What dreams of aquarium fish fightingfish? The basic interpretation of different dream books – what dreamsaquarium fish

Пн, 19 фев 2018 Автор: Инна

In the dream you can visit different situations, get to know
those people, about acquaintance with whom they could only dream. For what
снятся аквариумные fish? How to interpret a similar dream?


For what снятся aquarium fish — основное толкование

A dream in which you see aquarium fish – speaks of things to come
wonderful events in your life. You can fill your life
positive changes. A dream in which you are trying to recount
aquarium fish, but you do not get it – says that
you try to change your life, but in vain. You will be more
get into unusual situations from which it will be difficult for you
get out

In order to fully interpret such a dream –
you need to try to remember all its details, remember emotions in
time to sleep:

– Was the aquarium dirty;

– Are there many fish in a dream you saw;

– What was their color;

– Did you feed them;

– were they alive;

– Who else figured in your dream.

If a dream makes you have positive emotions – in reality you
there will be positive changes. You will not need anything
be able to diversify life and get what you have dreamed of for so long.
If the emotions you have a dream is only negative – you
it’s time to get ready for minor losses and problems. You will
for a long time to be disappointed in everything and in all.

A dream in which you see someone catching from an aquarium
fish – says that you will soon return to the past, to
your memories and will depend on a stranger. This
dependence can be both moral and financial.

In any case, your dependence on the lives and opinions of other people.
will be huge. The dream in which you feed aquarium fish –
says that you will try to realize your cherished
goals and dreams. You have to do this well. Attach
maximum amount of strength and energy. Try to be more active.
realize yourself and your ideas. Do not back down half way
then you get very close to the goal.

Если вам приснятся aquarium fish, которые плавают в мутной
water – try to clarify the situation around you.
Perhaps you yourself gave it away and can’t do it right
to dispose of all the gifts of fate.

Perhaps someone deliberately creates an unfavorable situation for you.
and now you have to make every effort to
The situation has been corrected. Try to wait out the unfavorable moment
and for the time being, nothing new to start or create. If you even
planned to do a new business or a new project – until you have to

If you dream that the fish in the aquarium hid and do not want
emerge – in reality you will have to face secrets and
preconceptions. You will have to seek recognition for a long time. Also
such a dream can speak of a state of internal stagnation, which
you have to overcome for a long time. Try not to panic and not
take everything to heart.

If in a dream all the same, the fish swim out to you for a meeting – you can
stay calm, your difficult situations are soon easy
will be resolved. You will be given a helping hand, and you will happily walk along
life towards the realization of a dream.

Sleep in котором aquarium fish объединяются в группы и плавают
in the same direction – says that you are finally
decide what you want from life. Previously you could
resist the call of the heart and mind. You could invent for yourself
various excuses and do not betray the values, do not respond
on the opportunity to develop. Now you have clearly chosen your position.
and move to the target.

If you see in a dream how the fish begin to attack each other
– such a dream suggests that you will witness the terrible
conflict, perhaps even with dire consequences. Sleep in
where you see fish eating each other – should you
to alert.

You in reality can get into a similar situation. You can suddenly
get upset and lose vigilance. You can even get hit
back from a loved one and all because you let him
manage your life. You could open a certain secret, could
give some hope, become more loving and close and in
the result was such a negative experience.

People tend to betray each other, so the dream book advises
more tolerant of human frailties. If you dream,
that someone else put his hand in the fish tank and tries
catch them – a person with negative intent will interfere in your life.
If he succeeds in doing this, he will take away something of value from you. It may
be like your work, family, and health. Try in
In the near future to focus on those people who
actively interested in you and your life. Perhaps you have more than once
be able to verify the negative intentions of these people.

Sleep in котором рыбок вначале выловили из аквариума, а потом
re-released into it – says what you have to do soon
return to the discussion of a long-standing case, a long-standing problem. Maybe you
even want to make a completely different decision to resolve the conflict.
And you will be given this situation in reality.

For what снятся aquarium fish по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что aquarium fish снятся одинокой
a woman as a symbol of her inner desire to acquire a family and
offspring. She may have to sacrifice something to
achieve the goal, but not necessarily these victims will
be chronic.

If a single woman dreams of a big fish with iridescent
scales – she will fall for the bait and trust the person
who can not be trusted. She will believe in sweet words and not
listen to your own mind, which will warn her of
further mistakes.

If a lonely woman in a dream sees the dead aquarium fish –
problems and stresses await her. Her personal life will fall apart, she won’t
will be able to build it again. Also такой сон может говорить о том, что
застой в жизни женщины будет be chronic.

If a married woman dreams of goldfish – she will live
in prosperity and understanding. Her life will be filled with love and
happiness Also, такой сон может указывать на возможность в скором
time to become a mother.

If a woman in a dream feeds the fish – she will assume a big
part of the obligations at home and life. This will not be her favor. She doesn’t
will be able to deal with yourself, your life. She is a big part of her
He will give life to his close ones and will regret it afterwards.

For what снятся aquarium fish по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что aquarium fish снятся
when a person is goth to the new in life. He is ready to upgrade.
If the fish swim in clear water, it will happen in human life
update period. Thanks to him, he can realize himself. Sleep in
where fish swim in muddy and black water – in human life
there will be a crisis.

Perhaps the prerequisites for this were long ago
did not want to notice the tips of life, did not want to take on
responsible for everything that happens in it. Sleep in котором
give a girl aquarium fish – says that in reality she is not
will receive a gift. She would rather get a lot of trouble and unforeseen

Sleep in котором аквариум лопается и из него начинает течь вода —
says that soon gossip and gossip attack a woman’s life.
Detractors will do everything possible to ruin her life and

For what снятся aquarium fish по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что aquarium fish никогда не
dream before terrible events. They often promise insignificant
profit, but their appearance can also mean petty efforts,

It is important to remember the behavior of the fish in the aquarium and your feelings during
time to sleep. For what снятся aquarium fish, которые откладывают
spawn? They dream of profit and new incredible opportunities. They
dream of as a symbol of the limitless new options that a person
will enjoy.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что aquarium fish снятся как символ
advice and support. If there are a lot of them and the aquarium just teems with them
– you will be confused and will not be able to concentrate on one case.
If the fish in the aquarium one – you will start to do something
fundamental, which will soon bring you a huge result.
Try to make the most of life support and help.

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