- Benefit
- Harm
- Diets and body cleansing on smoothies
- Recipes
Перекусить смузи для slimming — отличная идея. Cocktails with
dietary fiber helps us combine the benefits of several vegetables and
fruits in one dish and can also meet the need
in liquid. Smoothies help those who find it difficult to stop
to eat and good for everyone who does not like fruits and vegetables in pure
form, tired of eating salads and soups. In general, this is for someone new, but
for someone old familiar dish of healthy cuisine.
The smoothie in the diet of losing weight is not only
advantages, but also features that allow some to consider
its not a good quality power source.
Benefit смузи для slimming
Dietary sources often advise us not to drink our food.
under any circumstances. Not only correctly calculated
calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the key to the success of any
slimming activities, but also such an atypical factor as
satiety food. You can have a very proper diet and with a point
in terms of fullness and in terms of energy value, but
while constantly experiencing hunger and sooner or later face
with a breakdown.
As for drinking, it is worth noting that modern sources are more often
criticize fruit juices. They do not contain fiber and therefore
absolutely not satisfying. Fructose from juices is absorbed instantly,
quickly raises blood sugar levels and leads to active
insulin secretion. Sugar level falls again, a person experiences
hunger. Meanwhile, the caloric content of juices is quite high, considering
their low saturating effect. Smoothies are a different matter.
Преимущества смузи перед соками в планах для slimming
- smoothies make it possible to get not only fructose, vitamins, minerals
and some protein, but also fiber. It slows down
assimilation of carbohydrates from the drink and makes it less “harmful” for those
who is on a low-calorie diet; - in a smoothie, we can “mix” not only fruit and vegetables, but also cottage cheese
or protein powder for protein, add seeds or grains to
increase the amount of healthy fats in the diet. If we miss
complex carbohydrates in this meal can be added to smoothies
oatmeal, if you do not have enough satiety and just want to drink more
thick cocktail – seeds of plantain, flax, or fiber from
psillum; - Smoothies – is eating without conditions for eating. That is, we
we can prepare a cocktail in advance at home, put it in a thermos
along with ice cubes and drink when the time is right but
the ability to get containers with food, fork and knife will not. Smoothies
help to establish regular meals for millions of people engaged in
stressful jobs without interruptions for food and rest.
In addition, smoothies are very popular and we can find them almost where
whatever In any cafe where there is a fruit menu, you can buy a smoothie.
And if you ask not to add sugar and cream, you can get and
healthy snack We can also find convenient delivery smoothies for
slimming на дом, или приобрести набор такой еды-питья для
extra nutrition for the week.
«Harm» смузи
All that is mentioned above, allows us to consider the smoothie downright
the perfect food for the city dweller. Fast, tasty, helps to get
vitamins and minerals, with a special desire to save time, you can
buy and not cook — but before talking about absolute benefits
smoothies need to consider this:
- for the human digestive tract enzyme system it is extremely important to chew
food If you just drink on the go most of your daily
meals, perhaps a food ball is not processed
alpha-amylase, and carbohydrates are poorly digested. Especially it concerns
complex carbohydrates. For example, if you constantly drink only smoothies with
oatmeal, you can face digestive disorders, and
pretty fast; - for our brain it is imperative to have those meals that are
are familiar to us. Smoothies легко воспринимаются теми, кто в
In principle, he eats and eats soups, and drank and drinks juices. For a person accustomed
to solid food, the diet of the same calorie and nutritional value
one of the smoothies may be less satisfying; - the diet should not contain as the main source of carbohydrates
just simple carbohydrates. If you “drink” the right numbers with juices and
smoothies, but do not eat porridge, it can lead to less saturability,
a stronger feeling of hunger and possible breakdowns.
The conclusion is obvious – you can not eat only smoothies and protein
cocktails, you should create yourself a balanced diet,
which a maximum of a couple of meals will be liquid.
Diets and body cleansing on smoothies для slimming
The most ambiguous thing you can do with this dish –
eat only him for a couple of weeks. However, diet and cleansing on
Smoothies are quite widespread. Cause
is the abundance of commercial cleansing diets of this format
and a large number of different deliveries of cleansing smoothies,
who sell the menu for the week.
Прежде чем выбрать для себя такой вариант slimming, нелишним
will be:
- calculate daily calories and BZHU ration of smoothies and
stick to a diet only if the numbers are no less
caloric metabolism; - don’t forget that some of the result will come from
due to the laxative and diuretic effect of such cocktails, and with
a return to solid food, a couple pounds of weight can gain over
couple of days, without any additional “effort” with your
parties; - take into account the need to exit the diet with a smoothie. If dramatically
start eating fatty foods and junk food may occur
problems with the digestive system. If, on the contrary, sharply
to hit vegetarianism and abandon animal protein, there is
there will be an imbalance of macronutrients and there will be a threat to the immune
system. And if you eat with a significant understatement of calories, you can
call in his early plateau.
Well, of course, you should not seriously take the information from
popular sources about magic fat burning smoothies that
able to deprive you of all body fat at once. Of course there is
vegetables and fruits means to satisfy the need for vitamins,
minerals and fiber, but if the whole diet contains too much
a lot of calories and does not allow you to create a shortage of energy, to lose weight is not
succeed even with cocktails.
We offer to get acquainted with the most popular recipes. When and
how to drink them?
Smoothies из сельдерея
Celery Smoothie Recipes Mass:
- chop stem celery together with mint, 1
lemon, a handful of any nuts or chia seeds, and 200 g
strawberries; - do without berries – just a bunch of celery, lemon mint and
lemon; - chop a bunch of celery with 1-2 green apples and a cup
ice cubes, serve with greens and mint, you can add dining
a spoonful of flaxseeds or plantain for density; - mix celery, bunch of spinach, 2-3 green apples in
cocktail, season with grated ginger root and lemon juice,
chop together with a cup of ice cubes.
Celery contains essential oils, vitamins and fiber. He himself
on its own is rather watery, but sometimes for consistency in
such smoothies need to add some ice or clear water.
Smoothies из сельдерея могут обладать сильным слабительным и
diuretic effect, and they are not very satisfying, because they must
not used as a meal replacement, but as one of the options
light “summer” low-calorie snack.
Smoothies из огурцов для slimming
The cucumber smoothie recipe is versatile and simple.
- You need to take 2-3 large fresh cucumbers and peel,
add basil, tomatoes, greens, which like and shake
blender. It is often advised to mix cucumbers and fresh strawberries with
mint in a ratio of 1 to 1, but you need to understand that the taste will turn out
pretty exotic and fond of.
Cucumber smoothies are also very refreshing, and help quench your thirst.
Mixed with cucumber, tomato, herbs and basil reminds many
soup and can serve as an excellent additive to any low-calorie
dinners. In fact, a cucumber smoothie is also a light snack to a hot one.
day since it does not contain protein.
- Some resources about weight loss and health are recommended to beat
cucumbers with kefir, celery and ginger. This kind of smoothie contains
about a glass of kefir, 1 cucumber and a quarter bunch of celery on
portion, it is a little more satisfying than the standard. - option without adding dairy products. But you need to understand
that the combination of kefir with green vegetables can have a strong
laxative effect.
Smoothies со шпинатом для slimming
But spinach is often added in a mixture with fruit:
- Popular Smoothies Recipe – Greek Yogurt Cup, Bunch
spinach, 1 banana and a glass of blueberries, blueberries, shadberries, or other bright
colored berries to increase the amount of antioxidants in
drink; - there is a vegetable version – a couple of tomatoes, some dill,
cucumber, a bunch of fresh spinach, basil and a drop of sea salt
to desire.
Spinach is a source of folic acid; smoothies with it are often
are advised to drink planning pregnancy, as well as anyone who
experiencing powerful physical overload, athletic or any
other character.
Smoothies с морковью
Making a carrot smoothie requires a very powerful blender and
Some natural yoghurt:
- 200-300 g of young carrots are usually mixed with yogurt or
kefir and add flax seeds or crushed nuts; - You can take the same number of carrots, mix them with
a cup of coconut or rice milk and add a little coconut
If there is no powerful blender, you can pre-carrot
grate on a medium grater, or just squeeze carrot juice and
add it to smoothies with fiber vegetables and fruits.
Smoothies с овсянкой
You can add a tablespoon to any fruit and vegetable smoothies.
steamed in the evening with boiling water oatmeal. But there are only
�Oatmeal Recipes:
- take 2-3 sweet red apples, cinnamon stick, a teaspoon
honey flower, and a tablespoon of rolled oatmeal, add
cup of almond milk and grind at high speed
blender; - take the same ingredients but add 150 grams of greek
yogurt; - add a cup of blueberry instead of apples, and 1 banana instead of honey
or a handful of dates soaked in the evening. Mix with coconut or
almond milk and a tablespoon of oatmeal; - soak overnight 50 grams of oatmeal type “Hercules” in 150 ml
almond, coconut, rice or plain skim
milk, add stingy vanilla protein powder and a handful
cashew nuts, as well as some edible ice and chop
Fruit Smoothies
Fruit Smoothies готовятся по одной схеме:
- take 200 g of strawberries, kiwi, apples or pears and mix with
sweetener, a cup of natural yogurt and a spoon of flaxseeds.
Those who do not restrict carbohydrate intake can
instead of sweetener add natural honey, agave syrup and so
Further; - or mix all the same with any “vegetable milk” –
almond, for example, or rice and add suitable
Smoothies с кефиром для slimming
Almost any recipe for smoothies with yogurt can be made with kefir.
There are typical recipes with this fermented milk drink:
- take 200 g of any available berries, add 200 ml of kefir, 1
a banana and some flax seed or plantain. Those who want
more sweets, suitable recipes with sugar-based substitutes
stevia in addition to the banana.
В принципе, в смузи для slimming можно добавить и другие
useful and tasty ingredients – poppy seeds as
antioxidants and fiber sources, natural ground cocoa
как заменитель шоколада, кэроб как sweetener.
There may be a lot of options, but only one thing is common – control
your diet and carefully fit healthy foods into it.
Article prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)