What do needles dream about, do you need a needle?The basic interpretation of different dream books – what dreams of needles

Ср, 14 мар 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream, you can witness the most unusual events. But
Will dreams affect your life? What do needles dream about? how
interpret such a dream?


What dreams of needles – the basic interpretation

In the dream you can see yourself for your favorite pastime, in your favorite
place You can see yourself happy, or vice versa, unhappy.
In a dream you can make decisions. But, к чему снится сон, в
where do you see needles? In order to fully interpret
like a dream, you need to carefully study all its

– Where exactly did you see the needles;

– Was there a lot of them;

– What metal they were made of;

– Did you lose them;

– Have you experienced in a dream;

– Who else figured in your dream.

If in a dream you see a huge number of needles scattered
around you on the floor – you expect big troubles with which
you have to cope on your own. No need to worry and
panic, start thinking about how to anticipate possible
trouble and minimize their negative effects on your
of life.

The dream book says that if the needles are scattered on the floor in your
home, then you should expect trouble and dirty trick from your
loved ones. If the needles are scattered on the floor at your job
dream – you should beware of empty talk and gossip. Yours
professional skills will not appreciate what they deserve and you will have to
confirm them several times.

A dream in which you find a needle in your pillow speaks of
that your peace will disturb some terrible event. It may
to be a disease of a loved one, or even a serious illness that
amaze you yourself.

A dream in which you see someone sticking into your pillow
needle – says that it is time for you to recognize your enemy by sight.
Try to do it as quickly as possible. Do not trust all secrets
close people, leave something a mystery, let them not know that you
conceived, then it will come true.

A dream in which you see someone sew a button with a needle
– speaks of your attachment to someone, from which you can not
can refuse. You may think that you are sewn to another
man This connection can irritate you a little,
that man imposes himself upon you.

Do not be nervous and worry. Stay calm. Take a rest
consider all your further actions. If in a dream you sew
a button with a needle to clothes – it is worth paying attention to something that is not
Do you keep a person near you?
his life, do you influence her?

If you know what it could be, and you really
make a huge impact on the other person – stop it
do it because you are harming yourself. Sleep in which you
give a set of needles – says that you will have to painstakingly
work for the common cause. Do not neglect this
by necessity. Try to fulfill all the obligations that are
they will lay you down – then you will truly become a happy person,
because your labors will appreciate.

A dream in which you pricked a finger with a needle, but the blood did not come out –
talks about the troubles that you quickly deal with. If
in your dreams you see how your blood has gone from the wound and you
you can stop her – such a dream speaks of trouble
which will be chronic. You will always be with
someone to fight someone to prove something and can not
stay. Try to be more attentive and not worry.
for nothing. In your power to change your life for the better.

A dream in which you pin someone with a needle – says that
you do not have enough love and affection. You will try to get them from
stranger and end up hurt yourself. You will
want reciprocity, but in the end, you will get a rejection, you will be told that
you are not needed. Try to anticipate similar events in your life and
much because they do not get upset. Perhaps it is your recent
actions and attitudes toward man have led to the fact that now in
your life happens. No one is to blame for your situations, except
yourself Try to put up with it and no longer cause
harm to anyone.

A dream in which you buy gold needles – promises you a pleasant
troubles and a lot of pleasant communication. You will be the center of attention, and
it will bring you new acquaintances and new opportunities. Try
don’t miss the chance to make yourself known and develop more
of his case.

A dream in which you buy needles of an unusual shape – speaks of
that you want to diversify your life and you will
strive to do it in a variety of ways. Starting from
unusual holiday and ending with new acquaintances and communication. Sleep,
in which you boil needles – says that something is stopping you
build your own life. You will try for a long time to determine what
it bothers you. It will take a lot of time, but you will achieve

Sleep, в котором вы зашиваете дырки на одежде rusty old
needles – talks about your illness and problems with finances. Maybe,
you really want to earn enough money and you are afraid
that you will not succeed due to certain circumstances. Yours
fears are not groundless, you just feel that a lot is in your
life goes wrong as we would like.

Sleep, в котором вы долгое время пытаетесь втянуть нитку в иголку
– says that it’s time you understand business matters. You
started some important thing and can not bring it to
the end.

What are the dreams of Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that needles can dream of empty
quarrels and offenses. To avoid them, you need to devote less to others.
people in the affairs of personal life, do not allow anyone in personal relationships.
Try быть честными и открытыми со своей второй половинкой,
then you can settle any conflict.

What do needles dream about if you find them in your bed? Such
sleep can indicate both problems in one’s personal life and
health problems intimate plan. Try не нервничать и
do not worry, keep calm and give yourself
report in everything that happens to you.

If someone gossip and claims will provoke you to
scandal – stop communicating with this person. Sleep, в котором вы
see a broken needle – says something in your life
breaks sharply. You растеряетесь и захотите восстановить
justice, relationships, lost connections.

What dreams of needles on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that needles dream of hostility and
problems. If you see a needle with a precious ear – such a dream
mean your desire to benefit from some
events, or events – will not give the result. Sleep, в котором вы
for a long time you will pull the thread into the needle – says that
for a long time you will make a decision regarding financial
questions. Do not delay. The more you think, the worse you are

Sleep, в котором вы долгое время пытаетесь найти иголку и никак не
you can do it – it says justice
recover. You всё больше будете пытаться отстоять свою точку
view and all in vain.

Sleep, в котором вы иголки вкалываете в подушку — говорит о том,
that you will accumulate evil and offense on a loved one and once this
зло выплеснется на yourself Try не допустить подобного
conflict and save your face.

What dreams of needles for other dream books

In the dream book Grishina it is said that the needles dream of pereuzud and
empty talk. You will be pounded with words and deeds. You не будете
know how to behave in a difficult situation. If you
interpret the dream entirely – it can give you additional
hints. Sleep, в котором иголок вокруг вас огромное количество —
says that you have many enemies and detractors.
Try отказаться от общения с теми, кто когда-то проявлял по
towards you aggression.

Sleep, в котором вы долго не можете что-то пришить, из-за тупой
needles – says that you are moving in the wrong direction. AT
Wanderer’s dream book said that such a dream may make you difficult
in family life and in love due to lack of understanding and
support from partners. To restore the relationship is not
you need to be rude and unbalanced with your partner. Must be
understanding and loving. Sleep, в котором вы видите огромную иглу —
says that you have to work a lot, but it will go to you
to benefit and make a profit.

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