What dreams candles, church candles, candlesswimming in the water? Basic interpretations – why dream candles burningand extinct

ATт, 18 июл 2017 Автор: Инна

In the dream, you can watch different scenes,
participate in a variety of adventures. You may be sad
dream, or rejoice.

But why dream of candles? Worth to understand.


Why dream of candles – the main interpretation

The appearance of a candle in a dream is interpreted by different dream books in different ways.
Some interpret this as a foreshadowing of important and positive changes,
in other dream books there is an extremely negative interpretation.

It is important to pay attention to such details.

• Where in the dream came the candles;

• What color candles in a dream;

• Are they church or ordinary?

• Who else is involved in your dream;

• What sensations and emotions accompany you in a dream.

If the candles in the church dream – this is a good sign. So you
are under the protection of higher powers, but it is important to remember all the details
sleep. If in a dream you find a burnt out church in your house
candle – someone conceived evil against you and your favorite people.

If in the house you find a bunch of church candles, it is important
remember what color they were:

• Yellow wax candles – to new challenges, execution

• White wax candles – to purification from past sins;

• Red wax candles – you will carry in love;

• Green wax candles – your financial situation
will improve;

• Black wax candles – it’s time to clean your

• Blue wax candles – it’s time for you to make contacts;

• Violet wax candles – you are waiting for a trip.

If in a dream you had a dream of paraffin candles, such a dream
points to artificial desires and hopes. On artificial
feelings and insincere intentions of your partner. Dream Interpretation advises
you look at him more closely, you may be missing
out of sight something important in his behavior.

If you are already worried about something in his behavior – your excitement
it was not in vain. Dream Interpretation advises вам доверять своей интуиции.
If you see that a candle in your dream smokes when burned – this is
bad sign. A lot of negativity, fears and
frustration, it’s time you clear yourself of these negative

If you see yourself in a dream, standing in the church in front of the altar –
remember your emotions and feelings, perhaps you were overcome by fear.
If you were scared and uncomfortable in the church – such a dream means
that in reality you are holding back emotions, sincere real feelings. it
leads to the fact that you accumulate hidden insult. You don’t live
full life, hide your emotions. Dream Interpretation advises
repent of your sins and continue to live full
by life.

If you experience indescribable joy and pleasure from being
that you are in church – such a dream means that you live
full life and open to communication with people. You are sincere and
self-satisfied person You do not need praise for self-esteem.
So the dream book interprets a similar dream.

If in a dream you hold a candle in your hands, and it constantly goes dead –
you should take care of your healthier. Something will undermine him.
Your nerve strain may affect your health.
If in a dream you see how the candle goes out, but you manage to set it on fire
and everything falls into place – such a dream means that you
fight the disease. Illness will be given to you to make sense of everything.
happening in your life.

If in a dream the fire of a candle begins to dance, they will sharply bend
from side to side – someone strongly discusses you. You are appreciated
and your actions do not approve. If you dream that you have hands
two candles and their flame leaned towards each other – such a dream means
that in your relationship with the second half there will be a period of joy
and happiness. You will become closer to each other, between you reign supreme
mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

If the flame of candles deviates from each other – such a dream
means that your interests will diverge and it will be very difficult for you
find a common language with your soulmate. If you are in a dream
see how one of the candles goes out – your partner will refuse

The reason for this will be the constant resentment and disappointment. Maybe,
Your partner has repeatedly told you about your shortcomings. But you are not
betrayed this value. Dream Interpretation advises прислушаться к своему
partner now. Prevent rupture.

If you see in a dream an unfamiliar place that is illuminated by light
candles – such a dream promises you rather strange and difficult events in
of your life. At first you will be inspired by something new and extraordinary, but
you will soon feel discouraged and frustrated.

If you have a dream in which a romantic dinner awaits you
candlelight – you do not have enough of it in reality. It’s time to give yourself a holiday.
It’s time to arrange a really romantic meeting with your second
by half. You both dream about it.

What dreams of candles for Freud’s dream book

If in a dream you light candles – you will receive the maximum
pleasure from sex with a partner. But do not immediately reassure
yourself You still need to work on yourself so that your
partner was just as great with you in sex.

If you had a dream about dinner by candlelight – you are missing
openness in relationships, lack of implementation in relationships. AT
sex you are also clamped and closed. Dream Interpretation advises вам
liberate yourself and allow yourself more, otherwise you will regret
that did not try a lot in life.

If the flame of the candle is trembling – in your relationship, far from it
smooth as you would like. Disappointment and showdown
displaced mutual understanding. ATас может уже ничего не связывать, но вы
will stay in a relationship.

Dream Interpretation advises либо работать дальше над отношениями, либо
stop doing it. It’s time to make a decision. Light in a dream
a candle in the church – you will not have to count on the support of loved ones
people. They will be busy with their chores and will not be able to help you in
solving important problems. ATам не стоит отчаиваться и расстраиваться
because of their failure. You just have to solve this problem yourself.

What dreams of candles on the esoteric dream book

AT Эзотерическом соннике сказано, к чему снятся свечи. Such a dream
foreshadows you disturbing and exciting events. Most likely you
you will look for the one and only correct answer to all your
questions ATы будете пытаться разрешить ту ситуацию, которая давно не
allowed by yourself.

If you see a lighted candle in your house – your hope for
help will come true. ATы реально получите поддержку. But help will come
not from the person you are counting on. She will come
completely from another source.

• Floating candle – to tears. ATы погрузитесь в уныние и

• A candle standing in a church is a disease of a loved one;

• Extinguished candle in the church – to the death of a loved one;

• Not burning a candle in the church – to the sorrow and tears;

• A candle of unusual shape – to unfulfilled dreams and

If you see in a dream how someone lights candles – it is worth
look at all the actions of this person, perhaps they have
hidden meaning. If a person in your dream makes some hidden
ритуал — кто-то пытается вмешаться в ход of your life. ATозможно
negative impact on your life.

If you recognize a person in a dream – try in reality
minimize communication with him. It will bring you nothing good.
If in the near future after a dream your health will decline –
There has been a negative impact on your energy.

What dreams of candles for other dream books

AT Женском соннике сказано, что если вам
a dream candle is burning – this is a very good sign. After such a dream
You will be able to reconnect with those friends with whom
have long lost touch.

Also after such a dream you can make important
financial contacts and connections. Don’t miss any opportunity.
get new acquaintances. If in a dream you see several
candles that burn very brightly and the flame is even and beautiful – you have
in the family will be peace and harmony. If in the flame of a candle you will see pictures
or even faces – it is worth explaining these characters separately.

AT Русском соннике появление свечи во сне
interpreted as a kind of mystical sign. Most likely, you are waiting
pleasant surprises and positive changes in life if a candle is in
your dream is burning bright. If a candle smokes – in your life will happen
some negative occurrence. If the candle swells with black wax –
it is the faithful symbol of bitter tears. And the reason for them will be compelling. But
even if your dream promises a negative future – not worth it in advance
be disappointed. ATсё в ваших рука, используя подсказки снов – вы
can make your life much better, like the life of loved ones

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