior and perhaps the first to take steps to reconcile
or restore mutual trust.

If the dreamer caught flies in a dream, then in reality he can
give up on the business that you are busy with. The point is only in appearance
It seems advantageous, profitable, but in fact it is not.
Once again, weigh the pros and cons to avoid serious

If a dreamer in a dream tore off wings and legs by insects, then
real life he’s too cruel. Do not be harsh to evaluate
surrounding: everyone has the right to make a mistake, can stumble

What do the flies dream about in Lofa dream?

Flies mean anxiety that is experienced
dreamer Most often it is associated with your own health or
health of loved ones.

What dreams of a fly that has flown in your mouth? To infectious
disease. The dead insect has a similar meaning.

If the dreamer drives flies around the room, he wants to get rid of
obsessive thoughts, to reach agreement in the soul.

If the flies stuck to the sticky tape, you can breathe in
relief. In real life, a period of unrest and anxiety remained in
the past. The dreamer has managed to change his life thanks to the power

What dreams of flies on the universal dream book

The dream of flies is a sign of stagnation in life. Following the old
stereotypes will not bring joy, life will still remain gray,
expressionless. Upon awakening, you must accept volitional
decision and understand your life, change the scope of communication. Not out
that unworthy people enter the near circle – dishonest,
slandering, weaving threads of intrigue. In order not to hurt the reputation
dreamer, it is necessary to get rid of detractors and

If you dreamed of a large insect, then cope with
problems will not be easy. The larger the fly, the more weight
unpleasant person seeking to annoy the dreamer. Special
unfavorable dream in which a huge fly bites the dreamer. But
if the insect succeeds in killing, problems can be avoided.

A dream about how a fly sits on hands, body, clothes, face,
trying to fly into his mouth, extremely unfavorable. After waking up
need to be alert to time to react to the situation. The same
interpretation has a dream about a swarm of insects that stick around

What dreams of flies in the modern dream book

Many flies in a dream – a warning about disputes, conflicts,
disagreements. The dreamer himself will initiate strife.

Not out что после такого сна в жизни сновидца случится
some unpleasant incident. To settle the problem, you have to
pretty nervous. If the insect can be killed, then the situation is still
can be taken under control if acted quickly and decisively.
Prompt where you want to direct attention, can the focus of the internal

Another interpretation of the dream of a contagious insect –
warning of approaching illness. If you dream big black
fly, then the disease will be serious. Sleep can also mean that
surrounded by a dreamer there is a man with black energy. Besides,
a dream about a giant fly may mean that the dreamer has taken

If you dream about a green fly, then in real life there is a risk of loss
relationship with a loved one. Another interpretation of the dream –
material losses. The larger the insect, the larger the amount
have to part.

What dreams of flies on the dream book of Aesop

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что мухи снятся к
disturbing and unpleasant events. Especially if you see this
sleep is not the first time. If in a dream the flies sat on the jam – you
at first you will feel great, you can decide on
important act, but do not get help from others.

If in a dream the flies buzz over your ear – wait for the gossip and
gossip They may even poison your life. Do not count
no one, try to solve everything yourself. Then you definitely
reach the goal.

What do the dreams of flies dream of Grishin

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что мухи кусают во
the dream of those who are not sure of themselves. You may not know your
strengths, do not accept yourself the way it is.
Try to further cut off someone else’s negative. Then on you
no one will crush.

If you dream that flies fly huge – you tend to
inflate your problems. You can cheat yourself and others
make problems. Try to look at the world realistically. If flies
you dreamed golden means a pleasant surprise awaits you. Even
if recently you thought that everything was lost – pleasant ones are waiting for you
changes. The main thing – to listen to the advice of the dream book.

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