What dreams of big waves: transparent ormuddy. Basic interpretations – what to expect if you dreamed bigthe waves

Пн, 12 сен 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams are a special reality that seems to be superimposed on
what happens in a person’s life.

Thanks to dreams, you can realize the reality and get
hint for the future.

Так к чему снятся большие the waves?

Worth to understand.


К чему снятся большие the waves — основное толкование

How nice to see in a dream sea smoothness, how it attracts azure,
how nice to see the voyage you go with
joy and enthusiasm. After such dreams comes the white stripe in
life and everything starts to take shape.

But what could mean a dream in which huge
the waves?
It is necessary to carefully interpret the dream as a whole,
considering the following nuances:

• Waves rise at night or during the day;

• The water is cold or warm;

• The color of the water remains clear, or it becomes turbid;

• What sensations do you see at the sight of the waves (fear, joy,

• По какой причине подымаются the waves;

• What happens to you after this.

It is important to look closely at every detail.
Especially if you are not alone in the storm, but with you
one man. If you are still caught off guard by the storm
ship, and you have nowhere to go – you will overwhelm a series of incomprehensible
events, they will be very unpleasant to you.

On the one hand, it is worth considering all that come into your life.
trouble as a lesson, an opportunity to change life for the better,
on the other hand, it is worth to overcome obstacles with dignity.
If you dreamed of a tsunami – expect changes in your life such
forces that it is unlikely that something will remain with you from the former way of life and

If a большие the waves вас не пугают, а наоборот — вы с радостью и
you ride on them with fun – everything in life will be easy for you. You will
busy with their household chores and at the same time have time to perform a lot
orders, take into account all the details and nuances. Be prepared painstakingly
to work, because, your labor will be rewarded a hundredfold.

If a молодому парню приснятся большие the waves — стоит умерить свой
fervor and be sure to pay more attention to your soul mate.
It is not necessary to actively sort things out now. No good
will only otlonit partners. In order to have everything in life
smoothly and went on as usual – you need to smooth out conflicts, and not
insist on.

If you are overwhelmed with dirty water from the waves – you also
immersed in their problems and all because of the sluggishness and
carelessness In the future, just wait for the situation to deteriorate.
if you want to change something urgently – change right now. Otherwise
your problems will spoil your life for a long time.

If you are overwhelmed with clear and warm water of large
waves – rejoice, fate has prepared you a lot of gifts, you will appreciate
at work, you’ll be everywhere honored. You will always be good
account, both at work and in the family. If anyone is coming soon
time will turn to you for help – help, without thinking, this
help will be rewarded.

К чему снятся большие the waves по соннику Миллера

К чему снятся большие the waves? Miller’s dream book states that
This dream should be viewed as a caution. If a
the sea water is clear, despite the storm – the decision you make
absolutely right. Even if doubts will overwhelm you – they
end, and there will come a period of firm confidence in their own
force Also, the decision will bring you financial stability
and welfare.

If a же вам снится что в результате шторма всё побережье усыпано
garbage and silt – do not make hasty decisions and do not
conclusions in anger. It is worth considering all possible ways to resolve
conflict situation. In addition, sleep indicates that you
need to continue to be more cautious. Because the conflict is caused
It is your past mistakes that you do not want to admit.
If a же невозможно как говорят «выйти сухим из воды» – решение
problems and questions should be postponed.

If a во сне вам явилось, как целые города захлестнула стихия —
be prepared for the trials, after which you will reign in your heart
peace and harmony If a большие the waves во сне никакого вреда ни сновидцу, ни
do not cause harm to other people and things – then in reality all obstacles will be
overcome quite easily.

If a же вам явилось в сновидении цунами — готовьтесь к
colossal changes in life. If a хотите всё успеть и при этом
get a big financial benefit – get ready painstakingly
work. But at the same time, do not discard the wishes and opinions
other people, they can be valuable experiences for you and

К чему снятся большие the waves по соннику Фрейда

К чему снятся большие the waves? Freud’s dream book states that they
dreams of changes in the relationship between partners. If a
снятся именно большие the waves — то и изменения будут кардинальными,
but positive or negative – it is worth studying carefully
whole dream If a the waves огромны и возникли из-за наводнения — стоит
expect pregnancy. If a она unwanted or unplanned –
better to take appropriate action.

If a мужчине приснились огромные the waves — нужно умерить пыл и
choose one partner in order to avoid conflicts and quarrels. If a the waves
overwhelmed him in a dream – the conflict is unlikely to be avoided, but
if the water is clear, he will triumph with pride and remain in

К чему снятся большие the waves по другим сонникам

В эзотерическом соннике особое внимание в
the interpretation of dreams is given to characters. They are secret
signs and hints. Так, большие the waves обозначают сплетни и
gossip behind your back. Someone specially inflates the conflict,
to denigrate you – this is indicated by the muddy and dirty water in
dreaming. If a она прозрачная — вы быстро обезвредите врага и
only benefit from his gossip.

If a вам приснилось, как вы тоните в больших волнах и на помощь
no one comes to you – you will be lonely. You are not easy
will be left alone in your personal life, without support at work, but you
will pester the state of inner loneliness, it will interfere
you live. Someone is jealous of you, and therefore you feel
discomfort, you want to wash yourself with water, wash off another’s negative,
but as a result you just drown in the waves, immersed in
the deep

If a вам приснится, что на больших волнах качается младенец, он
does not sink, does not scream, but floats away – it is worth while to postpone
desire to have children. If a они уже есть — нужно особое
attention is given to their psychological health, as it may
stagger, children can distance themselves about you.

В соннике Цветкова сказано, что большие the waves
are evidence of a huge emotional potential

• If a вы просто за ними наблюдаете с берега — готовьтесь к
a trip;

• If a the waves покрывают своими водами берег и они мутные — стоит
beware of quarrels and conflicts, now they have nothing to do with you;

• If a волна охватит вас целиком — вы попадёте в неловкую
the situation;

• If a волна чистая и вода пенится у берега — вскоре все
problems solved, all necessary efforts have already been made.

В еврейском соннике сказано, что the waves снятся к
hard work, it is worth performing all tasks and assignments wisely
and the desire to get the maximum result. Then labor will be
rewarded. Также большие пенящиеся the waves могут символизировать
an influx of emotions and feelings. If a они взаимные — не стоит беспокоиться.
But if unseparated – it is necessary to pull yourself together and not show
anybody suffer, otherwise the enemies will take advantage of it and only
aggravate the situation.

After such a dream, it is impossible to sort things out not only with your loved ones,
but also with relatives. If a картина как the waves колеблются, и вода штормит,
inspires you – you get the power to solve all your questions.
For a creative person, such a dream will become a symbol of new ideas and

In any case – a dream that causes positive
emotions – in reality will lead to positive changes. If a же the waves
raged in a dream and from them blows cold, damp, darkness,
perhaps a person is inclined to blacken everything himself, to become depressed.
Then the dream indicates that you should not go too far. Is possible
prolonged depression and severe consequences after it.

If a же the waves бушуют, но вода прозрачная и ветер треплет вам
hair – it’s time to pack your bags. The trip will be far and very
varied. If a на берегу, вы стоите не сами, то и не одни
hit the road. You will be accompanied by a faithful friend, a loved one.
Sleep promises happiness and joy.

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