Variants of the rice diet for weight loss


  • The benefits of rice without salt
  • Harm of rice diets
  • Rice diet for 3 days
  • Rice diet for 7 days
  • Rice water diet

It is believed that the rice diet for weight loss is useful. Arguments
different from the cheapness of the main product, to the possibility
completely wash the starch out of it by soaking it. Main
the argument is speed of action. It is believed that per day on unsalted
rice without additives the most ordinary person can lose up to 3 kg
overweight. Although the body can normally stay around
so much water if we abuse salt and preservatives in everyday life.
This is not a hint, but a direct statement of the fact why rice diets are
so effective.



The origin and mechanism of action of the rice diet

Rice diet – almost the “oldest” way to lose weight. She is
was mentioned in various booklets and calendars for women, published
in the 80s. Then there was one diet option – you had to chew a glass
rice, soaked and washed for 6-7 days. By the way, you can
track how a person’s mentality changes in the grocery era
abundance. Then it didn’t seem like horror, eating one
product for a not very rich family was considered one of the options

�”They” rice diet is not mentioned so often. White rice like
the nutritional component is not in great honor in the USA and Europe. It’s all about
that the vast majority of housewives do not use rice, but
its already welded semi-finished analogue. He with salt, spices,
retains water and is not proud of the diet. Western diets are active
promote brown rice. Say, this option
and health is healthier, and it will be good to help burn fat.

Any diet on white rice works by:

  1. sharp exclusion of salt from the diet. Sodium chlorine, in fact,
    we are not the absolute enemy. It is found in normal food and should
    participate in the regulation of water-salt metabolism. Frankly speaking,
    �”Fusion” look, almost completely without the “water” under the skin, to which
    many girls strive – not the healthiest state. Some
    the amount of fluid protects our joints and ligaments from injury,
    helps to normalize blood pressure and allows the skin
    stay younger. So excluding salt is a bad idea.
    Bad, also, for the heart muscle. Fanaticism here can cause
    tachycardia. But the rice diet requires the complete elimination of salt.
    In this way, you can achieve “drain” about 3 liters of water per day,
    especially if combined with any diuretic: from lemon to
    night, until green tea with fennel;
  2. drastically limited caloric intake. Well known fact
    – most people consume about 3000-3500 kcal per day,
    and this is not about some atrocious portions of food and daily
    pizza This is the most common routine – a couple of sandwiches in the morning, lunch at
    in the afternoon, some homemade dish with fried potatoes or
    meat in the evening. Well, and desserts, where without him. Glass of rice
    contains at best 700 kcal, and then, if you are substandard of it
    soaked and poured with a slide. A huge deficit, the body spends
    fat reserves, but not too fast, are a consequence, again
    same, huge problems with metabolism in the future. Metabolism
    adapts to any tough protocol that you want
    In order to quickly lose weight. And do not forgive you like
    �”Bullying”. A couple of weeks of rice, or buckwheat, or some
    pleases diets, and your body will no longer respond to
    �”Irritants” in the form of the usual reduction of calories to normal
    amount, for example 200-300 per day;
  3. reduce the amount of food. We used to not pay for such things.
    attention, but most of the “overweight” is the content
    intestinal and water that enters the body with food. If a
    there is something relatively small in volume that can be achieved
    significant weight loss in a short time;
  4. And yet, the rice diet requires almost complete elimination of the usual
    us drinks. Most of its protocols are a rejection of coffee during
    all kinds. How many cups of coffee do you drink? Diuretic effect
    the drink is greatly exaggerated, caffeine abuse for
    most people cause edema, especially if caffeine
    comes with sugar and cream, not just “in the natural
    its kind. “


Portability rice diets

Many people write that it is easy to withstand the rice diet, since
she assumes no temptations. You chew your unsalted rice,
life passes by. Others write that the diet is simply intolerable and
its only advantage is that after a couple of days
I don’t want anything like this food – neither rice, nor eat, nor live in
principle. According to the criteria for tolerability diets established by ADA, this
The method of losing weight is considered as not very profitable:

  • the diet does not contain all the necessary amount of proteins
    fats and carbohydrates for an adult. Purely physiologically she
    should be felt very hungry and in quality
    provoke breakdowns. This is a normal biological defense mechanism.
    organism, and overcome it by will power, drinking some teas for
    beating appetite or glasses of water before a meal does not work;
  • a diet is not diverse, one of the main requirements for
    portability for dieting is broken. Diversity
    nutrition – a natural state for a person, it is perceived
    us as comfortable. Artificial exclusion of the ability to choose
    will help someone to eat less, and someone will dwell on food
    finally. What kind of psychological features – yours?
    The answer to this question will help you to find out if rice is right for you or not.
    will do;
  • diet is unhealthy because of its unbalanced and
    poor micro and macronutrients, as well as character vitamins. Here
    the “argument” is usually given that the Chinese people are fed by one
    unsalted rice for years, and nothing out, communism is building with
    commercially oriented person. But in fact, such a diet
    causes early tooth loss, thyroid disease,
    disorders of the excretory system (constipation), hormonal
    disorders, and the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome.

Among other things, the same ADA in the guidelines recommendation for
nutritionists indicates that monodiets are a proven way
provocation in humans of anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating
and other disorders. Especially it is necessary to avoid such nutrition by
who by their nature are prone to eating disorders,
has inadequate ideas about his own body and loses weight
over the years, or all my life.

In any case, in medical nutrition and nutritiology
monodiet on rice is used in one single case – severe
food poisoning, the first day after washing the gastrointestinal tract, and
combined with body support with electrolytes and amino acids, and
also vitamins and minerals through dropper. Of course,
does not correspond to losing weight.

Diet on rice for 3 days

This diet is sometimes called the “geisha diet,” but it is not for certain
it is known whether it is related to Japanese culture or not. Rather
All in all, the name is simply given for beauty. And to sweeten
hard fate losing weight. A glass of rice is usually taken on a day;
washed in 3-4 waters the evening before. The goal is to
drained liquid became completely transparent. When is that
achieved, it is necessary to pour water over the grain and leave it at night.
In the morning again 3-4 “washing”, laying out in a saucepan and cooking.

How much water to pour in rice for weight loss? Big and philosophical
question. Some sources claim that porridge should be
unpleasantly liquid, others – can be dry. Usually the amount of water
regulate independently depending on one criterion.
Obviously, the more water there is in the rice porridge, the larger the finished
dish. Those who are accustomed to eat a lot may need the recipe: 4
glasses of water and 1 cup of cereals.

On a three-day rice diet, salting porridge is also impossible, as on
all others. Some sources recommend adding to water
for cooking lemon juice. Others – pour it directly into the porridge. Third –
Sprinkle with dill. Fourth – use “spiced salt.”
The latter should be strictly without the addition of ordinary salt, only
crushed shells of sea animals and spices. In general, recipes
The main dish refining may be several.

Some sources also recommend drinking half a liter
skim kefir, to heal the bowels.

How much can you lose weight on such a diet? Usually 2-3 pounds
leaves due to the “drain” of water. These are normal numbers for a person with
30% and higher fat mass. If a похудение никак не идет, и вы
drop about a pound, perhaps, just overweight is not very
a lot, or swelling – it’s not about you.

How much will leave due to fat? You can calculate only approximately. For
elimination of 500 g of body fat we need to spend about
3500 kcal. Consequently, the deficit per day should be approximately
so And this can not be achieved without fitness. And they like
it’s hard to do once, eating one white rice. So all this
Looks like a myth, most likely in 3 days it will take about 100-200 g
fat Do not forget that on protein-free diets
leaves mainly muscle mass.

Diet: 7 days of rice and minus 10 kg!

Rice diet for 7 days напоминает ее же на 3 дня. Just for
washing out the starch from the grits coined the following protocol:

  • you take 7 jars, ordinary, glass, three-liter;
  • you pour a glass of rice into each of them and fill it with 3 glasses
  • wait 2 days, not forgetting to wash and pour in every 6 hours
    rice cold water in a given volume;
  • then take the rice from the first jar and cook it without salt. Itself
    put the bank “at the end of the line”, filling it with new white rice,
    one glass;
  • then comes the second, with moving to the end of the queue. Then – all
    the rest, but without moving, as you eat this miracle
    just a week.

Sensible people have already wondered how rice is there
this diet with a loss of shelf life. Of course, rice can
to ferment. Sources on the subject of this silent, some write – that
all of these are only beneficial prebiotic bacteria. Technically cooking
kills both beneficial and useless bacteria so what diarrhea fear
not worth it. But also rely on delicious white rice, too, usually
the finished dish resembles a sticky white mass.

They say that a week of suffering and self-denial can be thrown up to 10
kg True, to try or not, it is good to think. This is the most
�”Provoking overeating afterwards” version of the diet, and it can not
be considered healthy by any criteria.

Rice broth diet

Rice broth diet изначально придумана совсем не для
losing weight She is служит для успокоения слизистой ЖКТ человека,
who got severe food poisoning. Broth contains
some carbohydrates, but it is valued for something else entirely –
mucous texture envelops and discomfort after poisoning
leaves. As usual, traditional medicine ascribes rice broth
a bunch of useful properties that often have nothing to do with
by reality.

In theory, rice water burns fat and “removes appetite.” On
practice – just well fills the stomach.

Rice diet options with a decoction of two:

  1. you cook half a cup of rice for 4 liters of water and eat only that,
    no other foods and dishes in the diet anymore;
  2. you cook the broth according to the previous recipe, but replace it with dinner,
    or any other meal, the rest of the decoction you drink
    glass before each meal, and it’s not necessary to count the calories and
    measure portions, supposedly the natural regulation of appetite will make
    you all work.

Does the diet work with rice water? On the one hand, yes, and she
can help people lose weight, who then will not overeat
ending the diet. On the other hand, it is better to do without such protocols in
the strength of the fact that it greatly depletes the body’s adaptation resources
and can cause a person to breakdowns, diseases and other
unpleasant consequences.

Allowable “maximum” rice diet for weight loss

Most people ignore the simple fact that the rice diet
no better than any other mono or unbalanced circuit
power supply. If a вы придерживаетесь таких рационов, стоит помнить, что
once every three months you should stick with no more than one
diets. This is a safe “medical” minimum that will allow
avoid muscular dystrophy, problems with overeating at the exit from
diet and collapse of the immune system. Eat before and after the rice diet
It must be diverse, and, if possible, fully. Categorically not
A rice diet is suitable for everyone who performs at least some physical
load, for weight loss or not.

In general, like any other diet, rice should not overload
an organism. If a для вас это условие выполняется, можете рассмотреть
данный вариант diets.

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