What dreams of coins: new, old,foreign? The basic interpretation of different dream books – what dreamscoins

Пн, 12 мар 2018 Автор: Инна

Dreams can not visit you every day. In order to
interpret them – it is necessary to pay attention to each of them, even
the most insignificant nuance. К чему снятся coins? how
interpret such a dream?


К чему снятся coins — основное толкование

A lot of money is a real joy for many. Who
would not have dreamed of winning a significant amount of money and deciding so
way many of your life problems? К чему снятся coins, если
you collect them from the ground – such a dream does not promise you much profit.
You have to be content with little, otherwise you will not get it either.
Such a dream may also indicate a slight income.
because the person is not too eager for them.

In order to полностью растолковать сон — необходимо вникнуть
in all its details:

— howие именно coins вы увидели во сне;

– Have you seen a lot of coins;

– What metal it was made of;

— Где именно вы видели coins.

If a вы увидели во сне coins, которые имеют одинаковое
dignity – such a dream promises you the choice of several
of the same type of options. Perhaps you wanted to buy something, now
You will have this opportunity. If you dream you are long
time could not find the coin in your pocket – in reality you also did not
can make a decision.

What will stop you from doing this? Most likely, you can not
concentrate on important business and just keep it going
save. You will be difficult to decide to take active
actions and the point is not at all that you are afraid of the consequences, you are not
know how to realize your plans.

Сон, в котором вы долгое время ищете в кармане coins и
discover that these are not the ones you need – you should
stay. If you decide to do something, for example, invest
money, to conclude a contract – it will be a losing business, which is not
worth your attention.

A dream in which you can’t get in your pocket for a long time
trifle and eventually find the keys – says that you can
It is very profitable to invest money and get the desired result. Such
sleep may also indicate that you have a huge amount
opportunities and perspectives, you only have to be more active
to achieve goals. Try to set yourself even the most
unusual and extravagant goals that you will achieve very

A dream in which you see someone pay with coins for
expensive purchase – says that before you will open
opportunity to improve your material well-being and if you
used to be small things and did not allow themselves much. Now you have
There is an opportunity to earn a lot and spend a lot. But
make sure that your expenses do not exceed revenues.

The dream in which you work as a cashier and you bring a whole package
coins that you have to recount – says that
you will soon receive rather tempting offers by accepting
them you can much improve your financial situation. But
look at each one, because you can hurry and

A dream in which you have been trying to get out of your wallet for a long time.
coin – it says about a difficult decision, about the conflict that you have
matures with a loved one. If a во сне вы раскидываете coins —
you have to think about what you want from life.
Maybe you want a holiday and happiness, maybe you have enough and
what you get from life and so on. Perhaps you are trying everything
understand more about your true feelings and needs, but
you are not so good at it.

If a вы раскидываете coins над головами новобрачных — значит
A life surprise is waiting for you, joy and happiness are waiting for you.
Try to more actively follow everything that happens in
your life and do not miss the happy moments of life.

Сон, в котором вы видите серебряные coins — говорит о сложности
in your financial and spiritual condition. It will be difficult for you to live and
enjoy life. You will go into yourself so much that you can hardly
even close people will be happy.

Сон, в котором вы считаете золотые coins — говорит об улучшении
your health, about the opportunities that will allow you to improve
life, make new acquaintances, get support and

Сон, в котором вы видите, что coins медные и вы складываете их
in a vase – talks about the complexity of your financial situation. You
you can work long and hard, but the result that you
satisfied – you will not get. A dream in which you have several coins
handful – says that you have to share your success and
fame with colleagues.

If a во сне вы зарываете coins в землю — это весьма негативное
a dream that foreshadows failure and negative thoughts. You
you should keep track of the spending and forecast them, otherwise you instead
happy and successful life, you will begin to live difficult and penniless.

Сон, в котором вы видите, как мужчина дарит вам coins — говорит
that your elect will be stingy and rude If you want with such
man to build a family – dream book advises you to rely only on
yourself, if you want to build a family with a loving and sincere
a man – you need to look at other gentlemen. Because
this young man cannot make you happy.

К чему снятся coins по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что золотые coins снятся к роскоши и
the joys that can reign in your personal life soon
of time. Your joy and happiness will be connected as with your
familiar with you personally. Who-то очень будет вас радовать и
will give you a lot of positive emotions and sensations. Try
in all this man to indulge and not to conflict. Then
happiness will last a long time.

If a во сне у вас не хватает coins, чтобы расплатиться — вам не
enough some little things to build a relationship for life. You
worth figuring out what it is about. Perhaps you are too categorical to
partner, perhaps you allow yourself too much.

If a вы во сне меняете coins на бумажные деньги — вы захотите
change the relationship that you have long been pleased with something new.
You можете встретить нового мужчину и вам может показаться, что он
really worthy of your attention. Do not change so dramatically
partners. Think about whether it is worth it.

К чему снятся coins по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что coins, которые вы
recounting in a dream promise you poverty and difficulties in life.
The coins that you give to someone – they say about your
wastefulness. And now, even if your financial support
it will be necessary for someone, you should refuse, otherwise you will remain
with nothing.

A dream in which you see how children are played with coins and
scatter them – says that you will be negligent
your earnings, you will not look for additional sources
income, although you need them. You will rely more and more
on intuition, and she will fail you.

A dream in which you will be trying for a long time to raise a coin with
sex – says that your loss is quite seriously reflected
on your future life. You будете долгое время пытаться
restore your image, your former reputation and you have it
will not work.

Try более активно работать над собой после такого сна.
A dream in which you have been trying for a long time to figure out how much
the coins you need to pay for your purchase – says that you and
in reality you will not be able to understand your plans and you will be long
recount money trying to figure out how much they need
to spend.

К чему снятся coins по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что coins во сне не всегда сулят
well-being and joy in reality. Try более внимательно
treat your needs and understand exactly what you are
what you want and what you strive for.

Сон, в котором вы закапываете coins — говорит о том, что вы
invested a lot of effort and now you need to wait for the result. If a
you will do so – it will not take long. But после
a positive result, it is important not to give up the position.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что coins снятся тогда, когда человек
wants to achieve something new in life. This desire may be
fully justified, it is important not to deviate from your goals and your
positions. It is important to understand the new features that are in front of you.
will open life. Сон, в котором вы потеряли coins – сулит вам
disappointment in close people. Do not expect much from them. Simply
be happy for them.

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