What dreams of a ring on a finger: a weddinga diamond? Basic interpretations of different dream books – why dreamring on a finger

Ср, 31 янв 2018 Автор: Инна

If you dream that you suddenly fall into an unfamiliar
environment – do not panic and worry. Not worth it
get upset if you dream of a clearly negative dream. But why?
снится ring on a finger? How to interpret such a dream?


К чему снится ring on a finger — основные толкования

Rings love all girls. Someone prefers gold rings,
it is enough for someone to see silver rings on their hands, or
costume jewelery to experience joy and happiness. But why? снится
ring on a finger? It is important to interpret a dream, considering all its details,
Without losing the little things and sleep tips:

– Which finger was the ring wearing?

– Who put the ring on the finger;

– What was it metal from?

– Was there a stone in it;

– What are the emotions you have visited in a dream.

To dream rings on the fingers – to new pleasant events,
gifts and pleasant communication. This is a very positive dream that
may indicate huge human prospects in many areas
of life. After such a dream, a bright band usually begins, which
allows you to quickly place all points in difficult issues.

The ring on the index finger in a dream can indicate the presence of
unspoken important words. You will soon be told everything and pointed to your
limitations. Not worth it злиться или расстраиваться из-за этого.
Enough to comprehend everything that happens and make an important decision.

Ring on the thumb – may indicate that soon
вас произойдут большие изменения в of life. You may not even
notice how they break into your life and you will start
transfigured. It is important to remember whether you like the ring
Looks at the thumb. Is it comfortable for you to wear it like this? If you
experiencing some discomfort – then new achievements and new events
your life will also bring you some discomfort and
inconvenience. Think about what could be more effective.
use your capabilities.

The ring on the little finger means the development of something old,
insignificant. Such a dream may mean that your minor
success will be significant and noticeable. You can do a lot
can make a lot of decisions right. Sleep in which you
see yourself trying the ring on your little finger – it will tell you
that you will become small things in those matters that require strict
calculation and correct decisions.

Not worth it соглашаться на маленькие проекты, на новые мало
promising relationship after such a dream. Sleep in which you
put a ring on different fingers – says that you can’t
can make decisions. You are afraid that it will not just not be
true and fateful for you. Dream Interpretation advises to make a decision
since it is inevitable, you will inevitably have to rely on your
strength and sound thinking. You think the problem is that no one
helps you in making a decision, on the other hand – it can even
to your advantage.

This will be your decision and only your result. You will not
depend on other people’s opinions and other people’s arguments. You will be enough
here and now see your opportunities and take advantage of them, everything
what will happen next in your life will be only your

If a во сне вы увидели ring on a finger другой девушки — вам
it is worth considering whether you are not deceiving yourself. Perhaps you are active
look for other opportunities for the development of personal life, perhaps
you are actively trying to build it like other people.

Try to look closely at all the details of sleep. If a
вы видите ring on a finger другой девушки во сне и вам становится
it is a pity that you personally do not have such a ring – the dream says that
that you will become jealous of others’ success and opportunities. You will
hypocrite and lie, in order to achieve the same results as
your competitors.

If you видите ring on a finger у другой девушки и, при этом,
feel joy – you can make new friends and
joyfully spend time with them, share their successes and happiness. it
bring you pleasure, energize, betray hopes.

Sleep in which you видите, как незнакомец одевает вам на палец
engagement ring – says that you will get a wonderful
gift from almost a stranger. it может быть даже
your colleague who will give you the opportunity to move up
career ladder. Sleep in which you увидите, как кто-то одевает
on the finger of your beloved ring – will talk about the possibility
you have a hidden enemy.

itт человек будет вмешиваться в вашу личную жизнь и всячески
interfere with its further development. If a вам приснится, что кто-то
a stranger sent you a ring as a gift and you measure it – such
dream means a gift of fate, but which can be for you
unpleasant surprise. You may unexpectedly endure heavy
disease, you can suddenly lose your job, but after such
case you will discover new opportunities.

If a во сне вы теряете кольцо, оно слетает у вас с пальца —
such a dream speaks of that you lose vigilance and
lose a wonderful opportunity to change your life. You
will remain at the same level of life as before, only because
that you do not dare to change something in it. While you still have at least
small, but a chance – you better grab your luck by the tail and hold
its in their hands.

К чему снится ring on a finger по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что ring on a finger снится как символ
pleasant events and pleasant incidents. You сможете замечательно
spend time in a pleasant company, you can even build
relationship with the person with whom you have long forgiven in the soul
after such a dream.

If you во сне примеряете различные кольца и никак не можете
остановить свой выбор на одном из них — such a dream speaks of
that you cannot decide in your life which of the partners
choose and no longer look for a soul mate. Sleep in which you
all trying to choose between rings of two different metals,
says that you will choose from partners with different
social status.

You will выбирать не сердцем, а холодным расчётом. Sleep in
where you see that the ring is chosen by another woman – speaks of
the possible appearance of a rival, which so far only attracts
attention of your second half.

If a во сне вы видите у себя на руке кольцо с камнем — вам пора
abandon excessive emotionality in relationships. Such a dream is not
promises you new victories, you, on the contrary, unnecessarily relying on yourself
make the wrong choice in a relationship.

If a беременной приснится сон, в котором она надевает себе на
finger blackened ring – it threatens with health problems. If a же
she dreams that she puts on her finger a new diamond ring
– she can not worry, ahead of her only success awaits.

К чему снится ring on a finger по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что крутить ring on a finger —
confused myself. Trying to choose from those options that
are imaginary, deceptive. If a вам приснится множество колец на
by your fingers, glory and success await you. You will на виду и в
your attention will be needed.

If a вам приснится расколотое кольцо на вашем пальце — вас ждут
неприятности во многих сферах of life. it могут быть и неприятности,
related to your health and problems in your professional

К чему снится ring on a finger, которое стало вам мало? Such
a dream means that the opportunities that you have long dreamed of –
will not be achievable for you. It’s time to change priorities and get started.
to desire something more global.

К чему снится ring on a finger по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что ring on a finger во сне
symbolizes new opportunities and new perspectives. You сможете
catch luck by the tail and realize your cherished wishes in
few days.

If a вам приснится сон, в котором вы обнаружили обручальное
ring on your finger – you can take it literally – you
can make a marriage proposal. Soon you will swim in
love and attention of the second half.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that a dream in which you see a ring in
on your finger – it says about your desire to live in luxury. You
dream of new opportunities and complain about life when it gives you their
does not provide.

You may not be persistent enough to get
desired result. Perhaps you would like to get something completely
otherwise, but can not decide in your choice. Time to do
this choice and live in luxury.

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