What do the corpses dream about? Basic interpretations to whatdream corpses

Чт, 10 май 2018 Автор: Инна

If you have a bad dream, don’t
get upset and sound the alarm maybe its interpretation is not so

What do the corpses dream about? How to interpret a similar dream?


К чему dream corpses — основное толкование

Dreams in which you see corpses – always promise a different kind
misfortune and loss. You may not suspect, but they will overtake
you will suddenly make you doubt the meaning of life and that
whether you are moving in the right direction.

Seeing the death of a person is a rather unpleasant sight, which
can excite the mind. You can try for quite a while for something
change, rethink values ​​after such a dream.
The main thing – do not panic, remember all the details

• Where did the corpse appear in the dream;

• Was it your corpse;

• What did you do with the corpse;

• Did the corpse talk to you?

If you dream that you have found the body in your home – this is very
a negative dream and would be worth understanding its interpretation. Rather
all, you really are in trouble first of all
related to your family.

If the corpse lies on your bed – do not expect happiness and joy in
personal life. You may even have sexual problems.
plan, you may suffer a lot because of an incomprehensible disease that
will take away both your time and energy. And doctors will not be able to deliver
you have the correct diagnosis. You will be a long time trying to get out
from the debt trap, if the corpse in the hands of banknotes.

You can even make money so much that you never
pay off. If the corpse in the eyes of the coins are – such a dream
says that you will soon get very sick. Or even in your
family will die. If you take away banknotes from the hands of a corpse –
nothing will stop you from doing something stupid, for which you are very
You will pay dearly in the future.

Dream Interpretation advises in the near future to act highly
prudently, to avoid excessive emotionality, not
to allow rash spending and actions. If you dream that
the corpse has come to life – expect the troubles that will come to you from
of the past. They will literally lead your
by life. Try not to react to the provocations of your enemies after
such a dream.

If the corpse came to life and wants to talk to you – such a dream can
foreshadow big problems at work. You will feel that your
everyone is happy with work and everyone is happy with how you behave. But,
Soon you will make a complaint, and you will wonder how so much
happened that you are unhappy, because you tried very hard to all
like and solve everything.

In fact, from you at work they want only the right and
full performance of duties. Concentrate on this after
like a dream. If the corpse scolds you in a dream – you should listen
to his claims and to hear in them some advice, a hint, thanks
where you can change and change the course of events in your life and
the lives of loved ones.

If a corpse in a dream tells you incomprehensible things, and you
you are upset – and then in reality you will be upset and will
constantly look for excuses for yourself. But it does not help solve
accumulated problems. You will increasingly dive into household
questions, and they will literally swallow you up. Try
understand everything that is happening and do not panic. Extra nerves to you
now there is nothing.

If you dream that труп стучит к вам в двери — ждите
uninvited guests. After visiting them you can experience
malaise, some discomfort, you can even feel very
depressed and do not know what to do next, where to go

Try to anticipate such a meeting and minimize
negative after it consequences. If you still failed
do – try to learn in advance from uninvited guests, why
they treat you so prejudiced and negative, perhaps you
will be able to resolve the conflict in advance.

If you have a dream in which you look out the window all night and
you see corpses in it, a multitude of corpses – then you yourself are for yourself
create problems and frustrations. You come up with for yourself
empty and made-up worlds, reorganize your life under the fictional
scenario. Dream Interpretation advises to stop doing this and
concentrate on the future result of all your labors. Realistically
look at life.

If you see a lot of corpses that float on the river – you
you will soon learn about the sad and tragic events that
throw you into shock. If you see the body of your loved one,
then, most likely, his health is not so simple and not everything
so smooth. You will be more and more waiting for him to go on
amendment and when he finally recovers.

If you see your corpse lying in a coffin – you will see a succession.
trouble that will not depart from you. You will be more and
more to dive into it, you can not even give up the opportunity
to adapt to what is happening.

If you dream that вы видите фото трупа — не стоит
get scared, really the troubles that you are so actively waiting for
– you will not come to life. They bypass you and you can
actively go about their business.

К чему dream corpses по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that corpses dream of every kind
неприятностям в personal life. You can wait for treason if you
they saw the corpse on their bed. Such a dream promises you experiences and
the frustrations that will soon overtake you. Try to be
restrained in their statements and not aggravate the situation.

If you dream that труп пытается на вас напасть — вам стоит
expect an unforeseen and very unfriendly conversation with
by their colleagues. They будут пытаться вас уличить в каких-либо
misdemeanors. As a result, your negative work will affect your personal
of life. You can lose balance, lose common sense and eat
most spoil the relationship with your soulmate. Try
Do not be nervous if soon you have a burst
scandals – this is only a negative point. He soon
will end.

If you dream that вы разговариваете с трупом — на вас
will affect past relationships. You will constantly compare them.
and new partners, look for similarity, will want to return everything
back. Dream Interpretation warns you against such actions. You can
hurt yourself. You can ruin your own life.

A dream in which a corpse is buried – should alert you. If you
ready to break old ties and old relationships – now the most
time. But, если вы не готовы на этот шаг — стоит быть внимательными
to your soulmate because between you can begin
conflicts and other problems, the result of all this will be a gap. If a
you do not want to allow it – be very attentive to
the needs of your soulmate.

К чему dream corpses по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book, it is said that corpses always dream of
troubles and troubles. A pregnant woman can sleep like this
dream when she should seriously think about her
health. if she does not say hello, this is a serious reason
consult a doctor.

If a вам приснился морг с множеством трупов и гуляете между ними
– you will enjoy your despondency, your fears. You do not
You will want to change anything and no one will change anything except you. You
must remember this when making important life decisions.

If a во сне вы жмёте трупу руку — наяву вы будете надеяться на
some kind of deal, but it will not be profitable, and you lose a lot
of money. If a же вам приснится, что кто-то стучится к вам в двери, вы
open – and the corpse lies behind the door – it’s time to clean up the house.
Forgive all offenses. Otherwise, you will encounter problems in
understanding you around.

К чему dream corpses по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что трупы снятся
when someone is watching you. You have to look at
close to your inner circle and understand whether you need such people or
you will be left without them, spend the near future in work on yourself
and will not pay attention to other people’s claims.

К чему dream corpses по соннику Эзопа? In that
The dream book says that corpses are accumulated fears and experiences.
They приводят к тому, что в вашу жизнь стучатся неприятности. What do you
increasingly become a hostage to their fictional ideas. Also such
sleep may indicate that. That you can easily inspire something too
succumbs to influence. Try перестать поддаваться и
control your life yourself. Then you can do it yourself.
her answer and will not depend on anyone.

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