What dream cemetery

Sat, 18 Jun 2016


What dream cemetery – по соннику Миллера

See a graveyard littered with snow – to a hopeless fight with
poverty, your attempts to change something for the better will not be crowned
by success. If you see blossoming trees, greenery – wait for the arrival
friends For lovers staying at this place in a dream is fraught
parting, to clean the cemetery – to share the land. Old,
a ruined churchyard promises you a long life, but doomed to
diseases, especially in the last years of existence.

The ceremony of marriage among the graves – a sign of the imminent death of one
from spouses in an accident. Bring flowers to
calm in the family. If the widow walks in the neighborhood of the cemetery –
Awaiting her meeting and a new marriage. Children playing on the spot
�”Eternal rest” promise favorable changes in the future.

What dream cemetery – по соннику Ванги

Walking through the cemetery is a sign that you will soon happen
perform the responsible task on which fate will depend
of many people. Don’t let down! Feeling the strongest fear, you
doom the case to failure. Although most often a man calmly walks
among the dead in dreams. If you see a person shedding
tears in the cemetery – do not expect help from children in old age. Completely
they are likely to leave you or go far.

A dream in which an engaged girl walks among the graves
warns her about infidelity, even meanness, the future husband. For
for the elderly, he foreshadows a quiet, tranquil retreat into another world.
Looking into a dug grave is an ominous sign, you will hear about death
relative. Seeing your grave – deadly danger looms
above you, the likelihood of dying from an accident increases.
To scare away death, avoid traumatic situations coming in.
three days.

What dream cemetery – по соннику Фрейда

Oddly enough, Sigmund Freud personifies the image of a graveyard with
female beginning. If a man visits him – it means that in reality he
prone to frequent changes of partners, a serious relationship – not his
element; if a woman dreams of such a dream – in real life she does not
enough love, carnal joys, therefore, sexual

What dream cemetery – по соннику Нострадамуса

Well-groomed – fortunately, long life; walk – to sadness, bad
news; abandoned – to an unpleasant series of events; reading
надгробного камня предвещает появление новых friends Many people
seeing in a cemetery is a sign of impending global catastrophe,
if there are fresh or short graves besides people,
great sorrow awaits humanity – many people will die.

What dream cemetery – по соннику Лоффа

The cemetery, according to Lofa, is a symbol of that past, which
you do not want to let go. Memories disturb and attract
at the same time. The only salvation is to let go of the situation and
learn to live in the present.

What dream cemetery – по соннику Цветкова

To wander through the ruined – to a long, but painful life;
read gravestones – to useful links. Sit on the cemetery bench
and enjoy the silence – to a serene, peaceful life.

What dream cemetery – по соннику Хассе

A symbol that causes painful memories, emotional wound from
the loss of loved ones is still fresh – this is the true meaning of a dream about a cemetery.
A walk along the paths of the cemetery points to your thoughts,
doubts, throwing, you can not understand what in reality
want to. For newlyweds, such a dream promises separation, and for a couple living in
Marriage for a long time – quarrels and loss of trust in each other. Statue among
The grave foreshadows the end of a long and complicated process.
Launched churchyard – a symbol of frivolity, some disorder,
frivolity, indifference.

What dream cemetery – по соннику Менегетти

The image of a cemetery in dreams causes associations with the dead
people, denotes depression and hopelessness, and also is
a symbol of a stop, an awareness of the end, a hopeless situation and
possible regression.

What dream cemetery – по соннику Лонго

Walk in dark, rainy weather – forerunner of the strip
bad luck, wandering among the graves – a sign of love longing,
despair. If your path lies through the cemetery – wait
trouble at work. Destroyed monuments in the cemetery
testify about the upcoming shame, well-groomed and beautiful – a sign
peace, peace. If you see vandals breaking
monuments – this indicates a poor state of the nervous system. It’s time
to heal and learn to perceive everything is not so violent! Seen
the funeral procession signals internal imbalance,
propensity to panic attacks, various fears.

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