What cards do you dream about, play cards and winor lose? Basic interpretations – what is the dream of cards

Пт, 14 июл 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, a variety of events can appear to a person
meetings, events. But what does the dream in which you play
cards? К чему снятся cards? Worth to understand.


What dreams card – the main interpretation

Gambling in a dream does not bring anything good in reality. Therefore,
if you dreamed of cards – it’s time to think about the correctness of the accepted
you making. What should pay special attention?

• What kind of cards you had a dream;

• Where did the cards come from in your dream;

• What happened to the cards in a dream;

• Whether you won or lost;

• Who else became a member of your dream;

• What emotions caused you to dream.

If you have a dream in which you sit at the gambling table and
distribute cards – in reality you will control the lives of other people
the situation will be under your control. If in a dream you are sitting in a role
player at the gambling table – expect trouble and harsh
change for the worse.

It is important to remember what suit you have in your hands:

• Worms – are responsible for the questions of love relationships;

• Peaks – promise trouble and stagnation in business;

• Clubs – you should pay attention to the financial situation;

• Tambourines – are in charge of business matters.

Playing cards in a dream that you found in your house – you
someone wants to cheat, someone wants to intervene in your family
relationship, and benefit from it. If you see yourself on
table laid out playing cards – you should prepare for intrigue
and betrayal. Trumps will obviously not in your hands.

Seeing cards in your bed – your soulmate is not with you
honest Dream Interpretation advises to speak frankly, put all the dots
in those matters that have long troubled you.

If you see yourself looking for a lost card – you are real
You will actively seek the opportunity to return the time back. You something
lost sight of and are now trying to change the situation. Dream interpretation
advises you not to fuss and make informed decisions. Otherwise you
not only will you not find what you are looking for, but you will also lose what you have.

If you have a dream in which you appear on the threshold
a man dressed in a card outfit – wait for guests who are not asked to
unpleasant news. Shuffle the deck in a dream – dramatically change plans
in reality. You will sincerely try to organize the best
way, but you will not get it. If you have a dream,
where you are trying to pull the card out of the sleeve – in reality you will have to
enjoy hidden features. All you previously wanted
implement – better to do now.

If in a dream you play cards for money – it’s time to take care of
your financial situation. Especially if you see what you have on
hands only clubs. This suit is special in matters of financial
well-being. If you see that in your hands only older
cards of this suit – you will be won in reality. If you have to
the hands of the cards are repeated – it means you will again and again fall
in a difficult financial situation.

A dream where you are looking for a special deck of cards and not
you can buy it – it means that in reality you will try to find
something special that is right for you. And you find this thing not
you can. If you in your house find in your dream an old and battered one
a deck of cards – take a closer look at your past
mistakes and misses, maybe soon they will play
important role in your life.

If in a dream you are counting the cards in the deck, and they are not there
enough – it is necessary to reconsider their attitude towards others. And me
Enough love and support from you. You are too strict and critical in
respect them. If there is only one suit in your deck, it is worth
remember which one. The interpretation of sleep also depends on it.

If it is a card of hearts, it is worthwhile to pay more attention to
issues of love and relationships with people around you. If it is peak
cards – you expect trouble, which will be quite long
prevent you from living fully. Diamonds cards in the deck promise you
financial trouble and frustration.

See how the cards are burning – your plans will also be burned, not realized
due to outside interference. If you find in your pocket
card – it is worth remembering what suit it was. If it is peaks –
wait for trouble from a close friend. See how the heart is burning
Ace – passionate relationships will appear in your life that will absorb

If in a dream you are guessing on maps – remember who exactly you are
guessing and what information you get from the cards. She may be
truthful. Remember who else is in your dream. These people in
the near future will have a significant impact on your fate.

Scatter cards in a dream – scatter words and then
regret it. Draw cards yourself, make them –
you will act in defiance of fate. Go against
public opinion.

Быть на приёме у гадалки — пытаться изменить свою судьбу in reality.
It is important to remember that it was she who told you. If you see yourself in
the role of fortunetellers – remember who you were at the reception. This person
will soon contact you for help.

Receive cards as a gift – to get an important, but troublesome thing.
Wet the cards in the rain – you will find disappointment and sadness. You
would not want to be upset over trifles, but so will develop
circumstances. You ничего не сможете изменить.

What are the dreams of the card according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says what dreams are about. They dream to
significant changes in the life of one who sees this dream. Maybe,
You will expect an unexpected meeting with a beautiful stranger
if you dream of a lady of hearts. If this card is a dream of a girl –
she has a rival.

Peak cards in a dream mean disappointment in personal life
in reality. You will lack exposure and trust to the partner, if you
dreams of these cards. See your sweetheart deal cards for
playing table – he lies to you and plays with feelings, but not only

See how you are trying to draw the desired card from the deck in a dream
– in reality, look for a suitable option, the correct solution to problems with
personal life. Playing cards with your friends in the yard – some of yours
close friends will begin to flirt with you.

Build a house of cards in a dream – make ambitious plans for
beloved, but they are not destined to be justified. See how your
lover builds a house of cards – get an offer from him
hands and hearts. But marriage will not be happy. Happiness will be

See cards scattered on the floor and try to collect them – someone
interfere with your plans for the future and try to prevent you from
implementation. Missing cards in the deck – a quarrel and

What dreams of cards on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that it is important to remember which
It was the cards you saw in your dream. What emotions you have overcome. If you
Were unspeakably glad that you have cards in your hands – you will be so
rejoice in the changes in their lives, even if they are not
so positive.

To dream cards for fortune telling – to try to find out your fate.
You хотите знать наперёд всё, что вас ожидает в личной жизни, если
you dream of a card of the suit of hearts. Dream interpretation советует не торопить
events, if you dream that the fortune teller has told you parting with
beloved one If the fortune teller told you happiness in your personal life and
marriage – expect pleasant romantic encounters.

If you often dream of cards – remember what interpretation they have
was in a dream. Your subconscious mind is trying to give you an important
hint. If in a dream you see the same situation, but the cards
change, you should change the approach to an important matter. Hurry up

If in a dream you play cards with your beloved and lose –
in reality he will hide something from you. If youигрываете — вам откроется
some unpleasant secret. To see a dream in which they give you cards –
It is worth fearing to treat new acquaintances.

Why dream of a card for other dream books

In the dream book of the Wanderer it is said that the cards are dreaming of deceit in affairs,
to lie If you обыгрываете соперников в карты — вы приобретёте
small gifts. In the dream book Medea said that it is important to turn
special attention to your mood while you sleep.

If you очень переживаете во сне, когда держите в руках карты —
you will experience in reality because of the important information received. If a
you feel calm and confident – it is worth relying
on intuition. You are not in danger. Any of your venture
will succeed.

Whatever your dream, it’s important to trust yourself. Important not to be afraid
changes in life. Dreams only suggest how to act in
some situations.

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