What does the ex-wife dream of talking toex-wife, make up or quarrel? Basic interpretations – toWhat is the ex-wife dreaming about?

Вт, 21 ноя 2017 Автор: Инна

In the dream we can see ourselves in love, joyful, or
distressed and disappointed. We can see ourselves next to
by many people. Но к What is the ex-wife dreaming about? What does this mean


What dreams of ex-wife – the main interpretation

If a man dreamed of a former wife – he should think about
whether his feelings for her cooled down? Maybe he needs her help.
and support. For the full interpretation of the dream must be considered
all its details:

– Under what circumstances did you meet your ex-wife;

– Who else figured in your dream;

– Did you communicate with your ex-wife;

– Did she give you something;

– What emotions came to you at that moment.

If in a dream you see how your ex-wife prepares you food –
worth the alert. Do you have with her not decided
questions? Did you discuss everything with her? Was your break easy?
The dream interpretation often indicates that if a person dreams, he may
a moment to think about you, or often thought of you in the middle of the day.

If you dream that you meet your ex-wife among
streets – such a dream can really predict you
long-awaited meeting. Why long-awaited? Most likely you too
have something to say to her.

It happens that people disagree, but friendly feelings between them
remain. Especially if the couple were tied up by children. if you
dream that you are having dinner with your former partner, and this dinner
romantic – this dream foreshadows you pleasant moments in
of life.

You can meet someone from old acquaintances, you can
meet a former sweetheart or an important person for you. the main thing
– not to refuse the proposed meetings in reality. Now exactly
a time when such meetings are useful primarily for you.

A dream in which you meet your ex-wife at the train station –
suggests that the trip you have planned will not be successful.
You will rather spend a lot of nerves and not get the desired
result. If you see in a dream like your ex-wife
takes you on the road – such a dream is even more alarming.

If with this woman in reality you still have unresolved questions –
you better think about whether it is worth devoting to your plans of outsiders
people. Such a dream may also indicate that you are too many
tell people you are going to go somewhere.

A dream in which your ex-wife swears with you – points to
empty squabbles and scandals in reality. If in life with my wife scandals and
a squabble you did not have – such a dream suggests that you lose
your reputation as a very important person for you.

if you приснится сон, в котором вы пытаетесь догнать свою
ex-wife – he advises you not to dive into the past and not
analyze it. You too often instead of living in
present and build the future – immerse yourself in the memories. You even
You can analyze some events based on past experience.
Dream Interpretation warns you against the same actions.

if you приснится, что вы обнимаете свою бывшую жену — такой
sleep may mean that she will need help soon. Soon you
will have to either agree to help her or refuse her. But the dream book
advises to give a helping hand. Otherwise, you will long regret
that did not help.

К What is the ex-wife dreaming about? What could mean a dream in which you
walking with your ex-wife? Such a dream can mean that you
Soon there will be some trouble at work. You will not give at first
they are of great importance, but in the end, you will get yourself problems. Dream interpretation
advise you to be more attentive to everything in your life
will be. Do not miss the opportunity of new acquaintances and
new communication.

What does the ex-wife dream about if she makes a bed for you? Such
сон может означать, что вас ждут неприятности в личной of life. If a
you dream that your ex-woman embroiders – such a dream
means that someone will gossip about you. Gossip these
it will touch your relationship. Dream interpretation советует не
worry about this, and clearly decide for yourself whether you need
this relationship.

If a отношения нужны — не стоит обращать внимания на слова.
Better work on yourself, your current second half,
Try to organize a holiday for each other. Try
get closer, be useful to each other.

A dream in which your ex-wife gives birth to your baby – talks about
your health problems. Chronic diseases will worsen.
You have to think about whether you lead the right way of life,
otherwise diseases will overcome you one by one.

What dreams of the grave of the former wife – such a dream to the fact that
You can not accept the breakup of relations. You could have
do not stay feeling for the former woman, but you still experience
some dissatisfaction, the limitedness in the present life due to
of these unsaid.

What dreams of a former wife in Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that a former wife can dream a man
as a symbol of unrealized sexual fantasies. Such сон также
may indicate the presence of insults and painful memories in reality.
A man, most likely, can not say goodbye to his image
ex-wife. He transfers it to his new women.

This means that he compares his new women with the former
wife If a бывшая жена в вашем сне красива и приветлива, даже
flirts with you – such a dream can mean romantic
date, fleeting romance. A new woman will also be close for
you, but this novel will not last long.

A dream in which you hold the hand of your ex-wife – talks about
needs care and affection. You lack support in life, not
lack of understanding and intimacy. No need to look back and
look for them in the past. It is better to build a new strong healthy
relationship based on mutual love and devotion.

What dreams of a former wife who is sick? Such сон означает,
that you expect trouble in the financial sector. You even не сможете
understand why they started and when they will end. Dream interpretation
advises you to stick to the golden mean in making important
making. Do not promise anyone anything if you are not sure about yourself.
Otherwise, you will begin even greater financial problems.

If a женщине снится бывшая жена её мужа — такой сон означает,
that in a relationship with a man there will be a crisis. Woman was not
quite open and caring. She was not loving enough.
She tried to live only for herself and now in her relationship can
start the problem.

What dreams of an ex-wife on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the meeting in a dream with the former
wife does not bode well. Most likely, this woman keeps on
hurt you and wishes you evil, because you feel it – she
is you in a dream.

If a во сне бывшая жена кричит на вас — вспомните причину, по
where is it going. Perhaps this was happening in a dream because
your inattention to her? Then it is important to pay attention to reality.
A new woman, so as not to lose her. If a же бывшая жена ругается с
you because of financial issues – such a dream is worth interpreting
in two ways.

If a она требует во сне от вас денег — вы не помогли ей в
difficult moment and now someone will turn away from you in reality. Exactly
he will not give you a helping hand. If a бывшая жена ругает вас из-за
misconduct, it is very demanding to treat your words and
action. You may wrongly offend someone, even insult.
Try сдерживать эмоции.

If a во сне вы ударили бывшую жену — ждите неприятностей на
work. Your life will also hit you hard and you will lose the former
financial positions. Do not relax if you are in a dream with the former
hugging my wife – such a dream promises you to communicate with two
personal person.

What dreams of ex-wife in other dream books

In the dream book Grishina it is said that the former wife dreams of
troubles and anxieties. This person could remember you
malice, and you felt it. If a вы видите, как она качает на руках
your child is seriously concerned with health. Sleep in which
she pats you on the head, says that one of your friends
spreading rumors about you.

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that the ex-wife in a dream is a messenger
negative changes and experiences. You have a connection with her,
constantly returning to the past and trying to scroll through events
of the past. Understand whether you did the right thing and whether it is worth it
to proceed further. Leave the past to the past, and move boldly.
farther. Try not to look back, do not analyze yourself,
live easier.

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