What dreams of a scarf on the interpretation of differentdream books. What portends a black scarf and what do people dream aboutblack shawls

ATт, 13 дек 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

A headdress in a dream is a symbolic representation of life.
The interpretation of the dream depends largely on the fabric from which it
manufactured as well as on color. A shawl on the head can mean like
good and bad.


What dreams about a headscarf for a modern family
dream book

If a женщине приснился сон о том, как она завязывает
платок на голове
, то наяву она ведет себя слишком резко,
provokes conflicts. After such a dream, you need to revise your
life principles, change behavior. She should hold back her
violent temper, abandon harsh assessments for loved ones, otherwise
peace and harmony in the family will not.

Why dream of a headscarf? To close
trip, family separation. As a rule, such a dream is a business dream.
people before a business trip.

If a платок сновидящий увидит на своих плечах,
then in reality he is afraid of something, worried about what happened or
upcoming events. Symbolically, a handkerchief is a load.
responsibility, which fell on the shoulders of the dreamer and crushes him.
If you do not get rid of the burden, you can bring yourself to depression.

TO чему снятся женщины в black shawls? Dream interpretation
treats the dream as unfavorable. Near the dreamer too
a lot of two-faced, malevolently minded people. They carry
gossip, spoil the reputation of the dreamer. He needs to behave
prudent, not to believe flattering speeches and hypocritical smiles.

If a black handkerchief is covered on the head itself
, то его ждет длительный период огорчений и
serious trouble. Having passed the test, he will become stronger
by the spirit.

If a black scarf in a dream will be worn on the mother
, это означает, что его совесть нечиста.
A person experiences an internal conflict that requires an early
permissions. The dreamer is not confident, confused, is on
threshold of depression.

TO чему снится платок по новому семейному dream book

A dream of a scarf covering the dreamer’s head foreshadows
significant changes in his life.

If a платок будет нежным, шелковым, это
marks the tenderness of the feelings that the dreamer is embracing. Dream about how
the dreamer covers with a silk scarf the head of a close relative,
friend or lover means that in reality he is experiencing
at the same time tenderness and sadness for this person. Sometimes
dream foreshadows separation from him.

Why dream of a black scarf on his head? AT
mourning, loss of a relative or friend. If the shawl is not black, but
dark color, it is a foreshadowing of sadness that will encompass the dreamer in

TO чему снится платок на голову по dream book Фрейда

Согласно dream book родоначальника психоанализа, головной платок
symbolizes in a dream the female body, the woman as an object of the male
of interest

If a сновидящий завязывает платок, он стремится
in intimate intimacy, needs her. Has a similar meaning
dream about ironing or washing a headscarf. A dream like this means
that a man makes sexual contact very easily.

A dream of tying, washing or ironing a headscarf,
приснившийся женщине
, означает, что наяву ей хочется
sexual entertainment, and not traditional, but unusual.

If a сновидец потерял платок, то в реальной
life he is disappointed in his partner. Intimate life between them
закончилась либо завершится в soon.

Шелковый платок на голову символически означает
craving for intimacy with same-sex partner.

TO чему снится платок на голову по dream book Миллера

If a молодая девушка видит на своей голове
, то наяву она скоро встретит молодого человека и
fascinated by it. If the shawl is torn or dirty, the hobby is not
will be long and bring only suffering due to constant quarrels and

Женский головной платок символизирует
secrecy, secret knowledge, restraint. If he is wearing his head,
but constantly slips off, then waking restraint prevents a person
get important information or have a close relationship. If a
a woman in a dream ties her head with a handkerchief she intends to keep
mystery and loyalty.

Шелковый платок, покрывающий плечи, означает,
that feelings are very hard to hide. AT ближайшее время плотина
restraint will burst, and they spill out.

TO чему снятся женщины в black shawls? Unfortunately, which
следует ожидать в soon. If a черный платок надет на
head, it is a foreboding of mourning.

If a во сне кто-то дарит вам платок, то наяву
you have to learn a big secret.

TO чему снится платок на голову по dream book ATанги

If a во сне женщина или мужчина повязывают голову платком, то в
Soon there will be important changes with them. Something will happen
what to experience alone will be simply impossible. If a сновидящий
seeks the advice of another person, he will make a mistake. Search
He has the answer from God.

TO чему снится платок на голову по dream book XX века

If a сновидящий видит, что платки надеты на голову другим людям,
then some important information is hidden from it. Dreamer and not
guesses that for a long time does not know the true intentions and
moods of others.

What is the dream of a light-colored scarf? If a он
put on the head of a friend or relative, then sleep is unfavorable.
The dream foreshadows this man a serious illness. If a
the dreamer will convince him to appear as a doctor, one can hope for
healing or prevent the development of a serious illness.

If a красивый, богато расшитый платок или палантин
накинут на плечи
сновидца, наяву его ждет выгодное дело. AT
very influential people will take part in it, and the dreamer will succeed
show your competence. After such a dream, one should hope for
significant changes in fate, the transition to a new level of social

Приснившийся сновидящему пуховый платок — намек
the fact that some important things are moving away from his attention. Person
fixated on trifles, finding fault with any minor detail,
clashes from scratch, but does not notice anything important.

If a молодая женщина увидит, что на ее голову надет
, она в реальной жизни стремится к совершенству,
constantly working on himself, able to control the situation.

Why dream of a black scarf? The symbolism of such a dream
connected not only with mourning, but in general predicts mental agony.
ATозможно, они станут результатом сплетен, которые распускают о
dreamer his worst enemies.

Сновидение о том, чистый, красивый платок надет на
голову мужчине-сновидцу
, предвещает ему спокойную, мирную
family life. His wife is faithful, you should not expect from her
treachery, no cheating. If a же платок будет порванным, грязным,
then the dream must be interpreted in the opposite way.

What dreams of a scarf on a married head
The dream foreshadows that she is on the threshold
major change. They can be both good and bad.
Therefore, just in case, it is worth preparing for negative development.
events. If a женщина, надев платок, четко чувствует во сне
some kind of emotion, then it will be the main one in real
of life.

TO чему снится платок на голову по dream book Цветкова

Согласно толкованию этого сонника, головной платок —
предвестье хороших перемен в of life.
After such a dream line
fate can do zigzag and completely change for the better
the side.

If a сновидящий надевает платок на голову, это ни хорошо, ни
badly. It is necessary to wait for household troubles and accept the fact that loved ones
things will have to be postponed to strontium. AT ближайшее время будет просто не
before them.

TO чему снится платок по эзотерическому dream book

If a сновидящий покупает платок на голову, то в
real life, he was tired of the constant duties. Shawl
– is a symbolic designation of protection from trouble, in which
needs a man. This desire to hide from all the bad
unpleasant, urgent need for a defender, reliable life

What dreams of a scarf, a gift to the dreamer? TO
obtaining reliable protection from an influential person or several
people with weight in society. After such a dream you should not be afraid
for resolving a difficult situation: everything will go well
for the dreamer, because he is under guardianship.

If a во сне человек случайно находит головной платок, то в
real life he dreams of traveling. And such opportunities
Soon they will introduce themselves: exciting trips are waiting for the dreamer
which will bring positive emotions. However, a dream in which
the scarf found is torn, dirty or just not like it,
foreshadows adverse travel, negative emotions,
unmet desires.

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