What dreams guests: long-awaited orunexpected? Basic interpretations – what dreams of guests, manyguests in your apartment

Сб, 25 ноя 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, you may see a variety of pictures of the future. You
You can become participants of the most unimaginable events. But why?
dream about the guests? How to interpret this dream?


What dreams guests – the main interpretation

A visit for many is associated with joyful and
unforgettable event. But what does the dream in which you take mean?
guests? In order to fully understand this issue –
It is necessary to take into account a number of details:

– Were the guests invited;

– Who exactly acted as a guest;

– How many guests were there;

– Have you enjoyed your time;

– What emotions did you experience after sleep?

If you dream of uninvited guests – it’s time to prepare for small, and
can and to large efforts. Unwelcome guests and in reality is not always
pleasant But, if you dream that they came to you with negative
intentions – such a dream promises you waking up in big trouble.

If you quarrel in a dream with uninvited guests – such a dream says
that in reality you will have to defend your rights and interests in
professional field. Someone from the staff may complain to
you, catch you in incompetence. Try soon
most painstakingly refers to their work.

If you have problems at work, misunderstandings, conflicts
– try not to enter into confrontation, but do not back down from your
interests. If you really need to resolve urgent business issues,
Now is not the right time for this.

You should be more attentive to your health, if in a dream
you drink alcohol with uninvited guests. If you
setting the table in front of them – it’s important not to lose your
benefits in an important project for you. Try to count all
possible scenarios if you are planning a long
trips that should bring you profit.

If you во сне готовитесь сами отправиться в гости — вас ожидают
pleasant chores, but also waste associated with them. Try hard
as quickly as possible to adapt to what is happening in your life
to change. Otherwise you will lose a huge amount of finances due
empty waste.

If you встречаете гостей на пороге дома — такой сон означает
that you will soon expect a change in your personal life. If a
you already have a relationship – they will move to a new level
development, you can find out all that long wanted to know
will be able to resolve all unresolved conflicts.

If a с партнёром вы были в соре — сейчас вы сможете найти общий
language with him and achieve reconciliation. But in the future you should not be so
risk relationships, do not provoke conflicts.

A dream in which you expect guests, but they do not go to you –
means that everything you planned earlier is just not
implemented, you can not get the result you want
because of the inability to plan and analyze the situation. You принимаете
decisions are spontaneous, so their result is not always you

If a в гости к вам пришли ваши близкие родственники — такой сон
means that you will soon immerse yourself in the hassle of
family matters. You не сможете быстро разобраться с накопившимися
problems, because there will be more and more

Dream Interpretation advises you to remember whether you communicated with relatives,
while they were visiting you. If a общались, то о чём? And was it pleasant
this conversation? If you от разговора получили удовольствие — тогда и
awaiting you await pleasant communication and pleasant surprises. If you
quarreling and arguing – then, and in reality you expect minor troubles,
which can darken your everyday life.

If a у вас в гостях были маленькие дети — стоит готовиться к
minor expenses, but they can become regular. Dream interpretation
advises not to take and not to lend, try to pay faster
loans. Otherwise, financial bondage will be overwhelming for you.
a burden.

A dream in which you are trying to get together and you have nothing to do with it
does not work, something constantly interferes, you can not find that
dress, can not leave the house – this dream means that
you will have to live with the fact that everything you have planned
not implemented. You будете стараться обустроить свою жизнь,
get new contacts, new connections. But it will not give

If a во сне к вам приходят в гости ваши дальние родственники,
which you have not seen for a long time – it’s time to contact them and suggest
your help. Perhaps they have a very difficult time in life now,
perhaps you will provide the very help without which they will be very

If a во сне родственники дарят вам подарки — такой сон означает,
that you will have to incur additional expenses associated with
your health condition. You можете случайно получить травму,
you may accidentally get sick, but the disease will let you know for a long time
About Me.

What dreams of guests on Freud’s dream book

If a во сне к вам в гости пожаловал ваш бывший возлюбленный —
You can safely expect to meet him in reality. This meeting will not
just an accident, he remembered you long ago and waited meeting If a
you do not want this communication – it is necessary to think in advance
ways to delicately refuse.

If a во сне вы видите, как в гости к вам пришла незнакомая
woman – you can soon find out that you have a rival. If a
so dreaming of a lonely woman – she can become a married mistress

If a во сне к вам в гости приходит подруга с детьми — такой сон
means that of several options of meeting with men, you
Choose a meeting with a former man. The meeting will not bring you
great pleasure, but will give the opportunity to figure out until the end
relationship that once you could not complete

If a во сне к вам в гости приходит ваша мать — стоит спросить у
her advice regarding the present relationship. If a наяву ваша мать
against your chosen one – it’s time to put an end to this question. You
have the right to build your life as it is convenient for you.
Your family will accept your choice and will not contradict.

A dream in which you meet guests over and over again
the threshold, and they all go and go – you were not honest enough with
yourself, you tried to build multiple relationships with different
men, you lined up plans to seduce men, but
the relationships that you received in the end- do not suit you. You
Wish for a completely different relationship.

If you видите сон, в котором в гости отправляетесь именно вы и
can not get to the specified address – try
discuss with your other half plans for the future. Maybe you
it’s time to move relationships to another level, talk
each other heart to heart and stop being offended by weakness and
short-sightedness of the partner.

A dream in which you invite someone to visit, but man
refuses – says that you are running after a dream, for some
stereotype of relationships and do not notice those relationships that can
become your destiny.

What are the dreams of guests of the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that guests dream as a symbol
desire to move forward in some kind of business. If a у вас во сне
Guests are welcome and welcome – you can achieve what
really wish.

If a же гости в вашем сне непрошенные — вас ожидают мимолётные
troubles that you will bring upon yourself. The more you
you will doubt your ability to overcome difficulties
the more you meet them on your way.

What are the dreams of guests in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina it is said that guests dream as a symbol of the future
problems and troubles. You expect fuss and problems. If a во сне вы
see how the guests come to you one by one, exactly the same
troubles will knock at your house.

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that guests dream as a symbol of joy and
active life development. You будете много общаться и
travel. Now you really need it. For self-development worth
invite guests to reality. After sleep, in which guests refuse to
for you to come – it is important to assess whether you really are
good friend for your close people?

If a во сне гости задаривают вас, и все подарки, о которых вы
long dreamed of – such a dream means that you will soon get a pleasant
surprise from life. The more you будете желать, тем больше жизнь вам
will be grateful.

Try hard не впадать в крайности и не ожидать от жизни слишком
a lot of things. Otherwise, disappointment will overtake you. Accept gifts
fate with gratitude, do not deny yourself anything. Because
a favorable period may soon be over. Plan important
things in advance to have time to implement everything.

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