What does the first impression depend on?acquaintance

Sat, Feb 22, 2014

The first impression is one of the most important aspects of the new meeting.
This short period of time becomes crucial in assessing

От чего же зависит первое впечатление при acquaintance?

According to psychologists, the first impression lasts no more than 15
seconds And what it will be, depends largely on human behavior
and its appearance.

Men are visuals, and every woman they see is
side of her sexuality. Поэтому при acquaintance мужчина
Be sure to pay first attention to the external data of the interlocutor and
her clothes.

For the first time in women, women are also rated by men.
external data. Often from a girl you can hear: “He told me
I liked it as soon as I saw it! He’s so handsome! ”And if
the man will not spoil the first positive impression
That acquaintance can be very successful.

Первое впечатление при acquaintance зависит от нескольких

  • Внешний вид interlocutor.
  • Confidence in conversation.
  • Manners of behavior.

A bright and memorable impression is produced by positive,
optimistic and inspired people.

To leave behind a good impression, you need to call
interlocutor positive emotions from communicating with you. For this
It should be remembered simple nuances and rules that will help
произвести положительное впечатление при первом acquaintance.

  • Улыбка. A discreet, warm and sincere smile is
    subtle psychological aspect of the first successful acquaintance.
  • Приятный внешний вид. Meet on clothes. Under the new
    acquaintance собеседник в первую очередь обратит внимание на ваш
    appearance and clothes. It is not necessary that the clothes look fashionable.
    and luxurious, the main thing is to present accuracy and
  • Открытый взгляд. Interested look on your part
    will tell the other person that you are interested in his “figure” and
    listen to what he says.
  • Умение слушать. Let the other person finish
    your story and support it with phrases, in the style of: “This is a very
    interesting! “,” And what’s next? “. Do not forget about the visual
    contact during the conversation.
  • Называйте собеседника по имени. When referring to a new
    friend more often use his name. This will highlight your interest in
  • Следите за своей речью. When the visual passes
    perception, a person begins to evaluate the interlocutor on the conversations.
    Therefore, you need to choose the right words, so as not to seem
  • Не следует рассказывать о своих проблемах. Interlocutor
    the first meeting does not need to know the problems and difficulties of your life,
    otherwise he will lose interest in you.
  • Преподнесите маленький подарок в честь знакомства. Such
    nice gesture will make a good impression and will not remain

At the end of the meeting should make the person pleasant
A compliment and note that the meeting you really liked.

При acquaintance мужчины оценивают естественное поведение женщины
and her disposing character. Therefore, it is not necessary to replay to
like a new friend.

Text: Svetlana Ahi

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