Useful recipes with cinnamon for weight loss

  • 1 How to use cinnamon for weight loss?
    • 1.1 Cinnamon with honey
    • 1.2 Kefir with ginger and cinnamon
    • 1.3 Tea Recipe
    • 1.4 Kefir, Cinnamon, Ginger and Red Pepper Cocktail
    • 1.5 In combination with plain water.
    • 1.6 Apple with cinnamon for weight loss
  • 2 How much can you lose weight?
  • 3 What are the contraindications?

For lovers of oriental spices and exotic non-standard
products, the process of losing weight can be pleasant and effective.
Get rid of those extra pounds will help such products
как корица, имбирь, мед и
. Slimming Spices
should be taken moderately and without fanaticism.

How to cook an oriental mixture for weight loss, and
how many days the course of cleansing the body lasts, consider next.


How to use cinnamon for weight loss?

Recently, cinnamon is considered an effective product
helping in the fight against excess weight. Its main advantage is
acceleration of metabolism and the breakdown of accumulated fat

Кроме того, цейлонская специя подавляет чувство
и улучшает обменные процессы всего organism.

For effective weight loss it is important not only to prepare
quality spicy elixir, but also know how to combine
spice with other ingredients.

Прекрасным дополнением к специи станут имбирь, мед и
красный перец

For effective weight loss it is important to know how to use these

  • A popular method of using cinnamon is to use
    its in powder form. The basis is boiled water, ginger tea,
    coffee and even kefir.
  • It is appropriate to use spices in the form of sticks. AT
    at home you can make ginger tea with
    honey, red pepper and lemon. Dip cinnamon stick or pour
    its like a spice until completely dissolved.

Cinnamon with honey

Наиболее популярными продуктами для похудения являются
корица и мед
. Combination of these two ingredients
promotes the accelerated metabolism and active fight against
accumulated kilograms.

Cinnamon for weight loss, combined with honey, removes excess
fluid from the body, speeds up metabolism and improves performance
digestive system.

In order for both ingredients to be beneficial for losing weight,
необходимо к двум продуктам добавить красный перец, яблоко,
имбирь и lemon.

To prepare

  • ATзять 1 ч. л. spices and add it to tea with ginger and honey.
    This drink can be taken with a pinch of red and
    black ground pepper.

How many days to drink cinnamon with honey for
losing weight?

Состав помогает организму выводить шлаки и токсины,
accelerate metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system.
Пить пряный состав из цейлонской специи и меда
нужно не чаще одного раза в два дня.

Nutritionists advise to drink up to eight weeks without interruption.
Take an aromatic drink must be on an empty stomach, before breakfast.
The recipe must be prepared a few minutes before use.

Kefir with ginger and cinnamon

A great way to quickly lose weight and get rid of
накопившегося жира, является кефирно-имбирный

Kefir with ginger and cinnamon для похудения необходимо
cook according to the following recipe:

  1. 150 grams of kefir.
  2. Cinnamon spice: stick or in powder form, 1 tea
  3. 1 teaspoon grated ginger.
  4. A pinch of red pepper is on the tip of the knife.

Mix the dry mixture in kefir and mix thoroughly.
Принимать коктейль перед завтраком или после
food. Use once a day.

Главное свойство такого полезного напитка — ускорение
metabolic processes and a blunting of hunger.

Tea recipe

Another tool in the fight against overweight is
употребление имбирно-коричного чая.

Чай с имбирем и корицей для похудения готовится по
такому рецепту
(заваривать его можно либо в кружке, либо в

  • Cut a few slices of ginger root and take a stick
    cinnamon Put in any vessel (thermos, mug). ATсе это заливаем
    hot water (90 degrees) and insist 20 minutes. Before
    by use it is recommended to put a spoon in the resulting tea

Пить такой напиток рекомендовано 2-3 раза в день после food.

Полезными рецептами для похудения также

Kefir mix with ginger

  • In order to prepare it, you need to add in a glass of kefir
    half a teaspoon of grated ginger. Drink a useful mixture you need
    on an empty stomach

Ginger Cocktail

  • You need to make a drink considering six tablespoons of grated ginger,
    which is poured boiling water and insist. AT имбирный коктейль для
    flavor enhancement can add lemon juice, honey, mint, black ground
    pepper. You can drink a drink with ginger before each meal.

Honey cinnamon tincture

  • The duration of its preparation – the day. Secret recipe in
    insisting honey-cinnamon duet. After drink
    infused, it is recommended to use it as a weight loss three
    once a day for two weeks.

The listed recipes have long managed to recommend themselves among
losing weight Proven by time, they are easy to prepare and
effective in the fight against excess weight.

Cocktail from kefir, cinnamon, ginger and red pepper

Red pepper helps reduce appetite, and kefir affects
on the quality of the digestive tract. Ginger strengthens the immune system,
Ceylon spice stabilizes blood sugar levels. Combination
These ingredients in the complex are powerful and
effective mixture not only for weight loss, but also for the health of all
organism as a whole.

Recipe for kefir with cinnamon, ginger and red
для похудения выглядит следующим образом:

  1. It is necessary to take 1 cup of kefir.
  2. ATысыпать в него щепотку перца, половину ч.л. ginger and 2/3 tsp.
    cinnamon spice.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly and drink immediately afterwards.

The drink allows you to improve the protective functions of the body, accelerate
metabolic processes and actively fight the accumulated fat.

AT сочетании с простой водой

ATода для похудения с корицей способствует снижению накопившегося
fat Despite the scarcity of the recipe, such an easy way to deal with
extra pounds brings its results.

It is very convenient to take a slimming drink before breakfast.
Для его приготовления необходимо
Dissolve 0.5 teaspoons of spices in a glass of boiled water.

Пить напиток нужно за 30 минут один раз в

Apple with cinnamon for weight loss

The process of losing weight suggests the absence of a diet (sweets,
fatty, smoked and flour products). For a sweet tooth wonderful
the way to “sweeten” your daily menu will be to use
recipe based on cinnamon spice and apples.


  1. Peel the apple and cut the core.
  2. ATнутрь фрукта положить ложку меда и присыпать коричной
    spice (or put cinnamon spice in the form of sticks).
  3. Bake in the oven for about half an hour at 200 degrees
    (can be in the form for baking, and you can use foil).

Such a dessert will not only be able to exist in the diet for a long time.
time, it will give the body the necessary charge of vitamins, improve
metabolic processes and cleanse the digestive organs from toxins and

How much can you lose weight?

Cinnamon is an effective weight reduction product. With his
long-term use, you can quickly lose weight and
speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Subject to the diet, use healthy foods
and maintain an active lifestyle (sports, dancing, etc.), adding
cinnamon in the diet, you can easily reduce the size of the waist by a few

Losing weight they write that if you train yourself to daily
to use seasoning, it takes 3-4 kilograms irrevocably when
provided that the diet remained the same. If lead in
normal diet and bring it to the right
balanced, in combination with cinnamon can lose up to 10 kg
very easy and fast.

What can be contraindications?

Despite the huge list of useful components that
contains cinnamon, some people are contraindicated

Do not use the product when:

  1. Pregnancy – can provoke uterine contraction and how
    consequence of preterm labor.
  2. Breastfeeding – the taste is transmitted to breast milk, therefore
    the baby may refuse the breast.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. Low blood clotting – spice thins blood.
  5. Gastrointestinal Diseases – Increases
  6. With a strong temperature – degrades the general condition
  7. Individual intolerance – an allergic reaction may
    provoke severe edema and a threat to health.

ATажно: употребление продукта должно быть
dosed. You must respect the proportion indicated in the recipe.
No amateur! Someone thinks that the greater the dosage,
the more noticeable will be the result, but in large quantities this
spice can only harm in the form of a breakdown, depressive
condition and severe headache.

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