Watermelon diet is a tasty opportunity to quickly get rid of a few extra pounds. But it is suitable only for those who truly loves juicy berries. The diet on watermelons is considered simple, cheap and effective, during which it is easy to lose weight before 8 pounds. In addition, watermelon cleanses the body of toxins and slags, therefore, fasting days are spent with him and people with normal weight.
What is the benefit of losing weight on watermelons
Low calorie watermelon (38 kcal / 100 g) every year attracts more and more people who want to lose weight on this berry. Hold out it is simple, because food enriched with fiber for a long time provides satiety. Watermelon is good for the heart and kidneys, because 100 g of berries contain daily rate of magnesium. In its composition contains vitamin B, folic and ascorbic acid, carotene, Riboflavin, antioxidants. Watermelon removes excess liquid from organism, as it has a diuretic effect.
Description and rules of diet
Doctors do not advise sitting on a monodiet for more than 2-3 days, and if you want to lose a lot of pounds, then find out what you can alternate watermelon on a diet so that the body gets the right amount beneficial substances. The amount of watermelon pulp during the diet is defined as follows: one kilogram per 10 kg of human body weight. Drink only non-carbonated water is allowed. Eat watermelon preferably not later than 4 hours before sleep, due to diuretic properties of the berries. So that lost kilograms do not come back, it is necessary to leave this diet gradually – during the subsequent days to comply with calorie restriction.
Diet and menu options < / h2>
If health allows, then during a three-day watermelon diet other products are better not to use – this will lead to a loss of 3-5 kilograms. With the help of watermelon will improve the appearance of the skin, the condition of the nails and hair, thanks to the content of the antioxidant lycopene. Если 7 дней соблюдается арбузная диета – минус 10 кг за a week гарантировано, а еще происходит насыщение организма железом, что избавляет от риска малокровия и анемии.