Ultrasonic Cavitation – the way to get rid ofcellulite?

chto-takoe-ultrazvukovaya-kavitatsiyaOne of the most
effective and affordable technologies in the fight against cellulite and
Local fat deposits is cavitation.

This procedure is commonly used with advanced schemes.
treatment and is considered the best wave fat treatment
sediments in modern cosmetology.

Cavitation technology is not a dream therapy, but if you want
get rid of cellulite in a non-surgical manner, reduce
the amount of body fat then this is one of the best unique
techniques that are possible today in the application in solving skin problems.
There is no better approach today!

In addition, high-tech treatment with cavitation is more common.
combined with powerful RF lifting and vacuum massage
(pressure therapy) to ensure that customers get the best
comprehensive treatment for getting rid of cellulite available


What is cavitation for the body? Who is it for?

Ultrasonic cavitation has a destructive effect on local,
deep fat tissue with subsequent transport
decomposition products through lymphatic and urinary

It is also effective in the fight for the reduction of cellulite inherent
most women over 20, regardless of its thickness. In that
RF radiofrequency lifting and pressotherapy
(vacuum massage of the whole body or separate sections).

Advantages of ultrasonic cavitation:

  • The reduction in tissue volume due to the destruction of fat
  • Forming volumes and body contours;
  • Improving skin turgor, tightening and leveling it;
  • Reducing cellulite.

Recommendations before and after the procedure

To ensure the best results of treatment, beauticians can
If you follow their pre- and postoperative advice:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water before the procedure, and
    then another 2 liters after your treatment on the day of the session
    (soft drinks, soda, juice or tea is not water!);
  • You should not eat 2 hours before the procedure and an hour after
  • Prohibited any alcohol or caffeine on the day of the performance of bonds
    кавитации и 48 часов после her;
  • Use a dry skin massage with a brush daily to
    stimulate lymphatic drainage (your doctor will show you how to
  • Do not use a hot shower for swimming (you can only warm)
    sauna or spa treatments after treatment;
  • Diet for better results: exceptionally low fat
    low starch foods, drinks only
    savory. Daily exercise for 20 minutes to stimulate
    lymphatic drainage.


Ultrasound Cavitation Questions and Answers

1. Is ultrasound cavitation safe?

Ed: Yes, it is a safe, innovative technique that guarantees
no side effects. Does not require anesthesia, does not leave
stretch marks and scars eliminates the need for restorative
treatment during the rehabilitation period. In addition, the ultrasound was
designed for subcutaneous adipose tissue only, it does not affect
connective tissue, nerve fibers and blood vessels.

2. Is the procedure painful?

Ed: No The procedure itself is painless. You can feel the lung
tingling and quiet buzz. Sometimes it feels warm, but
without pain. Slight redness, if it occurs, then quickly

3. Сколько длится procedure?

Ed: Depending on the size of the treated body area, on
40 minutes to an hour. 4. How ultrasonic cavitation affects

Ed: Low Frequency Ultrasonic Waves (40 kHz) Ideal
break the “orange peel”, focusing on the surface
adipose tissue. In conjunction with the RF-lifting can be achieved
maximum result – smooth and taut skin.

5. What is the instant result? And when he reaches

Ed: Ultrasonic waves make it possible to get good
result after the first procedure. Individual customers notice
a decrease in volumes from 1 to 5 cm. But the maximum effect occurs
after the second or third treatment session.

6. What are the long-term results of ultrasonic cavitation?

Red: In a few weeks, you may notice a decrease in volumes to
10 cm., Skin tightening and wrinkle removal. Individual result
depends on the structure of adipose tissue, the treated area of ​​the body,
age, metabolic rate, health and hormonal
patient background.

7. Is it possible to lose weight with ultrasound cavitation?

Ed: This method of exposure to subcutaneous adipose tissue, she,
rather, it models the volumes and contours of the body, helps to eliminate
cellulite in hard to reach places, destroys dense fatty tissue.
Losing your weight is better with diets and regular exercise.

8. Cavitation: any contraindications?

Ed: If a patient has diagnoses and

  • Renal or hepatic impairment;
  • Heart disease (including the presence of a pacemaker);
  • Uterine fibroids and other neoplasms;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Vascular diseases, including the propensity to
  • Pregnancy and lactation, then even such a safe
    procedure like ultrasonic cavitation to such people is prohibited.

Ultrasonic cavitation: reviews and opinions

Natalia, 30 years old. I got to the procedure by chance, I wanted
Treat yourself to a birthday. Passed cavitation and wrapping
in a blanket (pressure therapy). I spent in the cabin in general about two
hours (along with the preparation and shower after the vacuum massage).
Almost no sensations, after 10-15 minutes in the area where they attached
nozzles, warmth appeared.

What is the result? Visually, the skin on legs tightened, prettier,
but I don’t see the need to go through the full course for myself. Can
recommend exclusively as an experiment.

Olga, 26 years old. And I liked the procedure! I’m on vacation soon
need to look your best! Drank water with lemon on the advice
the doctor, warmed to the very bones, almost fell asleep. Nicely! Did
on 2 zones: “ears” and legs.

The next day, fluttered in last year’s jeans, here
joy something! The bumps on the skin are gone, it has become smooth. Still need
find a good master and a salon suitable, if you decide. To me
lucky! Now I will go, and my husband also wanted, together more fun!
The stomach will clean …

Evgenia, 28 years old. Fat surplus, I have not acquired, but there is no
limit to perfection! The candy in the mirror always lacks the ideal:
here to remove, and here to tighten … In general, I decided to try
innovative cavitation. Intrigued by the promise of a beautician that
after the first procedure, the volume will decrease by 2-5 cm! Decided
purchase procedures 5. A liter of clean water I drank honestly before
session. It was painless, but at first the sound was annoying. Then
got used to

I did not wait for a stunning result, but the first
centimeter with the volume gone. Between sessions is often prescribed
lymphatic drainage. I also decided to sign up for myself so that the result would be
it is better. After so many procedures, I think my reflection in the mirror
like it!

Marina, 25 years old. I purchased a whole program from ultrasound cavitation – 5
procedures, miostimulyation – 5 procedures and LPG-massage – 10 procedures.
The doctor advised to start with cavitation, to break the fat, and then
Massage it out with the liquid.

I stripped down to my underwear, blue ribbons, that
on velcro, pasted over the skin in problem areas and became under these
ribbons to put cold metal plate-boxes. When
got them at the end of the procedure, they were warm as the temperature
body, and wet. There were no other sensations.

Sorry to have thrown money to the wind. Better b LPG massage
took more, it is much more pleasant, or a subscription to the pool. Effect
there is, but now decide on which procedure of the complex treatment
He appeared, I can not say.

Maria, 27 years old. Long solved, read reviews. And then overcame
my fear of the new and gone. After the first procedure – without the shock
result, after the second – 4 cm, after the third – 3 cm. For three
The procedure was lost 7 extra centimeters! But decided bye

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