What does the phrase “live for yourself” mean for a woman?Is it possible to fully live, having a bunch of responsibilities and a bunch ofof problems

Чт, 18 янв 2018 BUTвтор: Наталья Белоусова

In articles and books on psychology, self-development and
Increasingly, women-centered personal growth
Meet the next tip: “Live for yourself.” This phrase is declared
рецептом счастливой жизни и лучшим способом избавления от of problems
both personal and professional plan.


What does “live for yourself” mean?

Put your interests above the interests of everyone else.
(parents, spouse, children, friends)? More often indulge yourself beautiful
clothes, trips to the restaurant or to the cinema? More time spent in
proud loneliness?

Many women, once fully felt the strong
resentment and frustration, so do. They start to spend a lot
money, slaughtered for cleaning the house, looking for more and more
entertainment. At some moments it really becomes easier.
But the sense of relief is deceptive. This is not true happiness, but only
temporary satisfaction from “small” revenge. �”Ah, so you on me
don’t give a damn? Well, okay! I will live for myself, and you roll to
away! ”

A life для себя предполагает искреннее чувство радости. To
understand its nature, you need to turn to the opposite state
souls – life for others.

A life для других — это типичная ошибка многих женщин, которая
leads to dissatisfaction. It does not matter if a woman is married or
No, does she have children? A life для других — это зависимое

Do you often have such thoughts in your head?

1. “I have to take care of my husband, respect him, then he will start
treat me well. ”

2. “My husband pays me little attention, or even ignores it altogether. I
I will also start treating him that way, then he will feel himself in my skin
and regret it. “

3. “I like to cross-stitch landscapes. But who needs them?
I’d rather go and learn some useful activity. ”

4. “A woman looks more feminine and attractive in
dress or skirt. So many people think. Okay, bye for my pants.
distant box.

5. “A normal mother devotes enough time to the child. BUT
a career can wait. ”

Perhaps in the above thoughts, and there are notes of common
meaning. But most often they occur unconsciously, as a reaction to
pressure from outside, and completely put a woman’s life under control.

To live for others is to refuse to make your own choices and
measure all your future actions with the reaction of the environment.

It turns out that living for yourself means to spit on the opinions of others.
people? Not at all. After all, relatives can suggest something useful,
coolly assess the situation from the outside. BUT некоторые общепринятые
Opinions are quite reasonable. Living for yourself is just doing
life choices yourself. Why? Yes, because no one
live your life for you.

Living for yourself means knowing that you are the most valuable.
a man for herself. Other people come and go. Even husbands
may change, even children and parents drift away over time. BUT ты
you stay You can be deceived and betrayed by anyone. But not
you yourself

You are the one who will love you disinterestedly,
endlessly and sincerely. Care and protect. Live for yourself –
It means always to remember this.

Then you will not need to run for the next item at the moment
when your mood goes bad. You can just mentally calm
yourself, cheer up. But if you really want to buy something, why
and no? Not evil to another person, not as an escape from
of problemsы, а просто для души.

What is she living for herself?

In conclusion (to finally clarify the picture) we will describe
qualities of a woman who actually lives for herself.

1. She does not need to receive praise from anyone to feel

2. Do not squander money (she already lives pretty well), but not
committed to austerity.

3. It monitors its health, because it values ​​life and good

4. It is difficult to offend and disappoint.

5. Doing things you love, regardless of whether
it is sought after or not. Can make money from it (but
not necessary).

6. Easily changes his previous opinion if he sees that it spoils
her life

7. Do not sacrifice yourself for the sake of the husband, parents and even children.
However, it maintains a good relationship with them if it draws in
this is energy.

8. Quickly breaks destructive relationships (for example, if the husband
tyrant or alcoholic, she will divorce him).

9. Strives to diversify his leisure, so that life becomes
more fun. But does not make it a panacea.

10. Do not overload at work.

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