What dreams of cake: buy, choose, cookor to help them? Basic interpretations of various dream books – why?dream cake

Ср, 28 фев 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can see completely unexplainable things. It can
be both past events and events that will foreshadow
your future. К чему dream cake? How can you explain like


К чему dream cake — основное толкование

A dream in a dream in which you enjoy a slice of cake – it says
future pleasant troubles and favorable changes in life. You
you will be ready to change in every way and get the most out of life

In order to fully interpret a dream – you need to take into account all
his nuances:

– You should remember whether you baked a cake in a dream, or you baked it

– Did you give a cake in a dream;

– Was the cake delicious?

– Who else ate the cake besides you?

A dream where you bought a fancy cake and carry it as a gift to
guests – says that you will happily spend
time in pleasant company. If you see a dream in which you blow
candles from the holiday cake- in reality you will be immersed in the opportunity
for a long time to do your own personal affairs and to receive from it

A dream in which you see a huge wedding cake – speaks of
that you dream of global changes in life. If a
you cut the wedding cake yourself and bite off a piece of it –
You will be able to touch the success of others and become more successful yourself.

If a же во сне вы отказываетесь от куска свадебного торта — вы
give up the opportunities that life will give you. You не
want to take a chance and take steps towards implementing important
plans. You не захотите откликнуться на чью-то просьбу, но потом,
very much regret it.

A dream where you will be trying to knead the dough for a long time.
cake, and you will not get it – says that to
implementation of all conceived should be approached more carefully.
Try faster and even responsibly to treat assigned to
you mission

A dream in which you’ll knead the dough on the cake, but he ends up
it will turn out much more than you expected – it means that in reality you
get significantly better results than planned. You можете
actively self-implement and fulfill all our plans. If a же во
in a dream you kneaded dough and the cake turned out to be significantly less than you
expected – do not expect quick results from our plans, do not wait
praise and recognition. To you will make increased demands
and follow your every move.

A dream in which you bake several cakes at once – talking about
your internal needs to be realized in several cases
right away You будете активно двигаться на пути к реализации своей
dreams, you will actively move towards the realization of your
desires. And you will have it perfectly if it comes out
cake in a dream.

But, if his cakes are burnt – such a dream suggests that you are not
be able to pause in the right question and hurry. Then
the result of the case will not make you too happy. You, скорее разочаруетесь и
You will worry for a long time because of this frustration.

A dream in which not all cakes have burned, but only some
– says that the case can still be saved. You ещё можете
undertake all imaginable and inconceivable ways and methods in order
to achieve the goal. But the result will not satisfy you completely.
Uncertain and unresolved questions and moments will remain.

A dream in which you will decorate the cake with flowers and pictures from
Mastic – says about your inner need to diversify
own life. You будете всё пытаться изменить свою жизнь к
to the best and it will be great for you.

A dream in which you buy a cake in a cafe and try it – says
about new meetings and acquaintances. If a торт вам кажется вкусным —
Meetings and acquaintances will be successful and will give you joy. If a
the cake seems sugary to you – they will be superfluous in your life. If a
the cake is not at all tasty and even bitter – yours will be the same
meeting It is worthwhile to prepare in advance for disappointments and

A dream in which you come to the celebration, but you don’t have a cake
gets – says that you will soon appear in some
important place, but will not be judged by merit. You можете даже
put forward strong arguments in their defense, but they will not be heard
and appreciated by merit. Try not to count in the near future
to the support and praise of partners and colleagues, and rely on
support by someone from the side.

A dream in which you come to a celebration and they leave you the most
a big and tasty piece of cake – speaks about your success in
social activities. You будете у всех на слуху и у всех на
mind They will listen to you, they can even admire you.

If a во сне с вами кто-то делится своим кусом торта — значит с
you share your success someone from the more successful colleagues. Sleep in
where you buy a piece of cake in a pastry shop and put it in
refrigerator – says that your dreams and desires will be
implemented with some delay. The reason for this delay will become
your personal insecurity and unwillingness to develop. Try
In spite of everything, do not postpone for later important decisions.
Take them carefully and with a clear understanding that you are
need to.

К чему dream cake по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that the cake is a dream as a symbol of tasty and
sweet love life. You будете наслаждаться своим партнёром и его
by society. You will try to give as much time and attention as possible.

If a во сне вы едите торт руками — вашей страсти и радости не
there will be a limit. You будете наполнены эмоциями и счастьем. Not important
go too far and do not make the relationship too intrusive. Otherwise you
you can lose your partner’s love, encroach on his freedom.

Sleep in котором вы видите, как ваш партнёр ест торт — говорит о
that you will soon be able to find out about his passion for another
a woman. He will be involved in some kind of relationship that is not at all
will bring him pleasure later, but they can destroy your

If a вы во сне едите кусок торта своего партнёра — вы will becomeе с
they are very close and will be filled with emotions and happiness. Important
remember that trust is very difficult to restore, do not abuse

Sleep in котором вы покупаете торт, но он просроченный — говорит о
that the most suitable option to change the life you have already missed.
Perhaps you were offered to meet, or re-establish a relationship,
but you refused. Such a dream means that now the chance is lost and you
you will not be able to get such prospects in the near future.

Sleep in котором вы сам печёте торт и угощаете его своих друзей —
says that there will be peace and harmony in your home and everything around you
will be happy. Your kindness and easygoing temper will provide you
a huge number of loved ones and friends.

К чему dream cake во Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the cake does not always dream of
sweet and carefree life. It can mean and worries, chores,
which will be associated with close people. The cake that you cut
into equal parts – says that you will soon be concerned about
your life and the life of a loved one. You разделите с ним в равных
share duties, problems and adversities.

Sleep in котором вы разрезаете торт только на две части — говорит
that you do not want to let anyone in your life.
You будете наслаждаться вниманием своего партнёра, его присутствием
In my life. And do not want to communicate with anyone else
dedicate to your personal life.

If a во сне вы откусываете кусок торта, и он кажется вам кислым
– you will be disappointed in a close person. If a во сне вы
bite a piece of cake and it seems salty to you – you will be much
cry because of your close friend’s relationship with you. You будете не
ready for this attitude. You will blame yourself, look in yourself

К чему dream cake по другим сонникам

In the dream book of Medea, it is said that a cake that dreamed of a lonely
женщине — означает, что в скором времени она will become довольно
successful among men. Она will become с ними флиртовать и получать
attention from them in return.

К чему dream cake по соннику Гришиной? Fruit Cake – Dream
to travel. Soon you will visit exotic countries, or
be able to realize your dream. Sleep in котором вы видите какую-то
the inscription on the cake – says that it is time you understand
own feelings. You may have lots of unspoken words and
emotions and you really want to realize them. Then стоит вспомнить,
what kind of inscription was on your cake. Возможно, это и will become
a hint on the way to solving your problems and difficulties.

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