What dreams of a pot: buy, break,fill, wash? Basic interpretations – why dream of a pot

Сб, 24 июн 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can see your future, plunge into the past.
You can meet long-forgotten friends. Why dream of a pot? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of the pot – the main interpretation

If you dreamed of a pot – look at the rest of the details.
sleep. Pay special attention to such events:

• Where did the pot come from in your dream;

• It was your pot, or other person;

• What it was filled with;

• What material it was made of;

• Was he intact;

• What emotions caused you to dream.

It is important to remember whether your pot was in a dream. If your – rather
all you expect a positive development, the absence of trouble
and turmoil. If you dream that someone brought you under the door
empty pot – in reality, someone wishes you evil, someone wants everything
Your actions did not bring results.

If the pot, presented, is filled with unknown contents
– rather strange events will take place in your life. You
can expect both unexpected gifts and unexpected
trouble It depends on the contents of the pot.

If in the pot you were given a huge and beautiful flower –
someone wishes you well-being and love. You ждут встречи и
walks, if the flower was white, if the flower was red
colors – expect a passionate declaration of love.

See your favorite pot broken – to the unexpected
troubles. Someone outsider will do everything to spoil you
joyful life. If you see yourself breaking your
favorite pot – you destroy everything that you built with your actions
for a long time, destroy your own and others plans, you will not be able to conclude
a deal.

In order for this not to happen – dream book advises to follow
in your own words and thoughts. You often ruin your plans
skeptical attitude to everything that happens. If you
dream that the pot just cracked and you managed it
restore – you will cause minor damage, maybe a little
quarrel, small conflict. You will quickly settle them, and
troubles will end.

If you dream about cooking in a pot, you miss
by their close people, you really miss them. Try not to
offend their relatives, not to be too critical of them. Not
remember past offenses, try to reconcile those relatives who
long in a quarrel.

Such a dream may also indicate that you will soon
family dinner. If you burn your hand on a hot pot – you
will have to burn your feelings. All your efforts and desire to do
how better – not appreciated. Not нужно себя винить в этом,
you really did everything you could to the life of your loved ones
got better Dream interpretation advises to continue to do good disinterestedly.

If you dream that you are planting flowers in a pot – new
an idea will come to your mind. You will take those actions
which are not peculiar to you. You might even join
new relationship, which is only to dream.

It is important to remember whether the flower started after transplanting or
died If he started, and, moreover – bloomed – all you have
it turns out, all plans are being implemented. If he died – your plans.
not destined to be done. In such a situation, the dream book advises
measures. Make every effort so that the plans still
were realized.

If you dream that someone broke a pot, and you only
hear the sound, but you don’t see how it happens – most likely you
intervene in a rather unpleasant situation. You обвинят в том, что вы
did not commit. Dream Interpretation advises to beware of gossip, loud and
big parties, meetings with old friends. You will be caught in
impious deed.

If you приснится, что вы покупаете горшок на рынке и долго
bargain for him with the seller – and you will doubt in reality
correctness of making your decision. You can also long
doubt the honesty and loyalty of a partner. Dream Interpretation advises
to improve relations by frank conversation. To both of you this
not enough, both of you want mutual understanding and everyone keeps on heart

In those dreams where you talk to someone – it is important to remember
the meaning and reason for the conversation. Perhaps you are talking in a dream yourself
with you – so your subconscious tells you how
continue to behave in a given situation.

If you dream that you make pots yourself – you
You will build your own life. Only from you soon
success, mutual understanding in the family, your life and life will depend
people around you. You have to come to terms with the fact that no one
in power to influence your future. Dream interpretation gives advice – do not dive
in the past and rely only on your strengths in addressing important

What dreams of the pot according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book, it is said what the dream of the pot is. He dreams like
symbol of the integrity of relationships and family. If the pot is in your dream
whole, with patterns – you are expected to succeed in your personal life, wealth in
family and joy associated with a happy coincidence.
Dream Interpretation advises полноценно воспользоваться представившейся вам
opportunity to experience happiness in full.

If the pot is in your dream вы разбиваете сами — вы станете
culprit big quarrel, discord in the family. You cost more
pay attention to the needs and desires of people close to you.
You may not be able to give thanks, and relationships will crack, as
and the pot in your dream, or even completely broken.

If you don’t break the pot – such a dream means that someone
the other will be the culprit of discord in your personal relationship.
Perhaps the appearance of a rival. Also, such a dream may portend
interfering with your privacy envious person
eager to take your place in life.

If you see someone plant flowers in a pot – you
You will observe the life of others and envy the success of others. Such
a dream warns you against manifestations of anger and envy, otherwise you
risk losing your own reputation. You by your actions
can ruin a strong friendship.

If in your dream you personally plant flowers – you will have
a new lover who will fill your life with meaning. Worth
take care of these relationships to bloom for a long time.
If you dream that you break the pot carelessly –
try to avoid mistakes in life. Notзначительная
oversight can cost you a reputation.

What dreams of a pot of esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that a broken pot dreams of
misfortune and sorrow. If it is filled with coins or other
valuable things – such a dream means that you expect prosperity and
welfare For a man who has been ill for a long time – such a dream
will mean a speedy recovery.

If you dream of someone stealing your pot, it is worth
wondering if someone is stealing your attention and yours
location If so, the dream book advises you to break free from
such a burdening connection. Try to hold in the near future
time for yourself, with maximum pleasure. Not оценивайте свою
life in terms of her other person.

If in a dream you see a lot of pots of various sizes – you
expects tough choices in life. The interpretation of other details of sleep will give
you a more complete picture of upcoming events. If you are in a dream
among the many pots, look for one and cannot find – also in
life, choose one of many others

If in a dream you paint a pot – in reality you will be busy
painstaking work, which will take away almost all of your power.
Try not to перенапрягаться, чтобы не навредить своему

What dreams of pot for other dream books

In the dream book Grishina it is said that if you dream of how you
Carry a pot in your hands – this dream foreshadows the growth of property.
A broken pot dreams of troubles and difficult times in life.
Clay pot – to increase income, wages. Flower pot
dreams of surprises that will be very pleasant for you.
If in a dream you beat pots – you will enjoy
own life. A pot of unusual shape in a dream – to an uninvited guest,
to surprise in reality.

In Miller’s Dream Book, it is said that several small pots
dream of little trouble. Big, filled pots dream
before important business. They symbolize wealth and the discovery of new ones.
opportunities worth using in full. Dreams suggest
man how best to do in this or that situation
predict the future, remind of the past.

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