What are different Zodiac signs afraid of?

What are different Zodiac signs afraid of?

Regardless of the sign of the zodiac, every person
tend to be fearful. However, not everyone knows that to everyone
the sign is tied to its phobia.



People born under the sign of Aries are not afraid to take the initiative
and boldly go to your goal. But even with such unshakable personalities
there are fears.

Most often this sign appears

They do not feel comfortable when the situation is not in their hands.
Loneliness for them – a real disaster. Aries love to be
in the spotlight and be out of society for them simply
is impossible.


Taurus has a soft, calm character. These people
friendly with others, but really open their
inner world is not for everyone.

It seems that they have no phobias, but in fact
This is not true.

They are afraid of losing their livelihood. Existence
Without money, here is the main phobia of Taurus. This sign does not focus on
own fears, and always relies on rationality. Such
people never dare to make a parachute jump, or
get carried away with extreme sports.


Twins являются одним из тех знаков, поведение которых трудно
interpret. Their mood may change several times.
for the day.

Twins любят добиваться истины и стараются всем событиям дать
rational explanation.

Twins подвержены клаустрофобии и страху
of darkness.

They try to avoid monotony and gray everyday life. Twins
always ready for adventure to diversify your life.


Crayfishи отличаются застенчивым характером, из-за чего часто
feel closed.

Frequent stress contributes to the emergence of many
фобий от простой боязни темноты до социофобии

Crayfishи боятся быть в центре внимания и стараются не подвергаться
ridicule В личной жизни Crayfishи привязываются к одной личности и
can create a family for life.

a lion

a lion – знак, отличающийся благородством, энергичностью и
incredible courage. What can scare self-confident

These people катастрофически боятся совершать

They need constant support from the side and complete admiration.
their talents. Also to their weaknesses can be attributed fear of heights and
fear of pain. In small rooms they may succumb


Representatives of the sign of Virgo are subtle natures. And me
suitable noisy parties. It’s better for them to spend the evening
in a narrow circle of friends.

Virgos are not inclined to dream long and prefer to think
rationally. It’s hard for them to relax, as Virgos constantly think
about everyday affairs.

Virgin men are often afraid to get acquainted with beautiful
by women.

Virgo women are afraid of marriage and do not believe in real


Libra стараются во всем искать гармонию. They go easy on
concessions, but often can not figure out their own

Libra боятся любых насекомых и с трудом переносят болевые

For this reason, they go to the doctors in the most extreme cases.
They prefer to be in the company and do not tolerate being in
alone They are worried about the fear of death.


Представители знака Scorpioа отличаются энергичностью. They
possess enormous will power.

Scorpioы злопамятны и могут копить недовольство многие

This is one of those signs that does not have any

In rare cases, exotic fear of corners can overtake them.
or gambling. They скрывают свои переживания и не любят
expose emotions.


Sagittarius set a goal and clearly follow it. ABOUT

they have an unshakable character and do not think of their life
without risk. This is a convivial sign that prefers noisy.
the company.

This sign believes in mystical powers and does not like

That is why his main fear is the fear of secluded


Capricorn идет по жизни с позитивным настроем. Not peculiar to him
experiences. These people are described as hardworking, unable to
live without work.

This sign prefers to spend free time in

Quite often, among the representatives of this sign
there are notorious individuals.

They are hard to be in the open space. Capricornи не
feel comfortable among a large crowd of people
will ever agree to fly by plane, because of the strongest


Outstanding personalities are often born under the Sign of Aquarius. Aquarius
born creator. They hide a huge creative potential.

They не держат обид и комфортно ощущают себя среди

Aquarius любящие и заботливые натуры. And meвыносимо думать об
alone, and they will never turn for nothing
help to the doctor, because they are afraid of pain.


Fish прирожденные мечтатели. They мягкие и чувствительные по
in kind. ABOUTднако они подвержены вспышкам гнева. They предпочитают
be alone and do not like to take active

They подвержены иррациональным страхам, верят в
привидения и мистику

But most of all they are afraid of punishment, which is often develops into
pathological condition – mastigophobia.

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