What does nize help with?drug use and price

Найз гельPains in the joints, sometimes they are so strong that they interfere with the usual activity and knock out rut, holding down movement. Medicine known a lot of drugs that help fight with such symptoms, one of them is gel nise. He is not is narcotic, belongs to the group of nonsteroidal funds local action to combat inflammation and possesses analgesic and antipyretic properties.


Indications for use gel Nise

What does Naize gel help? Appointed by the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system to eliminate pain syndrome accompanied by fever. Among common indications for use:

  • muscle pain;
  • arthritis or osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and pain in the spine of different origin;
  • gout, rheumatism, sciatica;
  • bursitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • myalgia;
  • tendenite;
  • tendeovaginitis;
  • lumbodynia;
  • synovitis;
  • inflammatory processes after injuries and damage to the bone, articular, cartilaginous tissues, sprains.


Composition nize gel

The use of the drug in the treatment of such a wide list diseases due to its composition. Gel active substance nimesulide, which is able to reduce the synthesis prostaglandins that cause symptoms such as swelling and pain. Substance helps to reduce platelet formation and slow down tissue death – necrosis, over time, the process should stop.

In addition, this gel contains methyl salicylate, a derivative acetylsalicylic acid component. He annoys a sore spot, increasing blood circulation, but unfavorable actions, which occur in the affected area, slow down. Menthol, the gel contained in the gel activates the cold receptors helps to achieve a calming effect. Capsaicin in his all increases blood flow, which improves the flow of oxygen and other nutrients to the affected area, accelerating healing.

What does nize help with?drug use and price

Instructions for use and dosage

Before using Nyse Gel, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and indications of its use. The drug is prescribed externally to adults and children over 7 years old. Sore spot before application is necessary wash well and towel dry. Squeeze the gel length no more than 3 cm and apply on the skin, while strongly rub it not worth (on the skin should remain a thin layer to absorb).

It is necessary to use Nise 3-4 times a day, avoiding contact. in the eyes and mucous membranes. The course of treatment takes from 1 to 2 weeks, however, apply the gel for more than 10 days without getting improvement, without consultation with a doctor is not recommended. Give up it is better to use if there is damage on the spot. After applying the Nize gel, you may feel a burning sensation that скоро должно stop.

Observing instructions and dosage, side effects of the application remedies are extremely rare and can occur as follows way: headache or dizziness; digestive disorders: heartburn, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting; skin rash, itching; anaphylactic shock; swelling, swelling (reaction to overdose); liver failure (manifested when applying a large amount of gel).

Contraindications < / h2>

Nise gel should not be used for children under the age of 7 years, women during pregnancy and lactation. With extreme caution, the gel is used by patients with renal, hepatic, heart failure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, in old age. In addition, the application should be abandoned when:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, manifestation of bronchospasms when using acetylsalicylic acid or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; < / li>
  • erosion or ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract; < / li>
  • bleeding from the digestive system; < / li>
  • dermatosis, other lesions and skin infections in the area of use; < / li>
  • severe hepatic and renal insufficiency. < / li> < / ul>

    Where to buy? < / h2>

      < / ol>

      It is possible to purchase Nise gel with a concentration of 1% in pharmacies Farmavita, Omega, Polart, Koptevskaya, CityApteka, Sistema, Minad-Expert�”,” Medfarm “and others. You can buy the drug in online pharmacies:

      1. Piluli.ru < / li>
      2. Eapteka.ru < / li>
      3. Zdravzona.ru < / li>
      4. Wer.ru. < / li> < / ol>

        Price < / h2>

        How much does Naize Gel cost? The price of the drug ranges from 159 to 198 rubles for 1% 20 g of a tube. Some pharmacies offer delivery services that are billed separately. The cost is relevant at the time of this writing, in the future it is not excluded its change. The exact price must be specified in pharmacies or on the pages of sites. < P>

        Analogs of Nize Gel < / h2>

        The drug has only 2 tools that are similar in composition – it Nimulid and Sulaydin. To the same group, but with a different set of components, include such drugs, as:

        • diclac; < / li>
        • fast; < / li>
        • Voltarena; < / li>
        • ortoflex; < / li>
        • diclofenac; < / li>
        • bioran; < / li>
        • artrum; < / li>
        • Ibalgin cream; < / li>
        • indomethacin; < / li>
        • doros aerosol; < / li>
        • Nurofen gel; < / li>
        • piroxicam; < / li>
        • finalgel; < / li>
        • flexen and others. < / li> < / ul>

          Most analogues are presented in the form of gels, but there are ointments, creams, sprays. The drugs give a similar effect, so if necessary, they are replaced by each other.


          Reviews of the effectiveness of the drug < / h2>

          Valentine, 28 years old < / strong> : from her youth she had been struggling with pains in the spine. I saw Nise’s gel in the commercial, after another exacerbation I decided to try it. When applied, a burning sensation was felt, but tolerable. Мазала спину по 3 раза в день, помогало хорошо, но на 4 сутки заметила крапивницу.

          Maxim, 25 years old < / strong> : on football, he pulled a muscle on his leg, the doctor ordered him to smear with Nise. After a week of using the gel, my leg did not hurt at all, applied 2 times a day. A good gel, guided only by pricing policy when choosing is not worth it because of the different content of active components in the composition. Лучше доверить подбор аналогов лечащему врачу.

          Natalia, 21 years old < / strong> : at work, unsuccessfully raised the box. He was diagnosed with arthritis of the right shoulder joint and was prescribed by the Noise gel. Мажу ним 4 раза в сутки, 3 день лечусь, но улучшения уже заметны.


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