What dreams of burning house: the interpretation of populardream books. Find out the dream of a burning house: yours or someone else’s

Пн, 22 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Dreams of a house engulfed in fire belong to the category

As a rule, such dreams foreshadow losses, losses, diseases
and other troubles.

However, there are exceptions.

The house in a dream symbolizes the device of the dreamer’s life, the course
personal and professional affairs.

The future depends on the condition of the house.


What dreams of burning family dream house

  • If the sleeper dreams of a house in flames, failures await him,
    trouble and grief. Such a dream often warns of
    real danger to the health and life of all the inhabitants of the burning

  • Living or dining room, engulfed in fire, foreshadow unpleasant
    известия о болезни хозяина горящего houses. The same value has
    a dream that drapes and furniture flashed and burned. Very bad,
    if the situation in the house burns to the ground. In this case, you should wait
    severe and prolonged disasters.

  • If the dream lights up, and then collapses the top floor
    a dwelling house, the dreamer may lose his fortune
    well-being, will be humiliated. It is waiting for a long
    period of suffering and spiritual experiences. Wrong friends betray
    loved ones leave in a difficult moment.

  • What dreams of a burning house, if the fire engulfed all the buildings? One
    from interpretations – to court proceedings, which will be
    long and extremely unpleasant.

  • Oneко есть нюансы: цвет пламени. If it is clear, clean,
    pleasant, without smoke, and there will be no visible destruction in the building, then
    poor dream foreshadows a sudden enrichment, and rich –
    increased status, great fame, a new round of career development.

  • If in a dream the trees lit up in front of the house, it foreshadows
    damages for its tenants.

  • What is the dream of a burning home for elderly parents? To the bad.
    The dreamer will soon have to hear about the misfortune that happened in
    house of old men, get bad news about them and much

What dreams of burning house according to Freud’s dream book?

The sexual orientation of Freud’s dream book definitely allows
interpret dreams of this kind. Flame of fire directly
связывается с желаниями, которые охватывают dreamer

What dreams of burning house from the point of view of the Austrian sexologist?
A person who participates in such a dream is experiencing or
will soon experience a strong desire for sexual intimacy
head overwhelmed with passion.

  • If the dreamer will fight with fire, then in reality he has
    serious problems related to the sexual sphere.

  • If in a dream a person is in a burning house, then in real
    life, he has inner doubt about his sexual power
    or attractiveness.

  • A dream in which only smoldering remains of a burning house
    coals, indicates the extinction of sexual desire to

  • What dreams of burning house on the Miller dream book

  • Favorable sign for the dreamer is considered burning even
    strong flame house. Dreaming means getting rid of old
    problems, projects, irrelevant feelings and the desire for something
    new way. This may be the foreshadowing of a new joyous stage in
    life, some kind of external update. Often the dream of a fire dream
    before starting repairs or on the eve of the move.

  • Why dream of a burning house, if the dreamer fights fire? it
    foreshadowing hindrances, failures in terms of work or business,
    some real difficulties. If in a dream there are victims of fire, then
    one should expect the illness of a loved one living with

  • If upon awakening a person has an oppressive feeling
    depression, fear, disappointment, then in reality he is waiting for repetition
    these feelings. Depression starts, a nervous breakdown happens after
    destruction of plans and hopes.

  • If the dreamer sees the house of his friends, acquaintances or
    relatives, then in reality they are waiting for problems. it могут быть неудачи,
    losses, frustration.

  • The burning house of the parents means that the dreamer has lost
    mutual understanding with them. He urgently needs to find a compromise
    decision, to show respect to the parental opinion, to show your
    attachment to relatives. Otherwise the crack of misunderstanding
    will constantly deepen and lead eventually to complete

By burning the burning house by Nostradamus dream book

The interpretation of the dream of a burning house in the dream-book of the great seer is close
to the interpretation of Freud. Fire marks carnal obsession
sensual passion. Another interpretation links the picture of the fire with
desire to change your life.

If the dreamer puts out a fire in the house, then he feels the fear of change.
and tend to leave it at that. Passive behavior in a fire
predicts that the dreamer may miss his chance. therefore
waking after a dream, he should be more active.

If the dreamer sets fire to the house with his own hands, then in real
life, he is fully prepared for dramatic changes.

See how the fire in the house took over from the candle, predicts

What is the dream of a burning house according to Hasse

Very positive interpretation of the burning house gives the dream book Hasse.
Fire means unexpected and very quick patronage,
joyful events.

If the flame is accompanied by thick smoke, then the waking dream
get good news.

What is the dream of burning a house according to Wang’s dream book?

The burning house according to this dream book is dreaming before the move or

Flame mixed with smoke means gossip, slander and rumors
которые окутали dreamer

If the fire covers not only the house itself, but also the adjacent
territory, the dreamer is waiting for a period of failure, deterioration of conditions
accommodation, failure plans.

What dreams of burning house in the modern dream book

  • If the dreamer sees a burning house and knows that nobody is in it,
    then in the near future many good changes await him. They will
    unexpected and affected different areas of his life.

  • A similar dream, dreamed in spring, predicts that summer will be
    hot and dry. The harvest will burn under the sun, it will be very
    scanty. Winter dream of a house fire means an offensive
    severe frosts.

  • What dreams of burning house girl in the period of romantic
    candy-bouquet relations? It is possible that the dream
    predicts marriage to a young man. The more in a dream rages
    the flame, the more passionate will be the relationship of lovers after
    of marriage.

  • A dream of a burning house predicts its owner a loss,
    unplanned expenses. May have to sell off
    property to close the resulting debts. If there are victims
    the dreamer will be mixed up in some kind of scam. Matter can
    end with monetary losses and other troubles.

  • If the flames engulfed another unfamiliar house, sleep means good luck in
    the intended case. But to a man who watches fire among
    crowds, the dream predicts a deterioration in relationships at work. If a
    there is almost no flame, but smoke is falling in all directions, new things are waiting

  • See how the fire in the house is just beginning, heralds discord in
    family. Relationships deteriorate, begin a constant quarrel. To
    avoid aggravation of the situation, you need to immediately discuss it and come
    to compromise. To extinguish a fire means to pay off some
    conflict or sudden quarrel.

  • What dreams of burning houses standing in a row on a village street?
    Sleep is very favorable: positive events await the dreamer
    pleasant changes or great happiness.

  • To dream of a fireman is a bad sign. Dreamer follows
    look at the surroundings: perhaps next to him
    hypocritical friend or hidden enemy.

What dreams of burning a house according to the universal dream book

If a сновидящий видит горящее здание, его в реальности ждет
quarrel or spat. Be extremely careful in dealing with
close and unfamiliar people and prevent the growth of conflict.
In addition, sleep can predict a series of failures in all areas
life or the desire to avoid personal responsibility.

If a сновидящий находится внутри горящего дома и пытается
get out, then in reality it is plagued by past insults. it чревато
depression, so you need to reconsider the attitude to the past and
let him go.

If a во сне человек пытается погасить пожар, то наяву он очень
behaves toughly with people, causes internal discontent in them.
The dreamer needs to learn patience and show respect so as not to
destroy your relationship with others.

Firefighters call is an important sign. If a на пожар приехала бригада или
there was one fireman, it means that the dreamer has some kind of
valuable information. With it, he will be able to defeat the enemies.

Trying to save a fire victim from a burning house foreshadows failure
plans, negative completion of an ongoing project or an important

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