What dreams of confessing love itself orlisten to a confession from another? Dreamed a declaration of love -look dream books

Ср, 17 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Love experiences are often transferred to dreams. But the reverse
a situation when a person in a dream sees manifestations of tender feelings or
hears the words of love does not necessarily mean pleasant romantic
emotions in reality. What dreams of a declaration of love for the most popular
dream books?


What dreams of confessing love for a modern dream book

The interpretation of such a dream may be completely opposite. AT
depending on the specific circumstances in real life, the details
sleep, sensations experienced dreamer, sleep can be
interpreted differently.

If the dreamer himself confesses his love to a stranger, then
in reality he will be alone for a long time or he will experience an unhappy secret
love. If a partner or spouse is in ordinary life, then sleep
means parting with him for some, maybe long

Why dream of confessing love to a friend? TO
changes in life. If the dreamer opens up to a friend, then waking him
waiting for a quarrel with him. Declaration of love to a husband or a regular partner
means a warm, trusting relationship that has developed between
loving people. Maybe some nice event happens that
diversifies life.

If someone expresses his admiration for the dreamer, he will be honored and
respect. But the words of love, he heard in his address, mean
secret admirer. It is worth looking at the environment.

Hearing the two explain to each other in a dream means that
the dreamer will be mixed up in a love triangle. It may
become a source of big problems in real life.

AT некоторых случаях человека, услышавшего признание, наяву ждет
similar event. Someone will finally open in their feelings or
suddenly fall in love with a dreamer. Romance may turn out
swift and passionate. But will it be long and
filled with romance, unknown. AT любом случае, можно будет
experience very pleasant emotions that will remain in the memories
for a long time.

If the dreamer hears in a dream a love confession addressed to
him, you can expect in reality an invitation to some event
family or official. If the dreamer himself is explained with
someone and utters words of love, he needs to pay attention
on their surroundings. ATозможно, он излишне доверчив и добр, чем
use unscrupulous or unfriendly

If a woman dreams that her ex-husband has confessed in love or
partner, then the relationship with him is finally severed, and to restore
there is no possibility of them. Need to survive parting or
letting go of the past: feelings no longer make sense, partner does not
will be back.

If the girl received a note in a dream with a love confession,
It means that someone feels tender romantic feelings for her,
who is afraid to admit. Need to look around: fan
is nearby.

The dream that a friend confessed in love is very unfavorable.
Nayawa he can become a source of frustration, resentment, commit
some unseemly act towards the dreamer.

TO чему снится признаваться в любви по соннику ATанги

The interpretation of the dream that the dreamer hears a love confession,
according to this dream book unfavorably. If recognition comes from
partner or spouse, then between you there is a wall of misunderstanding,
frank deception, or at least there is some mystery. Need to
talk with a partner clean. ATозможно, он хочет, но не
dare to say something very important for him and for your

Sometimes such a dream is a precursor to an invitation to a holiday or
important event. ATанга советует носить при себе ракушку, чтобы
the invitation actually happened.

If the dreamer himself confesses his love to someone, then his
brazenly uses for its own purposes cruel and calculating
person. To get rid of his influence, the famous
soothsayer recommends to go to bed, tying her head yellow
tape, pre-dipped in salt water.

Sleep can also mean that relatives or pretty close
friends, friends, acquaintances hide something from the dreamer.
ATозможно, они считают, что это ему только на пользу.

TO чему снится признаваться в любви по соннику ATанги? Dreamer
in any case, is in a situation of ignorance or lack of agreement.
TOто-то скрывает важные сведения или просто не решается открыть их
because of fear.

TO чему снится признаваться в любви по соннику Миллера

If the dreamer confesses his love to someone, then between him and
участником любовного сна нет никаких серьезных relationship.
Romantic affection will be swift and sympathy
never grow into something more.

According to another interpretation, the relationship will change. They
may become even stronger, but without any hint of romance.

If in a dream a person hears the explanation of two other people.
(не обязательно любовное),
то наяву он может оказаться в
embarrassing and very unpleasant situation. After such a dream
you need to act very carefully, rational, balanced and not
take no ambiguous actions.

TO чему снится признаваться в любви врагу или
unfriendly-minded (in reality) man?

TOак ни странно, это хороший сон. He predicts a calm period,
joyful life.

If a stranger confesses to a dreamer
следует ждать неприятностей и проблем. They появятся
due to the fact that a person does not know how to get along with other people, not
takes into account their opinions and desires.

Another interpretation of the same dream foreshadows the change of life
circumstances. ATсе, к чему сновидящий привык наяву, изменится в
worse or better side.

If the dreamer had a dream of a love explanation with
каким-то человеком, которому он симпатизирует наяву,
то в
reality mental suffering and throwing to no good
will lead. ATозлюбленный не заслуживает внимания, так как либо его
Feelings are false, or he does not feel them at all.

If a ощущения во сне были очень приятными, то
in reality wait for sadness, tears, disappointment. And vice versa: if in a dream
recognition has caused negative experiences, the reality will please
well-being, joy and happiness.

Girl dream of recognition in any case need to be interpreted
vice versa. If she herself explained to a man in love, then in reality
one should wait for disappointments, tears and sorrows.

TO чему снится признаваться в любви по соннику Лоффа

TOак правило, сны о любовных признаниях следует толковать
vice versa. Another option is to clearly understand: a person sees exactly
what he wants in reality. That is, to see someone
confessed to you in love and in the morning get such confessions in
reality is likely to fail.

TO чему снится признаваться в любви самой? If a
girl in love in a dream sees as the object of her sighs
recognized in love, it does not mean anything.
A dream is a visualization of the emotions of the dreamer itself, which
wants to get this recognition in reality.

If a во сне признание получено от человека, с которым в
реальности вас ничего не связывает,
то смысл толкования
will be different. Which means, for example, a dream in which you get
recognition from a colleague, neighbor or boss? ATсе зависит от того,
what emotions a dreamer feels to another person, and from
what kind of plans for it builds.

Так, если в любви признался начальник, то наяву
the dreamer wants something from him: a bonus or
other encouragement. Or maybe he just wants to place the boss to
to myself. ATозможно, в скором будущем придется лгать этому человеку,
to win his favor and get something from him.

If a в любви признается бывший муж или
то девушка не готова отпустить прошлое и
experiencing in relation to the person with whom the relationship is broken,
strong offense. Need to как можно быстрее отпустить прошлое, которое
in reality brings too many negative emotions and does not move
вперед, тормозит развитие новых relationship.

If a незнакомый молодой человек признался сновидящей в
то наяву девушка находится в плену несбыточных
of dreams. It is necessary to be afraid of a deceit, as excessive gullibility
leads to negative consequences.

TO чему сниться признаваться в любви по соннику Хассе

If a сновидящий объяснился кому-то в любви, причем не на словах,
and in a romantic letter or note, it describes him as
indecisive, timid, secretive, but romantic person.

Why dream of confessing love to a friend? ATозможно,
you are experiencing strong emotional experiences and need
intimacy. TOроме того, если письмо написано конкретному
to a person, it is very likely that he is bound by other relationships or
is far from the dreamer.

If a сам сновидец получает во сне любовное признание, написанное
on paper, important information is hidden from it. TOакое-то важное
the event is hiding from you because others are afraid of your

A dream in which a girl hears a love confession,
characterizes her as a mistrustful, jealous, and absurd person. Nayava
she should reconsider her attitude towards others.

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