What dreams about death

What dreams about death
Tue, 14 Jun 2016


What dreams about death – по соннику Миллера

According to Miller, the dream of death is always a warning. See
in a dream, some of the relatives of the dead – to the trials, to hear the voice
dead friend – to the bad news. See во сне кого-то из
dead merry – to possible errors that may negatively
affect your whole life.

It is necessary to take very seriously the words spoken to us in a dream
deceased loved ones. Talking in a dream with a deceased father is
warning about the need to get serious about thinking
planned cases and possible intrigues to ensure that
hurt you Talking with a dead mother should make you
control your actions and your health. Conversation
in a dream with a deceased brother is a sign that someone close
need your help. Please in the dream of a deceased relative to promise
it means something to him that in reality you have to fight depression,
which may occur due to failures in business and also to monitor
your behavior and take care of your reputation.

What dreams about death – по соннику Ванги

Own death in a dream foreshadows a long happy life with
loved one. The death of some important person follows
regarded as a serious omen of coming to power in
one of the countries of a wise ruler who can bring peace to different

See во сне смерть больного человека – к большому испытанию.
You have to make a choice that will be important for salvation
your soul: go for the sake of the deal that will suffer
people, or abandon it. The person you dreamed
in a state of clinical death, warns you of danger,
which you are threatened by plans of some of your friends, at the time of sleep –
unknown to you.

See смерть большого количества людей – к ужасной эпидемии,
which will lead to the death of millions. But the man who is now
is in the shadows, will be able to find a cure for this disease. See
the agonizing death of one person – to a nuclear war unleashed
one of the European rulers, which will cause the death
the whole state and millions of its inhabitants.

What dreams about death – по соннику Фрейда

Death in the dream of someone from your loved ones suggests that in reality
you secretly desire it. Usually such dreams are children or
to infantile people. But if it does not follow crying or tears, then
such a dream can symbolize your desire to meet with it
by man.

What dreams about death – по соннику Нострадамуса

According to Nostradamus, your own death or the death of a loved one
a person seen in a dream foreshadows you or him a long life.
Likewise, death in the dream of many people suggests that life
humanity is not over for a long time, that is, the end of the world is not
will be. The death of an important person dreams to confusion all over the world, brutal
political struggle and even – to world war. Dream of a man
in a state of clinical death – to an event that
few years make you get out of balance and forget
about everything that worried you before.

What dreams about death – по соннику Лоффа

According to Loff, death in dreams can be very
subjective sensation, both psychological and physical.
The physical sensation of death arises, as a rule, in nightmares;
psychological can talk about a threat that is indicative of
your doubts for any reason. Death of a loved one in
a dream usually just talks about your concern for him. Also such
a dream may herald the end of a relationship (for example, with a loved one

What dreams about death – по соннику Цветкова

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, to see death as an entity, with a scythe on
shoulder – to big changes, amazing news or to birth

What dreams about death – по соннику Хассе

According to the dream book Hasse, death dreams to long life.

What dreams about death – по старинному английскому соннику

According to the old English dream book, the dream of death is always
has a reverse meaning. That is, the dream that you died promises you
long life For singles, such a dream is a precursor of the family.
happiness But if such a dream is seen by a sick person, then he may be
a harbinger of his imminent demise.

What dreams about death – по эзотерическому соннику

Watch in a dream someone’s death – to the long life of the starring. If a
you do not know who this person is – it means that you’ll have time to think
about the meaning of life. See свою смерть – к возрождению и началу нового
life stage. Not using the provided shortly after
of this dream of being renewed, you will come to decline and
moral degradation.


Kim 12/22/2016 And if you dream of an army that goes to the last
fight and you are one of the soldiers? Faith 09/05/2016 I dreamed that I died
little familiar to me grandmother. What is it ??? VYACHESLAV 07/18/2016 Me
I had a dream that a middle-aged man aged 45-50 came to me. I
так понIл он был смертью, или дьIволом пришедшим за мной.. в итого
как он только поIвилсI, то I почему то стал хрупок. и рассыпалсI на
big pieces and was like glass. после чего I сам себI collected .. and
said i know i have to go with him. and told him that he
waited, and he himself fled to another room where the mother was sitting .. but he and
там мне сквозь окно поIвилсI. Jan 09/05/2016 I dreamed of death
матери.В соннике говоритсI что умерший во сне будет долго жить.Это
ложь!!!Через 3 месIца моI мать умерла!!!!! Olga 04/14/2016 And if
снитсI один и тот же сон?

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