What dreams of fat: cut, salt, buy,sell? Basic interpretations: why dream of eating fat orchoose it

WITHр, 21 дек 2016 Автор: Инна

Food seen in a dream can speak as
subconscious feeling of hunger and foreshadow the most
various events in life. It is important to look at all the details
sleep to interpret it correctly.

Why dream of salty fat? Worth to understand.


What dreams of fat – the main interpretation

For many nationalities, lard is a delicacy that
served in a variety of forms to the table. Salo can be eaten raw,
salty, fried, but you should not abuse this product, so
as it is quite fatty and heavy for the stomach. If you see in
dream like a stranger pulls you a piece of bacon – do not settle for
friend suggestions to someone to do something unpleasant, because even
little dirty trick, can turn against you.

Why dream of salty fat? It dreams to stagnation in affairs. You
you will try to move forward even a step, but you will
slip on your mistakes and on your prejudice to
people and events. What dreams of fresh fat? To something new and
unpredictable in your life. You are expected to feast and enjoy
forwarding time. That’s just not worth pouring out anyone’s soul and
wait for encouragement. You сами должны научиться и радоваться тому, что
you are presented with life and solve their immediate problems.

If fat in a dream makes you bewilderment and hostility – not
should be disappointed in advance. Most likely, you become boring rest and
entertainment, and you really want to already feel the stability and comfort.
Your life has become boring for you, and you are striving for something new, but
it’s worth being careful, as any changes can now
lead to losses.

If you dream that you are cutting bacon into pieces – you don’t want to
actually share your honors with other people. You просто
pretend to be a generous person, but actually notice everything
flaws of people and all their negative sides. They will try
bring you to clean water and make you nervous, but you need
stand on your own and not give up the position.

If you dream about how you crush fat with your hands – this dream says
about the fact that you are likely to agree to a rather rash
step on a risky business, although before that you will feel that
something is wrong, something will confuse you constantly. Having a hint
sleep – go around the situation the other way, do not commit in the near
future thoughtless actions.

If you dream about throwing a piece of bacon to dogs – such a dream
means you have to donate your financial
independence in order for your business to survive in difficult times.
Why dream of eating fat? Such a dream can come to those who are waiting.
important news, the conclusion of an important transaction – it means that luck
will be on your side and you will get everything that so long ago

What dreams of fat in Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book, it says that fat is dreaming of the fact that you are awake
will exaggerate your opportunities in relationships and in sex. WITH
there is nothing illegal on one side but it’s not
will bring you success, on the contrary you will look rather strange
in the eyes of its second half.

After such a dream you should not experiment in sex and change
partners It is better to stick to a stable and familiar course of events.
If you dream of melted lard – you will feel incredible
sexual attraction to the opposite sex. If you dream,
how you smear your body with melted lard – you yourself will become
the object of desire. But at the same time you will not feel
more confident in a relationship, you lack confidence in yourself and
confidence in your partner. Perhaps you are shy about your body
and in every way you try to hide his flaws. Don’t worry so much
your partner perceives you as the person you are and
you are.

If a young girl dreams of salty fat – she will
distressed by the behavior of his gentleman. He will not just disappoint her, but
and possibly change it, causing grief and tears. Why dream
fresh fat? Such a dream may indicate that it is too early for partners.
get married. If such a dream occurs in married people – their
Relationships are in the stage of renewal and right now you need
accept all changes with joy and gratitude.

Why dream of eating fat? Such a dream may indicate that
partners will soon be satisfied with each other and will no longer receive
the pleasures of tomorrow spent together. Today
they should change something in relationships, bring a touch to them
mysterious and extraordinary, otherwise the routine will absorb them.

Why dream сало на столе? If you find a piece of bacon on the table and
you can’t understand in a dream where it came from – you are expected
pleasant surprises and pleasant acquaintances. Expect something from them
not really serious, just allow yourself to enjoy
by the situation. If a girl dreams about how she feeds her
lover with hands lard – in reality they will happen in a relationship
a period of joy and understanding. If a partner while joyful and
lard he likes to taste – a harmonious period will last a long time. If a
the partner in every possible way refuses to have a treat – the joy will be
fleeting and both partners will experience emptiness due
what happened between them.

Why dream сало по эзотерическому соннику

If a вам приснится как кто-то подложил вам сало под порог — в
someone’s life will give you a rather unpleasant surprise, maybe
a dream will point you to this person, look at all its details
and little things, remember who you saw in a dream, with whom and what
talked. Any little thing can be important.

If you dream, что вы трапезничаете и вместо обычной еды вы
bite a piece of bacon – it means that you will change with someone
roles. It may be that your spouse or your
colleague. In any case, this situation will not bring you pleasure.
If a вам приснится кусок протухшего пропавшего сала — ваше прошлое
will make itself felt at the most inopportune moment. WITHейчас любые тайны
will be able to float out. WITHтоит особенно быть внимательными в общении
with the bosses, because the likelihood of quality checks is great
your work.

Why dream of salty fat? To the bitter memories that
inspired by your meeting with old friends. If a во сне вы сало
cut into thin pieces – you are prone to self-digging but it is not
brings proper results and you simply waste time. It is better
do the work that really brings you

To dream of a market and buy lard on it – to get to know
dishonest people who reveal many of your secrets and turned out
out all your flaws. WITHтоит опасаться раскрытия измены, если
she has a place in your life.

Why dream сало по другим сонникам

В женском соннике сказано, что свиное сало
dream of luck and success. If a вы видите что на нём грубая и толстая
skin – you have to go thorny path to success. If a же
a woman dreams that her hands are smeared with fat – she will be in vain
try to defend their case and their status in society. If a
a young girl dreams that her face is smeared with fat – she will
survive the betrayal of the best friend.

В малом Велесовом соннике сказано, что сало
dreams as the personification of glory and honor:

• Cut the fat – to a happy coincidence;

• There is fat – in the family there will be quarrels and squabbles, someone firmly

• Youкидывать сало — отказываться от чего-то очень важного;

• Step on the fat – do not go your way;

• To crush fat in hands – for a long time not to make decisions.

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что если вам
dream a huge piece of bacon – your life will become like
a fairy tale, you will live in prosperity and prosperity. If a хозяйке
dream about how she serves salted bacon – they will be in her house
respect and she will be able to keep the relationship warm and the home
hearth. But you should not relax, because the household values ​​it for
docile nature and wisdom.

Nice to see dreams in which you are surrounded by loved ones and relatives
people. Even more pleasant to see in a dream as someone gives you gifts.
But what can mean a dream in which instead of ornaments and
flowers presented as a gift of fat? Such a dream may suggest that
prosperity and respect from elders await you.
Before you open new doors and new perspectives. Take a closer look
to the one who made you such a gift, you may soon be able to
create a family with this man.

Listen to your feelings after sleep – they
are correct.

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