The onset of menopause worsens the condition of any woman.
There is a decline in ovarian function, changes in hormonal levels.
This leads to mood swings, anxiety, depression,
sleep disturbances, hot flashes with bouts of sweating. Hormonal
restructuring begins to occur at the age of 37 – 40 years and lasts
from 1 to 10 years. Every woman has it individually, but
common symptoms are similar and significantly aggravate well-being. In it
time is needed to take some drugs that will help
level unpleasant symptoms.
The value of vitamins during menopause
The role of vitamins in menopause during this period of life is especially valuable.
for good health. They perform several important functions:
• increase immunity, thereby helping to mitigate unpleasant
climacteric manifestations;
• stimulate the synthesis of sex hormones, the production of which
decreased significantly.
• start metabolic processes, accelerate metabolism, because
climacteric period there is a significant decrease and
there is a quick set of excess body weight.
How do vitamins in menopause
To improve overall condition, there are several especially
vitamins necessary for menopause during this period, which are not only
will reduce unpleasant symptoms, but significantly improve the quality
of life. First of all, these are antioxidants that slow down
the aging process of the body. They neutralize constantly forming
in the body, free radicals are active molecules that have lost their
oxidative reactions of several electrons, and destructive
other cells in search of the missing. Healthy cells damaged
as a result of the “attack”, they themselves turn into active free
radicals affecting the remaining intact cells.
The consequences of such continuous exposure to free radicals are
physiological aging of all organs and systems.
Some vitamins, acting as antioxidants, are capable of
suspend this destructive process. They give their
electrons, but remain stable compounds. So
antioxidant vitamins interrupt the pathological process
destruction, slow down the aging process.
Side effects and harm from self-medication with vitamins
The course of treatment, the dose of drugs is determined only by a doctor during
avoidance of overdose – hypervitaminosis, which are
serious side effects of taking high doses of vitamins.
Independently chaotic use of vitamin complexes or
individual vitamins can be not only useless, but also
небезопасным for good health. There is an opinion that overdose
vitamins are impossible: the body will take as much as necessary
the rest will be excreted with urine and feces. This is not entirely true.
Water-soluble vitamins can be excreted in the urine. Excess
fat-soluble accumulates in the body, rendering toxic
Vitaminы при climax – и водорастворимые (витамин С), и
fat-soluble (A, D, E) – when released into the blood are delivered in
all tissues, including fat. Excess витаминов, которые не
absorbed in the intestines, excreted in the feces. With an overdose
fat soluble vitamins diarrhea appears. This is due to the fact that
a surplus of substances that are not absorbed in the intestine,
�”Pull” the water from the body, which leads to dehydration
An overdose of fat-soluble vitamins has similar
clinical symptoms. At the same time, each of them has hypervitaminosis.
also causes specific manifestations.
Acute hypervitaminosis occurs when taking a single vitamin
in a huge dose, many times higher than normal. Chronic
hypervitaminosis develops with prolonged, for 4 – 6
months, taking high doses of the drug.
Vitaminы – антиоксиданты при climax: польза и вред
For antioxidants, vitamins for menopause is somewhat
important drugs, without which it is impossible to do in this difficult
Vitamin E (tocopherol): it prolongs the life
ovaries, lengthening their livelihoods. Tocopherol опосредованно
stimulates the synthesis of estrogen with progesterone. It also strengthens
vascular walls, makes them more elastic, protects against
thrombus formation, because it regulates cholesterol metabolism,
involved in lowering blood pressure, which with the onset
menopause in many has a tendency to increase. Being powerful
antioxidant, it prevents the destruction of cells free
radicals, helps preserve youthful skin, hair, nails.
Protects against the formation of malignant tumors.
With an overdose Е нарушается всасывание остальных
fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K), leading to their
hypovitaminosis. Immediately there is a headache, diarrhea, double vision
A higher concentration of tocopherol contains Hypotrilone. In his
The composition also has essential trace elements. The drug is effective
при начале климакса — в самый тяжёлый его period. Good removes
hot flashes, reduces the risk of tumors.
Vitamin A (retinol) – prevents the formation of tumors in
intestine, uterus, mammary glands. Slows down the aging process
moisturizes the skin, thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Per day
700 micrograms of retinol is needed for good health. Maximum
its amount is contained in cod liver oil, fatty fish,
carrots, pepper, green onions. Included in the convenient and
effective complex “AEvit”, consisting of two vitamins: A and E,
and is also an integral part of other vitamins: Dekamevit,
Undevit, Gendevit, Geksavit.
An overdose of vitamin A leads to hair loss, dryness and
peeling of the skin, headaches, insomnia. Discomfort appears in
areas of the liver, hypercholesterolemia is noted in the blood (increased
the amount of cholesterol), increases the activity of alkaline
phosphatase. Chronic deficiency causes spontaneous fractures.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C (витамин С) — это природный антиоксидант,
prevents the appearance of tumors in menopausal
period when there is the greatest risk of their occurrence. is he
strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of edema, increases
resistance to various types of infections.
An overdose of C leads to the formation of oxalate stones in
kidneys, gallbladder, especially with the existing genetic
predisposition Also impaired vision, kidney function and
pancreas. This is due to the change in permeability.
oxalic acid metabolism and metabolism, which is formed in large
quantities in the overdose of vitamin C.
An effective combination drug containing ascorbic
acid and the whole set of vitamins necessary for a woman and
trace elements, is Alphabet 50+. In his состав входит также
lutein and lycoptin, which prevent deterioration of visual acuity.
Ещё один комплекс витаминов при climax для женщин после 50 —
Vitrum Centuri: perfectly improves the general condition, contains all
necessary elements in a balanced amount.
Vitamin D (calciferol) consists of several provitamins,
наиболее значимые из них при climax: эргокальциферол (D1),
cholecalciferol (D3), which are activated in the body.
Cholecalciferol is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in
bones and cartilage, improves calcium absorption. Thereby he
prevents the rapid development of osteoporosis, which
develops in all women, without exception, after 50 years. Some
this process begins much earlier, depending on
risk factors (smoking, drinking large amounts of
coffee and tea, steroids treatment). Due to lower levels
эстрогена при climax процесс образования остеопороза ускоряется.
In itт период чаще возникают травмы и переломы костей, которые
Grow together for a long time, require a lot of effort for healing. Vitamin
acts on the state of not only bones, but also teeth.
With an overdose холекальциферола (витамина D3)
are observed:
• low-grade fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, decreased
• polyuria;
• dizziness, headaches;
• weakness, fatigue;
• severe pain in the bones and muscles.
Also numb and shaking hands, there are multiple subcutaneous
hemorrhage, blood pressure rises. During examination
high levels of calcium in the blood and urine are detected.
Long-term uncontrolled intake of vitamin D causes deposition
calcium in the walls of blood vessels of various sizes, in soft tissues, in
lungs This can be seen at X-ray examination. Observed
osteoporosis with calcium deposition around joints, calcinates in
light, soft tissues. Calcification may occur in
conjunctiva, sclera, cornea.
Balanced preparations containing vitamin D3, and
Calcium are:
• Complivit Calcium D3 forte;
• Alphabet 50+;
• Osteomag;
• Vitrum Calcium D3.
Vitaminы группы В
Some B vitamins play a huge role in
menopausal period. is heи воздействуют на нервную систему,
normalizing sleep, mood, increase efficiency.
Vitamin В1 (тиамин) нормализует работу нервной и сердечно –
vascular system.
Vitamin В6 (пиридоксин) стимулирует умственную и физическую
performance, improves immune status, warns early
aging skin combined with vitamin E eliminates
irritability and nervousness (Magne B6 forte).
Vitamin В9 и В12 (цианкобаламин) помогают избежать депрессии,
irritability, prevents the appearance of apathy.
Folic acid
Folic acid обладает эстрогеноподобным действием,
effective for reducing tides, improving overall well-being.
Accepted both as a separate drug and in combination with
other vitamins for menopause: Vitatress contains, in addition to
folic acid, all the necessary vitamins (A, D, E, C, group B,
PP), as well as a number of trace elements. Most effective at first
stages of menopause. Increases resistance to stress
positively affects all departments of the central nervous system, normalizes the work of the heart
— vascular system.
Trace elements – necessary component of health
In addition to these vitamins play an important role for women
sufficient intake of micronutrients:
1. Calcium and boron help strengthen bones and joints. Their
receiving with cholecalciferol (D3) not only contributes to prevention,
but also heals the resulting osteoporosis, warns possible
bone fractures that can often happen in such
2. Magnesium is a very important trace element: it improves sleep and
reduces irritability due to sedation.
Lignins – substances that can reduce the “tides”, eliminate
dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina.
Поэтому комплекс витаминов при climax должен состоять из
antioxidants, trace elements and lignins. The specialist will select
vitamins individually, given the characteristics of the female body in
case by case, including:
• physiological age;
• general condition of the body;
• the duration of hormonal adjustment;
• severity of symptoms.
Большинство средств, необходимых при climax — это комплексные
balanced drugs that have a positive effect on the entire body.
It is not recommended to self-medicate and uncontrollably
take even ordinary vitamin complexes because
передозировка опасна для organism. Choice, dose and duration
reception must advise the doctor. Further strictly necessary
adhere to the recommendations. Subject to these rules you can
keep well-being for years to come.