Walking for weight loss: walk to the idealweight

hodba-dlya-pohudeniyaAmerican researchers
University of Medicine and Sport found that walking classes
can help you lose extra kilos much faster
than almost any other weight loss method.

Walking also helps maintain a person’s optimal weight.
over a longer period of time because during
weight loss going muscle building and is active
burning fat with a high heart rate.

Perhaps at first it may seem like a daunting task.
engage in walking daily and cover the optimal distance in
one0,000 steps, but it’s important to develop a strategy for
doing this magnificent exercise regularly for
losing weight

Here are three simple methods that will help you follow walking for
weight loss without loss of concentration:


Ходьба для losing weight Using a pedometer

one0000-shagovUsing a pedometer
can help you easily keep track of the distance you covered in
during the day, as well as the number of steps you have taken.

The pedometer is a small calculator box,
which you can put in your pocket or fasten on your belt if
allows the design, it can be installed on the thigh.

When the pedometer takes a strong position close to the hip, it is exactly
logs every movement you make. For people,
wishing to scrupulously fulfill a daily quota of one0,000 steps,
pedometer is the easiest and most effective method for
achieve the goal.

When purchasing a pedometer, make sure that you choose a model that
It counts both the distance and a separate number of steps.

At first you will learn how many steps you need to take to
overcome one kilometer. And also you will be surprised how many steps
You can optionally add to your daily tally by
changes in small habits such as using
stairs instead of an elevator or go personally to a work colleague and not
send him messages on ICQ.

Ходьба для losing weight Timing

Do you use a pedometer or other counting method during
walking for weight loss, you need to determine the approximate time
which you need to go a given distance, for example,

Calculate this number several times on different days and output
average figure. Now you will be able to approximately
suggest how much time it takes you to walk if part
your “daily steps” you decide to spend specifically on
дополнительную ходьбу для losing weight

For example, if you know what you are doing one0.000 steps per hour
practicing walking for weight loss, then you can choose and
 devote this hour daily to fulfill your daily
limit. However, if you fail to devote a whole hour right away,
then you can walk ten minutes until you reach your
daily “norm”.

Having a clear idea of ​​how much time
will need to reach your goal, help you approach the task
strategically than if you didn’t have such a plan. Make a
calculations to save time and be sure that you are in
able to fulfill your daily walking plan.


Ходьба для losing weight Route

Choose a route depending on the time and distance that
It takes you one0,000 steps. Availability of planned routes
will help you analyze the process of implementing the plan in
more convenient form. You will appreciate the progress you make.
achieve over time and develop a system for
achieve your goals.

Use several in your slimming workouts.
routes because the same daily path can become
quite tedious and reduce the motivating attitude for a good and
positive result.

Plan a long route for several days when
you have a lot of energy, a short route when you are tired, and
medium length route when you are energetic but busy and have not
so much free time to walk.

one2 week weight loss program

Stick to the following training schedule for beginners, and
you can easily increase the daily duration
walks from onefive to 60 minutes.

No Mon W Wed Th Fri Sat The sun
one onefive min. oneeight min. 20 min. 22 min. 20 min. oneeight min. onefive min.
2 onefive min. oneeight min. 20 min. oneeight min. 20 min. oneeight min. 2five min.
3 oneeight min. 2five min. 22 min. oneeight min. 2five min. 20 min. 22 min.
four 2five min. 30 min. 22 min. 20 min. 22 min. 2five min. 30 min.
five 20 min. 2five min. 30 min. 2five min. 30 min. 27 min. 3five min.
6 2five min. 30 min. 30 min. 27 min. 30 min. 27 min. four0 min.
7 27 min. 30 min. four0 min. 3five min. 33 min. 30 min. four0 min.
eight 2five min. 33 min. four0 min. 33 min. four0 min. 33 min. five0 min.
9 3five min. four0 min. four3 min. 3five min. four0 min. four3 min. five0 min.
one0 33 min. four0 min. five0 min. 3five min. five0 min. four3 min. five0 min.
oneone four0 min. four3 min. five0 min. four0 min. fivefive min. four0 min. five0 min.
one2 four0 min. fourfive min. 60 min. fourfive min. 60 min. five0 min. 60 min.

Consistency is key to achieving
successful outcome, so try not to walk
менее five-ти дней в неделю. Besides this the schedule may be
adjusted to your needs for example
if you are very tired in one of the weeks, do not increase
duration of training.

Once a week you can take a day off, to do this, select one
from lighter days (sunday or wednesday). After all, quite
naturally you can feel tired or some
muscle pain after the program starts, so it would be wise to take
day of rest.

Примечание: если у вас есть хронические проблемы со
health, you must get permission from your doctor
перед началом любой программы для losing weight

Important: “Losing weight with activated carbon” and “Easy
to lose weight with an enema?

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