Useful and harmful treats for dogs andcats

Useful and harmful treats for dogs and cats

Every loving owner always wants to pamper
pet yummy. Someone is buying extremely expensive.
specialty sweets, others are happy to share sweets and
sausages from the table. Opinions vary, but what


What can not be treated pet

Treats are supplements to the diet. Besides that
Goodies bring joy to dogs and cats, when properly fed
They are also very helpful.

During training is a great incentive and
reward for success, in stressful situations, a favorite delicacy
helps cheer up and relax your pet.

Also branded products contain vitamins and other beneficial
substances, like many natural goodies.

However, foolish feeding delicacies can harm
health of the four-legged friend. Many dogs and cats love
chocolates, sweets, pastry baked as well as fried, smoked
meat dishes.

Such a diet is harmful, and with regular eating is quite dangerous
for pet’s health. So as not to risk the well-being of the pet,
must be completely excluded from the diet of certain

Dogs and cats should not be given:

  • сладости (нарушают обмен веществ, провоцируют
    diseases of the digestive system, problems with teeth);
  • жареные и копченые блюда (пагубно влияют на
    the work of the liver, provoke gastritis, pancreatitis and other diseases
    digestive organs);
  • приправленные, соленые лакомства (нарушают
    metabolism, provoke fluid retention in the body, often
    can cause gastritis);
  • шоколад (пагубно влияет на работу кровеносной
    system and also causes intestinal problems);
  • виноград, смородину (могут вызывать вздутие,
    colic, and also cause poisoning);
  • цитрусовые (могут вызывать аллергии; собаки и
    cats, as a rule, do not like them themselves, however some eat with
  • бобовые (провоцируют процессы брожения в
    intestine, hence – bloating, flatulence, pain);
  • выпечку (нарушает обмен веществ, вызывает
    bloating, flatulence and other digestive problems; yeast
    dough can cause poisoning);
  • любые кости (часто становятся причиной
    obstruction of the esophagus or intestines, injure the digestive organs,
    clog the stomach);

Be sure to remember if the owner gives
pet dry or canned branded feed, by no means
In the case of cats, it is impossible to feed the dogs, and dogs, respectively,
cat food.

Even a small portion of dry food in the form of treats sometimes
enough to provoke at least discomfort
pet And with regular similar violations of the diet with time
numerous diseases arise that are not always susceptible

The fact is that cats and dogs belong to different families
animals and, although they have a very similar structure of the organism,
significantly differ in the needs of consumed substances.

The composition of the feed is chosen specifically with regard to species

Therefore, products for cats and dogs are produced separately. One
in a word, that a dog is helpful can be harmful to a cat and vice versa.

С осторожностью нужно относиться к молоку и молочным
. These are useful products, but not everyone can
learn them. Diarrhea, bloating and

If a pet feels like goodies and well-behaved
feels – let him eat for health, the main thing is not to overdo it. If a
milk is not digested as it should, it must be fully
eliminate from the diet.

For older pets almost always have to remove from
the list of products milk, as over time the body ceases
produce an enzyme that is involved in its processing.

What is useful to treat pet

To please the dog or cat, can be purchased at the pet store
or veterinary pharmacy any suitable breed, age and size
four-legged friend of treats. You can find even authorized to
Dogs can use chocolate, which does not contain sugar and caffeine.
The range includes both fast-eaten and long-playing.

Лакомства, что съедаются сразу – печенье, дропсы,
и т.п. well suited to encourage on
trainings and walks.

Угощения, которые долго разжевываются – палочки,
пластинки, сухожильные косточки,
специально подготовленные
beef ears, etc. will come by the way if your pet needs something
to occupy. Moreover, such delicacies help to clean the teeth, which
keeps health and removes unpleasant smell from the mouth.

And, of course, any goodies are a manifestation
love and care of the owner.

In addition to branded products, you can treat your pet to others.
pleasant and healthy products:

  • meat cubes, plates (beef, poultry are well suited for
    making this delicacy; give raw or cooked);
  • rye or meat cookies (can be combined);
  • cheese cubes, chopsticks;
  • fresh carrots;
  • pumpkin;
  • cartilage (raw, boiled or dried in the oven);
  • fruit – apples, pears (in moderation);
  • fermented milk products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

In the manufacture of delicacies important take into account the size of servings. is he
must fit the size of the dog or cat – the pet must
be comfortable eating treats, there should be no threat to him

Also plays an important role moderation. Cannot be fed
favorite even the most useful goodies.

First, excessive consumption of vitamins, trace elements,
macronutrients and other beneficial substances leads to
hypervitaminosis and imbalance contained in the body of nutrients
substances that affect the health of cats and dogs.

Secondly, excessive encouragement adversely affects behavior.
four-legged friend. Darling can either get used to use
the most tasty and in the future to refuse any other food,
or he may just get bored of monotony.

Training with the wrong reward system will not be
give the desired results.

It should be remembered that delicacies are an important addition to the diet.
food cats and dogs.

Properly selected treats are useful for
physical and mental health of pets, whereas
incorrect use of some products can greatly
harm the pet. You need to be attentive to the diet, take care and
bring up your pets.

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