What dreams of autumn: early or late,beautiful or terrible? Basic interpretations of various dream books – why?dream of autumn

Ср, 25 апр 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can find yourself in a variety of situations with
different people. You can communicate with them, you can depend on them.
TO чему dream of autumn, как растолковать подобное сновидение?


TO чему dream of autumn — основное толкование

Если вам приdream of autumn тогда, когда наяву лето — постарайтесь
prepare for the completion of some affairs in your life. be ready
to the fact that something in your life goes wrong, as planned.
In order to fully interpret the dream – it is important to draw
attention to such details:

“For whatever reason, autumn has come in your dream;

– What emotions did you have;

– Who did you communicate with in a dream;

– Is the autumn over in a dream.

If you dream that you open the doors of your house and for
it is autumn, although in reality a completely different time of the year is awaiting you
the changes you deserve. Perhaps it will be about changing
place of residence, about changing jobs. In any case, changes
will be welcome and positive.

If you have a dream in which you look out of your window
and autumn began outside – such a dream suggests that your dreams
and hopes will not come true. Most likely, you will waste time and
do your best to get what you want

What will cause the lack of results – your
sluggishness. You will just wait for the right moment and
take no action. If you upset what you see, if
in a dream you will cry – in reality you stand firmly all the tests and
Do not be upset, do not worry.

If in a dream you get fun and joyful, because
outside the window is autumn – in reality you will be too active for something
to respond, which will lead to negative consequences. If in a dream you
You will see how autumn has begun outside the window and it will not cause emotions – you and
in reality calmly respond to the changes. And then
peace of mind will play you at hand.

If you dream that someone is carrying a bag of collected fallen
leaves – you expect a good news. If you yourself collect in
dream of fallen leaves – you will try to change your life. But
you will do it, based on past experience. Try
to prioritize correctly, not to neglect the fact that you already

If in a dream you видите из окна своего дома, как люди спасаются от
autumn rain, run through the puddles – you should be ready for unnecessary
vanity and temporary inconvenience that can overtake you by
objective reasons. If in a dream you видите, как вы сам попадаете
under the torrential autumn rain – wait for empty tears and empty
disappointment. You yourself will be disappointed in everything that you do, in
deeds and words of others.

Your rainfall depends on how much rain fell on you
future in reality:

– Cold pouring rain – to trouble, which will be found
by surprise;

– Warm torrential rain – to unexpected changes;

– The wind with rain that knocks you down – to the irresistible
obstacles and interference;

– The rain, after which the sun came out and a rainbow appeared –
sudden joy after long problems;

– Rain from the clear sky – to empty feelings and insults.

If you dream late autumn, which turned out to be for you
quite unexpected – in reality you will receive an offer that you
puzzled at first, but then you realize that it does not carry for you
benefits. If in a dream you гуляете по осеннему лесу и собираете грибы и
berries – you really make a profit with a delay.

You shouldn’t complain about anybody, it’s better to accept
The fact of the incident is calm and no longer worry. If autumn is
your dream is late and it is already snowing – you are too long
made some kind of decision that needed to be made much
earlier. Now time is lost for you, and you will only
give up on the situation further.

If in a dream you одеты не по погоде и сильно мёрзнете — вам
will deliver unpleasant chores someone’s words. You will because of someone
be upset. Do not worry and sound the alarm.
Treat the problem coolly, and it will soon be solved.

If you dream that autumn has changed dramatically in the summer – your
problems and efforts will exhaust themselves and you will happily celebrate
victory over yourself. Do not waste your power and energy.
Try приумножить её и всё в вашей жизни получится, само
by myself.

Autumn thunder out of the blue sky – promises you quite disturbing
news that you try not to take, as it were, accept and
perceive with deep frustration. But ваши неприятности не будут
eternal. Soon you will quickly find a way out of this situation, and
she will no longer bother you.

A dream in which you observe several days in a row how to change
Seasons – promises you a long journey and global
life changes. You may have long dreamed of going somewhere.
on the road and now finally decided to do it. A life поможет вам
in this, all your undertakings will be brought to the end.

TO чему dream of autumn по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that autumn dreams when you look for
The right decision and it will soon become known to you. Maybe you
still can’t decide to break the relationship or to
change partner Now in your life that moment came when
you have to make a long-awaited decision.

If in a dream you видите, что осень довольно холодная и вы
chilled by dampness – you’ll even feel in a relationship
lonely and sullen. You will be upset, you will
constantly look for an opportunity to throw out their negative emotions and
this will lead to quarrels with loved ones.

TO чему dream of autumn — она снится к значительным изменениям в
personal life. If autumn is warm and makes you happy in a dream
in days – something pleasant will come from your past. Perhaps it
there will be memories, perhaps these will be some forgotten emotions,
which you most recently decided to resurrect.

If you dream about someone trying to escape from the autumn
bad weather, and you help him in this – you will actively influence
someone’s life, will actively give another person happiness and
joy, he will repay you the same.

If a pregnant woman dreams of deep autumn – she is tired of
routine and from hassle. She lacks energy and lacks emotion. She is
really wants to find the right solution, but to do it alone
it will be very difficult – dream book advises to get her support and
help, then she will succeed.

TO чему dream of autumn по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that autumn dreams when
it’s time to finish one thing and start another. If you dream
snowy and cold autumn – in your life will come a period of freezing,
you will try to build something new for a long time, but you will remain on it
same level.

Sunny and warm autumn – promises pleasant chores and positive
changes. You will be given a chance to look at your life differently and
find in it a lot of positive. If you are happy to travel in
a dream in the autumn street of an unfamiliar city – in reality you will study
something new that brings you experience. It will be exactly the experience
which you have long lacked.

TO чему dream of autumn по другим сонникам

In the dream book Medea said that autumn can dream to end
one path and the beginning of another life path of man. This is some
the transition from the past to the future, which still have to go.
Sooner or later, you would be faced with a choice and it is better to make it.

Also dreams about autumn are dreaming before important decisions. Human can
in reality to doubt the correctness of actions and it will be reflected
on his decisions. After such a dream, any doubts will lead to
negative consequences, any possible delay in decisions –
will lead to the impossibility of their implementation.

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that autumn is a dream as a symbol of the end
negative period in your life. If you have been experiencing
difficulties for a long time you can not solve anything for yourself – now
it is time to realize that change will come into your life.
Perhaps you still do not understand this, but you have long been ready for
the best.

Autumn, rich in vegetables and fruits – promises a favorable period in
life, new opportunities. You just have to use them and
never postpone important decisions until later. Important
remember that a dream carries only important clues, but
you make your own decisions based on personal experience and
on personal beliefs. Dreams are only able to help in making
making, direct.

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