What dreams keys? Basic interpretations of differentdream books – why dream key

Ср, 16 май 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can see all the most unexpected and
unforgettable. You can even visit places that are long

What dreams keys? How to interpret such a dream?


What dreams keys – the main interpretation

Finding a key in a dream is a very positive omen of things to come.
changes that will make you rejoice at each new day. If a
you will dream that you have found new keys – get ready for a completely
unexpected turn of events. Perhaps you can not remember
sleep details? But they are important. So as will enable
completely interpret the dream:

• Where exactly did you take the keys;

• What they were;

• Have there been many;

• What did you do with the keys;

• Who else have you dreamed of?

• What emotions accompanied the dream.

If a вам приснится сон, в котором вы пытаетесь найти ключи в
your bag – you’ll try to find opportunities to solve many
questions yourself, picking up the most correct, on your
a look, a solution. But it is important to remember whether you found the keys after
long searches, or remained with nothing.

If a вы таки ключи нашли в сумке — вы сможете наяву найти
self alternative solution to the problem. If a же ключи вами
were never found – you will have to ask for help and

A dream where you look for keys all over the apartment – says
that you will not only suffer yourself, in search of solutions, but also
attract others. In the end, you can not find a suitable
decisions with no help if the keys in the house were not you

If a вы нашли ключи — вы решите задачи с чужой помощью. If a вы
nervous and worried during the search – you will also
nervous and worry in reality. You will go more and more into
some problems and details of negative events. If a же вы радостно
rushed to search for the loss, and eventually found the keys – and in reality you
actively rush to solving problems and find them enough

A dream in which you take a bunch of keys off the wall – promises you
new opportunities in the professional field. But, will you use
are you them? Will you be able to realize all your plans, or will you
will have to be content with little? This will tell you the full
dream interpretation.

If a в связке вы видите поломанные ключи — значит некоторые
opportunities for you will be closed. If a вам будет хотеться
outweigh the keys on the bundle – then you will change your
priorities, or else to change their decisions spontaneously, without waiting
logical completion of the case.

If a вам приснится, что один из ключей заржавел — не стоит
worry in advance, just the time for active decisions has passed.
Try to take an active position right now and try
change priorities. If a вы этого не сделаете — у вас ничего не
will succeed in the future.

A dream in which you select the key to the well one by one – says
that you will not know how best to proceed, which of
options to choose. If a всё же ы нашли подходящий ключ — у вас всё
work out. If a подходящего ключа не оказалось — всё будет пустым и
alien to you.

A dream in which you see that the keys are stored in a safe – talking about
that solving your problems depends not only on you. What for
he is closed and you have to trust someone else. Also after
such a dream of you someone can manipulate in their self-serving
purposes. Try to avoid manipulation and do not allow anyone.
manage your life. Stay with your interests and with your

If a вы видите себя во сне хранителем ключей — наяву вы будете
keep someone’s secrets. They will only be told to you because
the person trusts you and knows that you will not give him all the secrets.
Try to actively achieve the goals yourself
after such a dream, as opportunities for you will be

A dream in which you see someone open your key
the door, and this is unexpected – gives you a not very pleasant surprise,
which will make you your loved one. It will be not so much
a gift, how much negligence and short-sightedness on his part.

A dream in which you see how the keys float on the river – talks about
that rumors will spread around you. You can’t even
understand where everyone knows so much about you and why strangers
know about you such details.

If a во сне вы пытаетесь открыть ключом дверь, и он ломается в
the keyhole is worth worrying about your future, since everything
what you have conceived will not come true soon. All last
the moment will collapse. You will only save the remnants of pride and

If a же вам удастся извлечь из замочной скважины обломок ключа —
You can restore life events, you can recover
justice and get from life all that you deserve.
If a же замок сломан окончательно — не начинайте важных дел в
soon. It will not lead to anything good.

A dream in which you see golden keys – promises you tremendous
good luck You will simply be filled with joy and love for all
will surround you. If a вы видите сон, в котором кто-то пытается
break the golden key – this man will break into your habitual
existence and will try to harm you. Try to avoid
of this, try to prevent this person from interfering with
your life.

What are the keys to dream of Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that the keys dream of new discoveries in
sexual sphere. You might have long wanted to realize yourself in
some sexual fantasies and didn’t allow it.
Now it’s time to afford it. You can afford
new acquaintances and new relationships if you see a big dream
a bunch of keys.

If a женщина во сне пытается открыть замок и ни один ключ для
it does not fit – it will not be able to build even and mutual
relationship with a man. She will be more nervous and worried.
Then she will reproach herself for not having done what she does.
wanted to.

If a беременной женщине снится, что она не может открыть ключом
the door – she can not deal with their emotions and feelings.
Dream Interpretation advises her to more thoroughly understand all that
going on in her life.

If a женщине приснится, что она потеряла ключи — она потеряет
communication with one of the partners will be disappointed, upset. She is not
should be killed about this, this partner will be replaced

What dreams about the keys of the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the keys are dreaming as a symbol
finding the right solutions. If a во сне вы потеряли ключи — вы наяву
lose a logical chain of events. They will just happen
in your life as you would not want. You can not
predict the development of events, you can not predict their
profit and loss.

If a вам приснится, что ключи заржавели — вам предстоит разговор
on a long-standing topic. You can meet good after such a dream
a friend who will help you in many ways and prompts.
If a вам приснится, что кто-то попробует открыть дверь вашими
keys – someone will encroach on your life, on your joy.

If a во сне ключи вы роняете в глубокий колодец проблемы будут
protracted and will not give you the opportunity to build your life in harmony.
You will wait without success when problems end. And in return
solutions to problems – you get all the new anxieties and fears.

If a вам приснится ключник, с которым вы говорите во сне —
remember what he told you. Was he categorical, did he try
find the right keys for you. If a вы ссоритесь с ним и ругаетесь
– you will quarrel and quarrel with someone close and real. Sleep in
where the key keeper has found a key for you – promises you success and victory.

What are the keys to dream about other dream books

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что ключи снятся к
victory over yourself. You will discover a huge potential
which will allow you to solve many problems. Do not rush things.
You will soon be able to resolve all the outstanding issues. If a
you will dream broken keys – do not make hasty decisions.
You will have to give them up at the last moment.

If a вам приснится, что ключи вы нашли под подушкой — ждите
pleasant surprises. Someone will open for you a completely new world. You
You will constantly meet and communicate with someone. So interprets what
снятся ключи сонник Гришиной. It says that
Much depends on our perception of not only dreams, but also
reality. If a во сне вам дарят ключи от квартиры — примите
gifts of fate and reality. Try to do it as quickly as possible.
primary affairs, then they will give the result.

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