What do relatives dream about

Mon, Jun 20, 2016


What do relatives dream about – по dream book Миллера

To see relatives in a dream – to the news; avoid with them
meetings – to inheritance. A dream in which you see immediately
many relatives foreshadows your participation in family discord and
a serious deterioration in the relationship within your family.

What do relatives dream about – по современному французскому
dream book

If you have a dream about your relatives, then they want to
meet with you. The death of someone from relatives dreams to
family discord. If you dream that strangers are turning
to you as a relative, then you will meet a person with
that you make good friendships with. If such a dream
seeing an unmarried young man means he will soon meet his
future spouse.

What do relatives dream about – по dream book странника

Relatives dream of quarrels and lack of understanding.
Another meaning of sleep, the opposite – to the support of native people.
The interpretation of sleep depends on the accompanying images that are observed
dreamer. Distant relatives dream to oblivion and indifference. They
can express the feelings that you have appeared in a dream

What do relatives dream about – по английскому dream book

Shy away from a meeting with relatives – to receive
inheritance. Hugging with relatives in a dream – to quarrels and
deterioration of health. Sadness in a dream about the loss of relatives –
means in real life to do something that will bring your loved ones
joy and pleasure. Visiting a sick relative in a dream – to
serious expenses.

What do relatives dream about – по dream book Лоффа

Relatives are an important part of our life,
therefore, the dreams in which they appear are of great importance. how
typically, dreams of relatives reflect the desire of the sleeper to understand his
relationship with family people. When interpreting such dreams is important
take into account living or dead relatives are dreaming since the dead
relatives coming in a dream speak of obscurity
relationship with them or reminiscent of ritual aspects
relationship Dreams of repeated relatives may
have a prophetic meaning. For example, if someone from your family
sick, such dreams can prophesy their death.

What do relatives dream about – по dream book Цветкова

Relatives in a dream are the personification of remoteness

What do relatives dream about – по dream book Хассе

To see relatives in a dream – to an unpleasant incident.
Dreamed sick relatives – so you will become a witness
unusual occurrence; dying – to inheritance; dead – to
good circumstances. Chatting with relatives in a dream
good luck in business; lose relatives – to the unexpected
help. To dream of well-dressed relatives – to wealth; walk
to visit relatives – to waste.

What do relatives dream about – по украинскому dream book

To see in a dream that relatives are sick – to the hassle or
significant family event.

What do relatives dream about – по современному dream book

If in a dream you see relatives gathering at the table, this
means that in reality you will receive good news from the far
relative (about the birth of a child, wedding, etc.). If someone from
your relatives are ill, then such a dream promises him deliverance from

A quarrel of relatives in a dream speaks of the torments of conscience that you
experiencing due to the fact that once let down their relatives. Also
this dream may warn you of an early meeting that will change
the course of your whole life. If in a dream you see your relatives,
who sat down at the table by seniority, it means that you
pay little attention to your children.

If in a dream you received a large sum of money from your relatives, then you
unhappy with their lives and therefore began to neglect their
household duties. Such a dream is a dream as a warning
the need to reverse the situation in order for it
did not lead to unpleasant events. If you dreamed a fight
relatives, then you need to prepare for the unrest.


Ivan 12/28/2016 I dream the same dream! my mom (she died
more precisely they were killed 15 years ago) she says to me in a dream “change this
way. choose another “. what is it for?

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