What dreams of a gold chain: donated,bought, found? Basic interpretations, what is the dream of goldchain

Вт, 13 июн 2017 Автор: Инна

Dreams sometimes give us amazing events that later
occur in reality. Color dreams are especially fascinating. Why dream
золотая chain? How to interpret this dream? Worth to understand.


Why dream золотая chain — основное толкование

All girls love gold and jewels. And how nice
see in a dream a gold chain. Interpreters dream advise
look at all the details of the dream so as not to miss and
the slightest little thing out of sight. What should pay special attention?

• Ваша ли золотая chain во сне;

• Do you wear a gold chain in your sleep;

• Is it a gift, or did you find it by chance?

• Who else appears in your dream;

• What are you talking about and with whom in the dream;

• What emotions does everything you see cause you?

Dream interpretation interpret the appearance of a gold chain in a dream as a symbol
wonderful, joyful events. In the near future you are nothing
should be disturbing and disturbing. Your life will be filled with pleasant
small things and troubles.

If you were planning a distant train, then the dream in which you dream
золотая chain, предвещает замечательные события, удачливость во
Time travel. If you hold it in your hands, then you can
make a bargain, the negotiations will be successful, you can
make new profitable contacts.

Если перед важной поездкой вам приснится, что золотая chain
entangled in your hands – you have to make a lot of effort to
ensure that everything goes smoothly. If you dream that someone
gave you a gold chain – you get good advice,
unbearable help that will become very important to you in the near
the future.

Если вам приснится, что золотая chain разорвалась у вас на шее
– you will be defeated, that which was planned long ago – not
implemented. If you dream that someone else will break you
chain, look at who it was. This man by
negligence will harm you. If he knows something secret about you
– it will become obvious, and you can not do anything.

If you dream that someone украл у вас золотую цепочку –
it is necessary to be afraid of loss of property and in reality. If you know the thief in
face, then in reality you will know the offender. He can not long
hide your true face. If you dream that someone пытался
to steal your gold, but you stopped the thief in time – such a dream
foreshadows your opportunity to get away from trouble.

After such a dream, it is worth thinking about the correctness of all
deeds that you commit. Are they valid, really
is it worth doing so. If it seems to you in reality that the situation is very
similar to the one that was in a dream – do not you think. Dreams are very common
foreshadow the future, just a person can not always them
interpret, so he has to contact specialists in
this question to the dream book.

It is important to remember who you were talking to in a dream. These people will become
for you important and real. If you dream that someone пытается
tell you something about gold, about a chain, but you don’t listen
desire – such a dream means that you will not listen in reality
the arguments of the other person, you will stand on your own. Dream interpretation
warns you against rash decisions. You can hurt
themselves to their own incontinence, their arrogance.

If you dream that you choose for yourself a new gold
chain – a dream means that you lack attention and care.
You want a holiday and joy, and you will create them for yourself
yourself. If you dream that you choose a chain for someone
the other means you will create pleasant moments in life
another person, and he will thank you in full.

If in a dream you see a gold chain around your lover’s neck,
which the other person gave, such a dream means that she will
take signs of attention from another. Panic is not worth it, but
think about whether you pay enough attention to her –
worth it. It is also important to talk with your soul mate,
perhaps her doubts and fear are gnawing, and you can dispel them.

If you dream that you have found a gold chain thrown to
you under the threshold – it is necessary to fear sudden luck. After him
a rather difficult period may come in your life. If you
you will see a dream in which the gold is getting dark or completely black in you –
it’s time to take care of your health. Если потемнеет chain у другого
man – he will need your help.

Not only unpleasant, but also promising problems is a dream, in
котором chain чернеет и распадается на мелкие части. Such a dream
means your plans will be ruined, nothing you can
change yourself in the current situation, you will remain
only count on the support of colleagues and friends.

Why dream золотая chain по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, к чему снится золотая chain. Such
dream foreshadows you luck and success in intimate affairs. If you are in a dream
get a gift a gold chain, such a dream means that you
doubt your own irresistible doubt that
you really love and appreciate. Your doubts have no reason
these are most likely baseless fears that control

If you are in a dream увидите цепочку на шее у другого человека — такой
a dream will foreshadow you interfering in someone else’s privacy. You
You can even begin to envy another. Remember who exactly on
neck you saw the chain. This person will become the object of your
negative attention.

If you are in a dream цепочку потеряете, вы не будете замечать того,
what happens behind your back. It can be gossip and
intrigue and treason. It is important to remember whether you will find
the ultimate chain in a dream or not. If you find – all secret
откроется, если нет — так и останется втайне от you.

If you видите, как кто-то другой надевает на шею золотую
the chain of your soulmate – such a dream brings you fear and
the possibility of treason on her part. But nothing serious will come of
this venture. Your other half will choose you as a result, because
values ​​you and relationships.

Видеть во сне как chain чернеет — вокруг вас точатся сплетни и
you have to come to terms with it. Do not pay attention to this and
gossip will stop by itself. If you dream that in the end you
clear the chain, your reputation will not suffer, you can
restore your good name.

Why dream золотая chain по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, к чему снится золотая chain.
Such a dream может предостерегать вас ото лжи и обмана. You можете
agree to a rather dubious deal, which at first
will seem to you very profitable. But sleep warns you against
reckless decisions. Better to double check conditions
agreement, it is not necessary to enter into a new relationship.

If you dream that you are looking at a jewelry store
gold chain, and it seems to you very expensive, but really like
– in life you will also desire something unrealizable. Dream interpretation
advises to realize dreams and set goals rather than

If you находите во сне золотую цепочку — вас ожидает приятная
surprise and reality. Do not be afraid – take everything from life. You
have long deserved the holiday of life. All you have to do is
believe in your own happiness.

Why dream золотая chain по другим сонникам

In the Women’s Dream Book it says that if in a dream you saw a golden
chain in his neck – such a dream suggests that you are waiting
positive emotions and joyful events in life. You сможете
finally improve your financial situation and resolve complex
situations. If you saw a gold chain on someone else – you
expect trouble, treason, other efforts. You should be
ready for an unfavorable period in life.

Miller’s dream book says if you saw a golden dream
chain – your emotional state in the near future will be
just wonderful. If you дарите кому-то во сне золотую цепочку
– You will doubt the loyalty of the beloved and friends.
To lose a gold chain in a dream – to lose confidence in reality
own forces.

If you выкидываете сами золотую цепочку во сне — наяву вы
refuse a very lucrative offer just because
own stubbornness and their own stupidity. Dream interpretation
предостерегает вас от принятия reckless decisions. Try hard
ponder every word, every step. Otherwise your reputation
may reasonably suffer. But do not completely rely on
dream. You — хозяин собственной жизни.

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