What does a baby dream about? Maininterpretation, what is the dream of a baby?

Ср, 20 июн 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can witness the most
diverse events, both positive and very

What does a baby dream about? Does this dream promise joy? Worth
sort out.


What does a baby dream about? – basic interpretation

Children are always joy. So are the dreams in which you see children
– you will promise joyful events that will not force yourself
wait a long time. You may not be aware of those new features
which will open after a dream about a baby.

But, it is important to pay attention to the details of sleep:

• Whose child do you dream;

• Where it came from in your dream;

• What is happening to him and you in a dream;

• Who else appears in the dream;

• What are you experiencing.

If you have long dreamed and you finally dreamed a baby
– do not be in a hurry to rejoice and hope that really soon
time you have a baby. Most likely, you want so much
so that your child will appear that you are projecting this desire on
dream. You have to switch and not so much to invest in
the process of childbirth itself, how much to invest in improving
of life.

If in a dream you see a baby who was thrown at you
under the door of the house – you will face terrible injustice and
will try to defend their rights. After such a dream you will
It is very difficult to communicate with someone from their loved ones. You will
wait for approval, but it will not follow.

If in a dream you planted under the door of an infant, and he is very
cries hard and loud – wait for scandals and loud remarks on
work. You could not have imagined that it would happen that way
will touch, because your responsibilities regarding work, you always
tried to perform fully. If you suddenly happen
conflict at work after such a dream – try to resolve it
peacefully and do not focus attention on the shortcomings of your
colleagues. Stay objective in any life situation.

If you dream that someone is crying in your room, you
Come and see the baby in your bed – waiting for you
clarify the relationship with your mate. You will активно пытаться
to defend their point of view and not give up the position in her eyes.
Try to do this with all your might.

If you dream that an infant asks to eat – you
will greatly want mutual understanding and love, you will need
in the support and tips that your second gave you earlier
half. You will simply need support and support with all your heart.
support, but life will turn out so that you yourself will become for someone
support itself.

If you dream that a baby cries loudly at you on
hands and you can not calm him down – then you will
trying to find a reasonable solution to a rather difficult situation. You
will try to figure out the correctness of your decision

If you shake a baby in your arms for a long time and suddenly
falls asleep – you can quickly resolve all problems and everything
adversity. You сможете договориться с тем человеком, который ещё
recently presented a danger to you and created enough for you
uncomfortable situations.

It can be about your colleague or your second
half, which all the time little attention and affection, and you have no way
you can not understand those needs that do not satisfy
in their half.

If you dream that someone shakes the baby in his arms and that
falls asleep – you will be helped in solving your questions completely
strangers. They will always try to tell you and
support you. Try to take it as something very for you.
useful and very necessary. Then you can quickly resolve all
empty situations and quickly get close to the desired result.

If you dream that someone is feeding the baby with adult food and
the child screams – you are too slow in making a decision that
could be postponed. Take your time and wait, maybe
it will help you in solving many issues, in solving your complex

A dream in which you dress your baby promises you a promotion.
in many ways and new opportunities that you are sure to
take advantage of. You также можете очень быстро принять правильное
decision, just changing the attitude. You научитесь этому за
seconds and enjoy the process
принятия making.

A dream in which you are breastfeeding a baby promises you very much
an important thing from which you simply cannot and should not
refuse. You должны приложить максимум усилий для того, чтобы
all you have the best way. So that you can very quickly
разобраться в той ситуации, которая назревает у вас в of life.

If you dream that someone is breastfeeding a child and he
falling asleep – your possibilities will become the capabilities of another person.
Someone will take the baton from you, and you will be more active
yourself, your development, but you will not be able to do financial
by deeds. For some, such a dream may portend failure. new
initiatives, the failure of the case, on which you so expected.

If you dream that a child bites your chest – you will be offended and
betrayed by close people. You will действительно в них разочарованы и
even for a long time you will look for the reason for such behavior in yourself.
Do not do this, otherwise you will not achieve anything and save
offense. It is better to let go of the situation and live happily and cheerfully.

What does the infant child dream of in the Esoteric Dream Book?

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the infant dreams of
a symbol of purity of thoughts and purity of hope. You очень хотите развития
для себя и для другого человека, очень хотите new жизненных
change. But if the infant dreams of you being sick and tired –
You expect frustration and loss. You will переполнены
doubts and pain, and rarely when you are silent, more and more
worry and resent.

A dream in which you cry and worry about the death of the chest
a child may cause you health problems and communication problems
with people. Also, such a dream may portend to you what the past
problems will go away from you. Something in your life will end. Sleep in
where you will swaddle the baby – promises you concern for the important and
close person who will ask for help.

You с радостью окажете ему помощь, но не ждите похвалы и
thanks, more and more go about your business and your
cares. Spend time on those who need you, but not about yourself.
forget it.

What is the dream of a Freud’s dream child?

Freud’s dream book says that a baby is dreaming as a symbol
new романтических связей, как символ торжества чувств над
by reason. You получите массу удовольствия, получите новые возможности
build a happy life.

If you dream that you put the baby to bed all night and
you yourself fall asleep in the morning – you will be engaged in relationships and will
get a lot of fun. You наконец получите те отношения, на
who counted and what you deserve. Sleep in котором вы
see someone swaddle a baby – foreshadows you
gentle relationship with a person who was previously tender to you
the senses.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is breastfeeding
baby – she is waiting for pleasant moments of life, she will be filled
love and joy will be filled with hope for a speedy birth
healthy baby.

What does a baby dream about in other dream-books?

In the dream book Grishina it is said that the infant dreams then
когда вы готовы к кардинальным и позитивным изменениям в of life. You
готовы хранить тайны и не ждёте ничего особенного от of life. At the same
time – you do a lot for close people, and they give you for it
thankful. Try to be more and more useful to them.

What does an infant dream about in Aesop’s dream book? This dream promises
you support and help in difficult situations, you can get rid
from fears and phobias, with can get support and hint.
A happy and healthy baby in a dream is very good.
a sign that will bring you new opportunities, new connections.

If a child is sick in a dream, suffers, cries, he
uncomfortable and painful – you yourself will suffer and cry, and more and more
You will be disappointed in close people. Soon you will have to
not sweet. You всё больше будете подвержены депрессии и апатии.
Try to foresee all the difficulties and tactfully from them.
get rid of. And even if the dream foreshadows you a difficult period – you
be able to overcome it.

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