What do pigeons dream about, flock of pigeons? Maininterpretation of different dream books – what do pigeons dream about

Пт, 22 июн 2018 Автор: Инна

In the dream you can see a variety of animals
and birds. You can turn yourself into some kind of animal or
a bird

What do pigeons dream of? How to interpret such a dream.


What do pigeons dream about – basic interpretation

A dream in which you will see pigeons sitting on your arms –
talks about getting good results from your efforts.
You will get new chances and opportunities – do not miss them. Try hard
deal with everything that happens when you need it.

If you dream that someone is feeding pigeons – take a look at
this man in a dream. Does he remind you of someone? Maybe,
you in childhood? Then it’s time for you to visit your relatives and
close ones. It’s time to do your daily business.

To interpret a dream completely – pay
attention to details:

• Where do pigeons come from in your dream;

• Did they circle you?

• Did they bring you something;

• Did they behave aggressively;

• Did you feed them;

• What color they had plumage.

If in a dream pigeons are circling above you and cooing – get ready for
enjoyable period in life. You will also soon be glad that
what is happening and will enjoy new opportunities and
victories over themselves.

If in a dream pigeons quickly rush into the distance – you yourself will want
avoid some kind of trouble. Someone will share with you
information, and you will try to avoid the difficulties that
waiting for you to come.

A dream in which you see big black pigeons promises you
appearance in the life of envious and enemies. They just attack you and not
will solve the bulk problems. Try hard сдерживать
emotions and do not show your indignation. Let your problems
will remain with you.

If you have a dream in which you call pigeons, but they are not
respond to your call – get ready for the fact that you will not respond
no one. You will also try to reach someone, but
to no avail. Drop this idea and calmly continue
a business. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of effort and nerves to
to prove their case and their right. But they are unconditional and you
it’s time to come to terms with it.

If in a dream pigeons peck bread – you will also be in
a state of satiety and happiness. Nothing will bother you. If they
pecking black bread – you can temporarily forget even your own
major problems and adversities. A dream in which you see pigeons
pecking white bread – heralds you a pleasant fellowship with the person
which you have not seen for a long time.

Why do pigeons dream of being fed by grains? Such a dream
means that your well-being will not last forever and you will very quickly
say goodbye to hopes for a bright future. You will first get
new features and then quickly lose them.

If in a dream you send a letter with the pigeons – in reality you
you will wait for a decision of some important matter, but before that, you better
think through all your moves and thoughts in advance. If in a dream you see
how someone sends a pigeon along with the news – you will expect
decisive action from another person and you will not have
opportunities to resolve the issue.

If you dream that someone knocks you on the window and you see
that this is a dove – be prepared for joyful changes in life. You
You will wait a long time for the right moment to arrive, but it has already arrived.
You просто никак не примите тот факт, что ваша реальность зависит и
from other people.

If in a dream the pigeon is painful and you feel very sorry for it –
in reality, you will really regret not being able to take it in time
decisions and could not in time to understand everything that is happening. If a
you will dream that a pigeon pecks your hand – get ready for what
a person who has long shown himself as your friend will manifest
yourself as a traitor, as one who will not help you in anything, will not
will solve not only your problems, but also create all the prerequisites
for the emergence of new difficulties and new difficulties.

A dream in which you release the pigeons to freedom, but they do not want
fly away from you, and sit on the ground – says that you are not
want to leave a man who you no longer need. Speech can go
about the relationships you want to end and they are not
are completed.

If a во сне вы видите голубя, который никак не может взлететь —
you yourself can not decide on a certain act, which has long been
it was necessary to decide. If a во сне вы видите, как голуби начинают
circling over you and in the literal sense of the word – fall on your head –
get ready to meet a man who will not spare you, and even
will aggravate your life situation.

A dream in which you see pigeons воркуют — сулит вам
pleasant communication with a familiar person. You многое вспомните, многим
share Leave much to the past. You should not worry,
if suddenly your friend starts to pay too much attention to you.
Most likely, he just wants to continue to communicate with you, but you do not
want to. After such a dream – it is important not to deny yourself anything. Yours
desires must be paramount. And then desires

If a вам приснится что кто-то стучит со всех сил в пол, и это
it turns out to be a pigeon knocking – you will not be ready for the changes
which is about to happen in your life. You are on the threshold already
grand changes. Changes that are simply not equal.

A dream in which you see someone trying to open the door and behind
the door you see black pigeons – wait for the terrible news. But, on
in fact, nothing terrible will happen in your life. It will be
Only news that you will not be too happy.

What do pigeons dream about in Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that pigeons are dreaming as a symbol
reconciliation and peace. You примиритесь со своими страхами, научитесь
manage them, learn how to manage your emotions. If a во сне вы
hold a pigeon on your hand – rather dubious news is waiting for you
which you do not like. Try hard избегать подобных известий и
do not betray them much value.

If a вам приснится, что голуби кружат над вами — вы будете
ready to meet new relationships, but have to choose among
dozens of people who meet you, who value you. You
you yourself do not know which of them you would like to see next.

A dream in which you see pigeons улетают в тёплые края —
suggests that you yourself are looking for a more appropriate relationship,
that would allow you to develop, to be what you are.
You have only a little, and you get the opportunity to actively

If a голуби воркуют возле вас — вы вскоре встретите человека,
who will be very sweet to communicate with you, but can not be solved
share your life with you. You можете даже питать надежды на
pleasant time with him. But, you have to be disappointed. You будете
just wait for the right moment.

If a беременной женщине приснятся голуби — ей пора ожидать самых
diverse events in your life. It is time for her to expect the most
a variety of difficult situations that she can overcome
thanks to the support and help.

What do pigeons dream about in Esoteric dream book?

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that pigeons dream when
you expect pretty pleasant events, good news. If a вы во
dream you will see wedding pigeons – it does not mean at all that you
really get married soon. This means that you will have to
rejoice at someone, but get upset about your life and
of fate.

If in a dream you see как голуби клюют фрукты на деревьях —
Prepare for the fact that your works will not be assessed as needed. If a вы
you will see in a dream that someone is knocking you into the glass of a car – be
ready to meet uninvited guests who bring a lot

What do pigeons dream about in other dream-books

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что голуби снятся
as a symbol of news and peace. You сможете примириться с кем-то важным
you. You сможете примириться со страхами и болью. But is it worth it
do? Or is it better to defend your positions that you

A dream in which you see pigeons садятся на памятник — сулит
new opportunities for you, but you will always look back and
look for some answers in the past. If a вы хотите жить спокойно и не
worry about every little thing – try to predict
further events and not return to the past.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что голуби снятся тем,
who wants to actively advance in life. If a вы ещё не знаете, чего
If you want to – it is important to listen to the prompts of loved ones and not
lose sight of them. Now you will need them. Do not miss
opportunities to ask them for help if this is really for you
necessary and important.

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